Application Tips with Apply Point: If You're Dedicating Your Life to Healthcare, Start at Home

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We know you're busy and taking care of your own wellbeing might seem like a non-priority right now, but it is serious. Medical students have a significantly higher rate of mental illness than similarly aged postsecondary graduates, according to a 2019 study in Academic Medicine. One harrowing quote: "Higher rates of distress and burnout in physicians and medical learners have been linked to poor academic performance, increased thoughts of dropping out of medical school, lower levels of professionalism, decreased empathy, increased medical errors, increased substance abuse, and increased suicidal ideation."

Preparing yourself for the intensity of attending medical school is important (even while you're in the midst of the intensity of applying to medical school). Practicing mindfulness, getting rest, and being a person in the world are part of being ready for a rigorous academic environment.

Here are a few tips:
- Stay social
- Prioritize sleep
- Move and exercise (in a way that's comfortable and healthy for you)
- Seek professional help for stress and anxiety, if you need it
- Meditate

Read more on this topic here and here, or check out our blog for other news and trends in medical school admissions.

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