Canadians applying to Post-Bach. programs in US

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Oct 26, 2005
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I am contemplating doing a 1 year accelerated Masters program, like that at RFUSM (Chicago) or at GU (Washington), however, I could not find anything about accepting Canadian (ie International) students...First of all, do they even accept Canadians...Secondly, will someone be at a disadvantage if they graduated from a respectable Canadian university with a 3yr BSc?

Any help from CURRENT Canadian students in these programs would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your help.

Good luck to everyone.


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hey buddy, im in the same boat as you kinda,

in my last year (4th) @ York, deciding what im doing next...either post-bacc or masters...

do u have msn? would b good to chat with someone in the same situation

For sure...just PM me and then we'll chat on MSN.
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There has to be some Canadians doing Post-Bach in the US...Could you please help us out?

Thanks in advance.

I'm also a Canadian looking to apply to american post-bacc programs. I couldn't find that much relavent info on this site, but I got the numbers to the programs I'm interested in and I'm gonna call them to ask them about that. It seems that most american schools view Canadians differently than international students and it may be easier for us than other internationals. I'll keep you posted on what I find out, but until then check out this borard,

It's specifically for Canadians aplying to American med-schools. You can find a list of schools that have regualrly accepted Canadians in the past and alot of other good info. for people like us.

Good Luck.