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jon stewart

Senior Member
15+ Year Member
Jun 17, 2005
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im just curious, do your looks play any role in your acceptance? like in the interview and all

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jon stewart said:
im just curious, do your looks play any role in your acceptance? like in the interview and all

Sadly, looks always play a role. Interviewers are human, and tend to have various preconceived notions, whether they are conscious of them or not. According to some psychology studies, good looking people are perceived by most to be more likeable, heavier people are perceived to be lazy, younger people are perceived to be more energetic, and so on. This is true not just in med school admissions, but in the business world as well. The good news is that, even if you don't have the looks, once you make it into an interview, you have surpassed a good number of (possibly better looking) applicants, so you have a chance to let your personality carry you through.
Ah yes, there was a large thread about this some time ago, and many people mentioned that they believed their looks had something to do with the successes of their interviews, and even acceptances.
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Law2Doc said:
...The good news is that, even if you don't have the looks, once you make it into an interview, you have surpassed a good number of (possibly better looking) applicants, so you have a chance to let your personality carry you through.

:laugh: :thumbup: :thumbup:
crazy_cavalier said:

What if you are a blonde woman? I'm generally considered attractive, although I feel like I've been passed over for alternate lab partners once or twice for someone more "studious" looking ...
anystream said:
What if you are a blonde woman? I'm generally considered attractive, although I feel like I've been passed over for alternate lab partners once or twice for someone more "studious" looking ...

Before everyone laughs at this post, I had an ADVISOR tell me to dye my hair before job interviews when I graduated college.
I think looks DEFINITELY play a role. Your interviewers are normal humans... they make judgements based on first impressions.

it's important to look intelligent and well-groomed. Also, wear deodorant! and not a strong perfume. make sure nails are clean and no food is in your teeth. Little stuff matters A LOT. It's just as important as having proper punctuation and grammar in your PS.
I think it is definitely harder for blonde women.

My husband jokes that the only school that accepted him straight off (no waitlist) was the one without a picture on the secondary :p. (of course he' extremely handsome so I always argue with him, even though it's a joke ;))
it plays a role. when i asked my state school what i could do to improve my application, they said "apply again and show us you are really interested, it's hard to show maturity when you look 15." they said nothing about activites, LORs or scores.
fishtacos said:
it plays a role. when i asked my state school what i could do to improve my application, they said "apply again and show us you are really interested, it's hard to show maturity when you look 15." they said nothing about activites, LORs or scores.
thats ridiculous, consort with law2doc and sue, this is america the land of litigation
fishtacos said:
it plays a role. when i asked my state school what i could do to improve my application, they said "apply again and show us you are really interested, it's hard to show maturity when you look 15." they said nothing about activites, LORs or scores.

that's mean of them to day when you're 50 and you look like you're in your 20's, then we'll see who's laughing :thumbup:
CTG said:
that's mean of them to day when you're 50 and you look like you're in your 20's, then we'll see who's laughing :thumbup:

that's what everyone says but it doesn't help when i'm trying to get into med school now. and i don't think sueing will help my chances either, but the thought did cross my mind.