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15+ Year Member
Sep 5, 2008
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I was reviewing EK and I'm a little confused.
C= Q/V. So I understand that the capacitance will decrease with an increase in voltage ina circuit. Now EK also said that the V will increase with an increase in Q stating a linear relationship for the energy in a capacitor.

Can you please help me relate C of a circuit with energy.
I understand the formulae C= Q/V and

U = .5 QV; U=.5CV^2;U=Q^2/C

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can anyone please explain this? Also, if the capacitor is fully charged and then the battery is disconnected, then the V across the capacitor will not necessarily be zero rt? The charge will remain constant, but what happens to the capacitance and voltage?
can anyone please explain this? Also, if the capacitor is fully charged and then the battery is disconnected, then the V across the capacitor will not necessarily be zero rt? The charge will remain constant, but what happens to the capacitance and voltage?
ok so say you have a battery connected to a capacitor, and keep in mind the equation Q=CV. when you UNPLUG the battery, you decrease V and also as a result decrease C, when you keep a battery plugged in, V remains constant while C increases and Q increases.
ok so say you have a battery connected to a capacitor, and keep in mind the equation Q=CV. when you UNPLUG the battery, you decrease V and also as a result decrease C, when you keep a battery plugged in, V remains constant while C increases and Q increases.

How does that work? If you unplug the battery, then the Q has nowhere to go. So if V and C decrease, how does the Q=CV equation balance?

Are you assuming there's a dieelectric present or something?

I just reviewed this section so worried i ain't grasping this (felt good when i did problems)

Also, I didn't think C was dependent on V or Q - you don't need to know those to even determine C. I thought C only changed if a dieelectric was present.
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How does that work? If you unplug the battery, then the Q has nowhere to go. So if V and C decrease, how does the Q=CV equation balance?

Are you assuming there's a dieelectric present or something?

I just reviewed this section so worried i ain't grasping this (felt good when i did problems)

Also, I didn't think C was dependent on V or Q - you don't need to know those to even determine C. I thought C only changed if a dieelectric was present.
ok sorry, i mean if u unplug the battery you decrease V and raise C by the same amount to keep Q constant. also, C is dependent on V, remember C= constant*A/d, and V=Ed, so doing some math you can see d=V/E and hence C=constant*A/(V/E). now decreasing V using this equation has what effect on C? increases it.
ok sorry, i mean if u unplug the battery you decrease V and raise C by the same amount to keep Q constant. also, C is dependent on V, remember C= constant*A/d, and V=Ed, so doing some math you can see d=V/E and hence C=constant*A/(V/E). now decreasing V using this equation has what effect on C? increases it.

i dont know if this is right. if you unplug the battery, the charge has nowhere to go, so there is still a potential diff between the two plates. nothing changes if you unplug the voltage but dont separate the plates
ok sorry, i mean if u unplug the battery you decrease V and raise C by the same amount to keep Q constant. also, C is dependent on V, remember C= constant*A/d, and V=Ed, so doing some math you can see d=V/E and hence C=constant*A/(V/E). now decreasing V using this equation has what effect on C? increases it.

d is not a dependent. it is invariable. but i see what your saying.
i dont know if this is right. if you unplug the battery, the charge has nowhere to go, so there is still a potential diff between the two plates. nothing changes if you unplug the voltage but dont separate the plates

I don't know if I agree with you, I just did a problem with kaplan. The capacitor was fully charged and the battery was unpluged. I thought the V =0 volts. i thought I saw that somewhere. Anyhow the V which was initially 10 volts went upto 20v.

Can someone please explain what exactly happens after the battery is disconnected? i thought the battery was not only responsible for supplying charge, but it also helped build and maintain the potential difference. please correct me if I'm wrong