Applying to Psych with just COMLEX?

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Jun 29, 2009
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I know when I get closer to applying I should call programs individually. However I am just starting my 3rd year. I have already taken COMLEX. Is COMLEX sufficient to land a decent Psych MD residency (there are hardly any DO ones)?

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Here's the link (because I'm feeling nice):

Most of the programs I've talked to have said to "save your money." If they say they take COMLEX (most have it listed on their website), and they have DO's on staff, I'd say you're safe with your COMLEX scores.

If you want something super gunner, be a gunner and take the USMLE too.

I still might take USMLE Step 2. I think I crushed my COMLEX 2 though, and I'd rather save the money. Going to see how that pans out first, but I'm probably sticking with COMLEX based on what programs have told me, money, and desire to do another 8 hour grueling test. Maybe I'll take it if I don't match, god forbid...we'll see...
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care to share what those programs are?

Hmm...I'd rather not say specifically, but they're major university programs on the east coast. Not Hopkins, but well respected places with good training and good fellowships...

Seriously, most places say on their website. If they don't email the program coordinator and ask. I've emailed about 10 places, and they all say the same thing: "Save your money. We've had multiple great DO residents in the past and take COMLEX."

Now again, I'm not aiming for Hopkins (nothing against them, but I have a child and my family and I don't want to be in that size city) so I can't speak for the uber-tier places. But, most of the "normal" places I've talked to have been very open about it. We'll see if that holds true during match season...
I took USMLE step 2. Not really because I felt I needed it for my applications, but if I hadn't then I would have always wondered how I would have done.
I am a DO student, and have always had the attitude that it made sense to take USMLE if you think you are going to score higher than the average of people who are applying in the field you are looking at. For example, I believe the average USMLE score for ppl who match to psych is low 220s. If you think you will score higher than that it makes sense to take them. In a more generalized sense, it makes sense to take the USMLE is you think you are going to score higher than the overall mean. Otherwise, why take an exam that shows you are below the average? Especially considering that since you are even thinking about taking the USMLE, you probably scored pretty well on COMLEX. Why would you want one test score showing you to be, say in the top 1/3 percentile of ppl who took it, and another one showing your in the bottom 1/3. To me it would make sense to just have a COMLEX score in that case. Of course you can't really know how you are going to score on either, but you can use the resources you have to give you at least a reasonable approximation of how you compare to other students (ie, if your in the 90% on Uworld you aren't likely to bomb your actual test).

I would also like to add that you shouldn't be scared of USMLE. Although I did not take USMLE step 1, I took step 2 and did very well. I have not gotten my COMLEX step 2 score back, but I can't imagine it being too much better than my USMLE score, and percentile wise my USMLE step 2 score is significantly higher than my COMLEX 1 score.

I guess what I'm saying is that if you are a person that generally tests well, odds are you will do well on USMLE so you might as well take it. If you are a person who just barely sneaks by on tests, or hovers right around the mean on COMLEX it doesn't make all that much sense to take USMLE.
Thanks for all the advice. My COMLEX score is 480, below the avg of 500. I doubt I will take USMLE, I can't see myself getting above 220 so its not worth the risk.