Anyone on here considering UF or UMiami?

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Feb 28, 2005
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What type of MCAT scores do they require? Thanks.

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I was considering UF, but their acceptance rate for out-of-state students is pretty low. The average MCAT at UF was 9.3/section and average GPA was 3.7. I saw a site that listed the average score for each section, specifically, but I couldn't find it again.

UMiami is 9.4/section and 3.6.

Not sure how old this info is but it should still be ballpark.
Florida resident here. UF's average, at least in the latest MSAR, is 30.75 and 3.7. Miami, I believe, is 29-30 and 3.6. UF and USF give no love to out-of-staters (and thank God for that! FL already has one of the lowest averages for med school seats per capita).
I go to UF rite now for undergrad.... the chances of an out of state getting inn to Miami are higher than getting in to UF.....basically for UF, you would have to have an exceptional MCAT score and gpa to get in...
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I'll definitely be applying to UF and probably UM this summer also. I agree that you should not apply to UF, USF, or FSU if you are an out-of-stater unless you have strong ties to the state and a superior academic record. UM apparently takes about half of its students from out-of-state, so they still heavily favor FL residents even though they're private.

OP, since you're in Tallahassee now, I am guessing that you are a resident, so you should not have a problem applying to any of the FL schools. Remember that the published MCAT scores for the schools are AVERAGES, not minimum entrance requirements, so while scoring a 30 is helpful, it isn't absolutely necessary. People do regularly get in with scores in the mid to high 20s.
I am but it seems that UF only likes kids from UF. I'll apply to UM and USF. Whats the deal with FSU only taking 50something students? I'd like to know what people think about Florida med schools. I'm a resident but I went to school in north carolina so im kinda out of the loop.

Duke '05
FL is possibly the toughest state for in-state students. Its the fourth most populous state, and its expected to overtake NY by the next census. NY has 1289 med school seats at state schools--that number does not count seats at Columbia, Cornell and NYU. Florida has 417, and that is counting all the seats at Miami. Do the math.
evljanevl said:
I am but it seems that UF only likes kids from UF. I'll apply to UM and USF. Whats the deal with FSU only taking 50something students? I'd like to know what people think about Florida med schools. I'm a resident but I went to school in north carolina so im kinda out of the loop.

Duke '05

I see that you have Duke in your sig for where you go to school undergrad. If you are a state resident and did well at Duke, you will get a very high chance at UF or USF because they like Florida residents that went to top name schools.

A lot of UF students are taken by their med school. However, they take a lot of students whom are Fl. residents from better name schools like Duke too. That's what I have heard from several med students etc.
Yeh, granted that it "looks good" that u went to a top notch school for undergrad.. but thats not all that matters.. you must also have done really well in your undergrad. to get in to UF med school.

Yeh, it seems like UF gives preference to UF grads, but you also have to realize... most pre-med undergrads at UF apply to UF med school!! So obviously, proportionally, it seems like UF grads get preference...but in reality, its because MOST UF grads apply to UF med school too...