Consequences of going into the match after accepting a non-match offer

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Oct 17, 2022
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Has anyone applied to match and non-match residencies and committed to non-match before match day, that can answer a few questions? Would really appreciate any help! :) Thank you in advance!

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My question is: My #1 program is a match program and I have interviewed with them however I have accepted a non-match program, would the MATCH know? And has anyone gotten in trouble for it?
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Has anyone applied to match and non-match residencies and committed to non-match before match day, that can answer a few questions? Would really appreciate any help! :) Thank you in advance!
Same question, half of my programs are non-match and half match. My top choice is a match program. I don't know if accepting a nonmatch offer is smart just to be safe while you're waiting for match in case you don't match into your top choice! someone help!!
From the match contract that you agreed by signing up for the match:
If an applicant wishes to accept a position at a program that is not participating in the Match, or decides not to participate in the Match for any other reason, then the applicant must submit a withdrawal from the Match and must not submit a Rank Order List for the Match.

So, you are not only screwing over your colleagues by trying to reserve 2 seats, you also risk losing both of those seats and becoming ineligible to ever participate in the match again.
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From the match contract that you agreed by signing up for the match:
If an applicant wishes to accept a position at a program that is not participating in the Match, or decides not to participate in the Match for any other reason, then the applicant must submit a withdrawal from the Match and must not submit a Rank Order List for the Match.

So, you are not only screwing over your colleagues by trying to reserve 2 seats, you also risk losing both of those seats and becoming ineligible to ever participate in the match again.
Thankyou for your contribution to the post. It is a difficult position for those of us applying to both. However, I'm sure no one gets "screwed" because the positions ultimately get filled by either post-matching or the programs accepting the next candidate.
Thankyou for your contribution to the post. It is a difficult position for those of us applying to both. However, I'm sure no one gets "screwed" because the positions ultimately get filled by either post-matching or the programs accepting the next candidate.

At the very least the PD at the non-match school gets screwed over when you hit them up in November or January and tell them you no longer want to come.

It is also a very small world
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Thankyou for your contribution to the post. It is a difficult position for those of us applying to both. However, I'm sure no one gets "screwed" because the positions ultimately get filled by either post-matching or the programs accepting the next candidate.
Yes, I understand it is a stressful time. It is your future and you want to give yourself the best opportunity to succeed- I get it. The match wouldn't have the rules established like they do if it was as simple as post-match or accepting the next candidate.

Think about the applicant one spot behind you who's top choice is the non-match program that you are holding onto as a back-up. He/she never gets offered that spot because you are sitting in the spot, he/she then enters the match and is legally bound to the program he/she matched to and no longer has the opportunity to even consider the other program. Now you give up that seat and the program now only has those who decided late or didn't get a spot anywhere else to fill it.

But I agree, it would be a lot easier if all the programs aligned themselves and were all match or non-match.
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It is also a very small world
OP, based on all your posts, I’m wagering I know exactly where you accepted a spot. Hopefully you have a warm jacket, because it’ll be cold there in the winter. And this is just what some random dude on the internet quite simply figured out. Now, imagine I’m a suspicious program director at your #1 who might also be acquainted with the PD at the school you’ve committed to. Now imagine me making a phone call...

I doesn’t end well for you. Just play the game by the rules.

Big Hoss
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Or, OP, imagine you execute your nefarious plan, Match to your #1, and then bail on your pre-Match commitment. Now, imagine I’m the PD at your pre-Match program who has to scramble to fill my spot with someone I may not really want in the post-Match. How do you think I’m going to feel? There are only about 60 ortho programs in the country. You don’t think I’m going to email every single one of them after getting played like this?

I feel like I’ve turned this thread into a scared straight episode of Maury. The only thing better than that, is a paternity test episode of Maury.


Big Hoss
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My father (a legendary OMS) once told me, “The only things you have in life are your good name and your family.”

If you keep moving forward with this, you will lose your good name. And that is forever.

If you don’t want to go to a program that you’ve committed to, you need to call them tomorrow and tell them that.
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If you submit a rank list you are legally obligated to attend the program you match with. Bailing out of that contract to go to a non-match program will cost you a lot more than you might think. Vice-Verse also applies if you bail on a non-match program after matching to a different program. After going through the process, residency, and now working, I can agree with the others that have said this is a very small world and word travels fast. Please, for your sake and for the sake of others reading this, do not accept a match or non-match spot if you are going to bail on them.
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