A shout out to my peeps..

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Keepin' it real yo
15+ Year Member
Nov 28, 2005
Reaction score
SDN friends - can I ask your help with one small favor? I generally roll my eyes when people email me with requests like this, but if you could take one minute and check this out and vote for me, it would mean a lot:


Many thanks,

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I forgot to mention that I'm in the top 11 Americans in the contest and if I get the most votes in the next 24 hours I have a really good shot at winning. This really is one of my biggest dreams and I know it's lame to ask a bunch of people, mostly strangers to do something like this. But I can really win, so please help me out!!
I forgot to mention that I'm in the top 11 Americans in the contest and if I get the most votes in the next 24 hours I have a really good shot at winning. This really is one of my biggest dreams and I know it's lame to ask a bunch of people, mostly strangers to do something like this. But I can really win, so please help me out!!

done! good luck :)
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I forgot to mention that I'm in the top 11 Americans in the contest and if I get the most votes in the next 24 hours I have a really good shot at winning. This really is one of my biggest dreams and I know it's lame to ask a bunch of people, mostly strangers to do something like this. But I can really win, so please help me out!!

Voted, g'luck :)
Thanks guys! Life is living because we have dreams, right?
I voted for you. Good luck!

Your wife is crazy!
Hey, if you win, the race is in April, just a few months away. Will you leave your job to start training?
lol, love the pic Neuronix.

Thanks everyone for your vote! I think I can actually win this thing so your vote really counts.
You guys rock! I was #11 in the country when I posted this and you guys took me all the way to #3 - nice!! THANKS EVERYONE!!!

If you know anyone else who would waste a precious mortal minute on Facebook voting for me, spread the word so I can make it to #1
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I'm ranked #1 now - woot!! Voting closes December 10 (next Monday), if I remain #1, I win the adventure of my dreams to race a dogsled team across the arctic.

Who doesn't love SDN?! I mean seriously! Thanks for helping me out guys.


Maybe you should try cross-posting in the general residency forum where there is more traffic? You'd sky-rocket ahead of the competition if a fraction of those guys voted.
This popped up in the Pre-Allo forum. I was gonna be a smartass and say "wow think about listing that as an EC,"

then I saw he was an attending lol
3rd place is definitely impressive considering it's worldwide.

Does 3rd place win anything?
If I can maintain #1 in the USA I'm actually guaranteed a spot on the team!! I'm still #3 in the world..but the #2 USA guy is closing in fast on me. Two days ago I had him by 600 votes..now it's less than 300!

Voting ends Monday, so PLEASE people, just take 1 minute if you have not and watch my video and then vote! *Note: You have to first click the blue Facebook login rectangle next to the vote button, or your vote does not register! Here is the link:


Extra credit if you post a link on your Facebook page and ask your friends to vote for me. I know I'm begging here, but c'mon, it's a dogsled race across the arctic! How cool is that??!!

Thanks everyone for your help and support!
Hit up the reddit medicine sections if you haven't already... They have a decent supply of users. Tell them how much you love reddit and ask for their support.

If you make a good presentation, perhaps you will get upvoted and stay at the top for awhile.


I'll twist a few more of my friends' arms to send in their vote.

Definitely this, reddit is a powerful force if harnessed for good.
I freaking won guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to everyone who voted. I'll be headed to the arctic in April on a dogsled.
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!
Wow! Congratulations!

Make grandma proud. Follow your dreams!

What will you be doing to train?
Basically I just have to be in good shape..so I'll certainly be hitting the gym the next few months and doing a lot of cardio. They bring us out a few days early to learn how to mush a sled - but that's all the formal training there is and then it's 350km across the arctic!
Congrats!! I'm very happy you won -- it's destined to happen. :) You should ask the "First Dude" from Alaska for some advice on how to get in tip-top shape.