BS/DO student taking questions


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Jan 17, 2009
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Hi, I'm a student in the BS/DO program at Nova Southeastern University and I noticed the lack of a thread for questions regarding programs and admissions to them. I'm a first year in undergraduate. I've received numerous PMs and thought that this might be a more conducive way of demystifying the dual admissions programs. Feel free to ask away regarding admissions, ECs shadowing, programs and more general college questions. Best luck this application cycle.

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Hey. What were your gpa and SAT/ACT scores? who did you shadow, for how long? Did you get a lor from them and if so, please describe the process. Are you glad youre in this program? do you feel a lot of the pressure is off? Sorry for the asked for it. lol Thanks for all your help.
Hey. What were your gpa and SAT/ACT scores? who did you shadow, for how long? Did you get a lor from them and if so, please describe the process. Are you glad youre in this program? do you feel a lot of the pressure is off? Sorry for the asked for it. lol Thanks for all your help.

My GPA was an 80 unweighted or roughly top half at my prep school, some programs reweighted and I had approximately a 4.85 weighted. I had a 1340/1600 CR+M on the SAT or approximately a 31 on the ACT. I shadowed two physicians, a vitreo-retinal surgeon and corneal refractive surgeon for several months several hundred pt. encounters including pre-ops and post-ops, retinopexies, lasers and other sundry ophthalmic procedures. I learned to use an ophthalmoscope, refract and use a slit lamp. I also went in on consults in the ICU/NICU and approximately 100 or so surgeries mainly vitrectomies and cataracts. I didn't actually get an LOR from them as one was my father and the other would have been a poor fit for these programs. I had a PCP who is a friend write mine. All I did for my LOR was send a request with a brief statement about why medicine, interests, etc. I love my program it's relatively large 25 students in 3+4 and 4+4 programs in my year 2016/2017. The pressure really is off, I need a 3.1 no more than 4 Cs in pre-reqs and a 24 MCAT no section >7. Those numbers would not be competitive for any US med school let alone a well regarded one. So there is less pressure and I also can enjoy college, not that I slack. I also love the camraderie and the fact we have so much flexibility. I transfered in 35 credits and was exempted from gen eds and I'm also pursuing a BA in history. I have the option of a one or two year break for an MS or other work. I also can complete an MBA, MPH or JD while in med school.
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I'm just curious, why would you lock yourself into a DO program without even giving yourself the possibility to apply to MD programs?

*not a DO vs. MD post*
I'm just curious, why would you lock yourself into a DO program without even giving yourself the possibility to apply to MD programs?

*not a DO vs. MD post*

I can apply out and keep my spot. Meaning if down the raod I want to go the allo route I can apply to any medical school and as long as I meet the pre-reqs for my school I keep the spot. I chose a BS/DO as competition for medical spots is becoming more and more competitve. If I don't get in to any MD programs I still have a spot. Also for the residency I'm interested I have a better chance as a DO applying both MD and DO matches. I also preferred that I would be into a med school. The reality is that there is effectively no difference between MDs and DOs. My father is an MD and has no problem with me going osteopathic. Things have changede osteopathic medicine has become more and more competitve and in terms of MCAT and GPA is fairly close to allo. That's why I chose a BS/DO.
Here is an issue which a large number of people have asked about, the essay. As a senior ACTs and SATs have been completed and grades set in stone. The essay is a last chance to make an impression. People do one of two things A) go over board, the essay will not make up for 4 years of poor grades and a lousy SAT or B) ignore it until the last minute, submitting a poorly written essay. Some people use grandiose language. Having helped edit many of these, tone it down. Roget's need not be consulted every time. Using cerulean instead of blue is aggravating especially when it serves no further purpose other than to attempt to impress. I believe Benjamin Franklin said "Brevity is the soul of wit"; attempt to be concise and minimize the flowery prose, avoid cliches (like the one I just used :laugh:). I recommend using a style guide and conferencing and editing with an English teacher or someone with great writing. Show don't tell as one of my HS teachers said. Use your narrative to demonstrate something. In my essay I discussed a dying AIDS patient to demonstrate compassion, empathy and my interest in working with under-served patients. There needs to be a theme i.e. after XYZ occurred I wanted to be a doctor for the following reasons. Incorporate anecdotes to demonstrate your main point. Keep the essay brief, 2-3 pages and easy to follow. Varied sentence structure is a plus. Tailor your essay to each program. If you're applying for a rural, primary care medical program discussing your interest in neurosurgery would be a poor fit. I would encourage you to shadow if possible. My essay came out of a consult visit with my father. Actually being in office or clinic with a patient gives you a much better idea of what to write about. Finally to yourself be true, make your essay embody the best of you, make it show the compassionate individual that you are and show how you are the ideal match with their BS/MD or BS/DO.
Hey, I'm currently in the process of applying to a BS/MD program.

I was wondering do you recommend lying on the essays? I know this sounds silly, but unlike you, I just can't write about a dying AIDS patient "to demonstrate compassion, empathy and my interest in working with under-served patients." I mean honestly why would I spend my leisure time studying (medicine) to help these people who are going to die anyway?! Quite frankly I don't care if these people die in the street, that isn't my problem. I know I sound cruel, but is it my fault these people got AIDs? No. I really don't think that we need to take care of these individuals. This is the same as treating alcoholics, drug addicts and smokers, if they get cirrhosis, overdose or get lung CA, I won't care. These individuals bring this upon themselves.

Sorry for ranting but honestly, would you recommend this? Would the admission committee view my application negatively even though I have the necessary scores etc?
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Edit: tongue in cheek read fail.
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Hey, I'm currently in the process of applying to a BS/MD program.

I was wondering do you recommend lying on the essays? I know this sounds silly, but unlike you, I just can't write about a dying AIDS patient "to demonstrate compassion, empathy and my interest in working with under-served patients." I mean honestly why would I spend my leisure time studying (medicine) to help these people who are going to die anyway?! Quite frankly I don't care if these people die in the street, that isn't my problem. I know I sound cruel, but is it my fault these people got AIDs? No. I really don't think that we need to take care of these individuals. This is the same as treating alcoholics, drug addicts and smokers, if they get cirrhosis, overdose or get lung CA, I won't care. These individuals bring this upon themselves.

Sorry for ranting but honestly, would you recommend this? Would the admission committee view my application negatively even though I have the necessary scores etc?

Wow... You have a lot to learn..
Wow... You have a lot to learn..

Ok for the people who don't know, what I posted were quotes from Ctdoc's old posts. Why do you think LoO said, "Tongue-in-cheek read fail"?
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Ok for the people who don't know, what I posted were quotes from Ctdoc's old posts. Why do you think LoO said, "Tongue-in-cheek read fail"?

Ohhh gotcha, my bad. Didn't know that wasn't your real post.