cpje study buddy

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Jun 22, 2014
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Live in southern California looking for cpje study partner can meet in person or on Skype.

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Hey where are you guys located? I take the NAPLEX this week and the CPJE the week after. I'm in the Riverside area
I just received my score today in the mail on 10-19-2015. Took test on 9-4-2015 in Chicago testing center. This is the third time I took the test. First time i got a 68, second time 72, and third time 70. So i failed it for the third time. I have one last chance to take the test. I had too much crap going on: death in family, trying to find a house, work hours/overtime, work issues, family issues. Just too much crap to deal with. I dont have the student life anymore to really sit down and study to ensure passing. I used to do group study a lot when I was in pharmacy school. The board allows 4 tries. On the plus side, the rxprep cpje law exam prep course really helped tremendously when it comes to the law portion of the exam. I highly recommend it. Here is how the score is broken down:

Area 1: Patient Medications (33% of examination)
Area 2: Patient Outcomes (40% of examination)
Area 3: Pharmacy Operations (27% of examination)

Area 1: Average Score 12.8
Area 2: Low Score 9.1
Area 3: Average Score 10.5

How do you improve and identify questions hat deal with area 2 and area 3? I really thought I passed this time. I really don't know anymore. I'm a licensed pharmacist in state of IL and FL, and I still cant pass this damn test.

I did really well on the CPJE by keeping these points in mind:
-Law: read Weismann book, and know your general pharmacy time periods (ie how long to keep records for, how many days you have to notify the board etc)
-Do not study calculations/biostats because they are pretty basic calculations
-Know general dosing ranges, brand/generic, major side effects, COUNSELING points, and monitoring parameters of top 200 drugs.
-Auxiliary labels
-Approach questions with the mindset, "how can I avoid harming the patient?" Don't over think it. Choose the answer that won't hurt a patient and will provide a safe outcome.
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They HAD calculations on the exams. The study guide the board provides mentions nothing about calculations. I just dont understand this. What are patient outcomes? What type of questions are examples of patient outcomes? Can anyone give me example of that based on sample questions the board provides?

I think this link might answer your question in terms of what falls under each of the 3 categories.

I guess an examples of patient outcome questions from the sample questions on the board website. (http://www.pharmacy.ca.gov/forms/sample_cpje_quest.pdf ) would be: #23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 just to name a few.

Hope this helps.
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Hey, I'm taking mine in one week. I'm located in the Riverside area. Please message me if you want to videochat to study
I need to retake the CPJE. Looking for a study partner. Live in Long Beach Area.
I am available to study. Please PM if interested!
I've been working as a pharmacist and now I'm planning on relocating to Cali. Anyone looking for a someone to study the CPJE with?