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New Member
Dec 19, 2018
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Hey everyone,

I'm a fourth year student at a top public school and I'm doubting my college choice list for MD schools as the application cycle nears. I know I should be worried and ultimately I think I need to choose different schools to apply to.

I will graduate with a double major in Computer Science and Molecular Biology and these are my stats:
My GPA: 3.5 (I know, it's not great at all)
MCAT: 525 (Hopefully this will help)

- 800 hours of volunteering a pediatric cancer institute
- 500 hours shadowing doctors (in India and the U.S.)
- Started a non-profit that teaches homeless people programming and places them in jobs (successful with over 25 people placed in jobs)
- 1000 hours training / working in a medical clinic specializing in caring for the homeless
- Worked at YouTube (the company not like a channel) for six months (on original series and content pertaining to non profit projects)
- Have worked in several health app companies
- 200 hours in a lab / company specializing in neural prosthetics, helping patients (will be published soon)
- 200 hours helping patients with physiotherapy in aforementioned lab
- 300 hours teaching little kids programming (paid and unpaid for volunteering)
- Set up a Medical Hackathon at my school

I only got serious about going to medical school after the first two years of college. My transcript from the first two years is full of C's, D's and and F. These grades come from a variety of classes, including organic chemistry, general chemistry, introductory math, and general biology. I'm hoping that these grades will be offset by the fact that I've done well in upper division biology and neurobiology and have taken much harder math classes for computer science and have gotten A's.

Every single grade after my first two years is an A. No A-'s or B+'s, just A's. That's the only way I was able to get my 2.7 to the improved 3.5. This is the best I could do, no less, I worked my ass off to get the grades for the last two years, but I know it's still not good enough for the schools I had hoped to go to. I also studied incredibly hard for the MCAT and I am also hoping that shows that I have learned from my mistakes and have only improved from where I started.

If it helps, my freshman and sophomore year were riddled with personal problems like financial issues (picked up like three jobs to cover monetarily) and my grandpa attempting suicide as well as one of my best friends passing away.

With all that, what do you guys think are schools that I should be applying to? My dream schools have always been UCLA or UCSD but I don't think either of those are feasible options anymore because of my GPA. I've always wanted to go either one of those schools, you guys think that's still possible?

Thanks everyone!

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Your MCAT will indeed help you. You can apply to those schools, it just takes some time and money. Make sure to also apply to 15ish mid range schools that fit your lizzy M or are below it and that your gpa is within the bottom 10th percentile or above. All your instate schools, then 5-10 reach schools.