DAT Destroyer is OVERKILL

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Mar 21, 2009
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I was looking and going through the Organic Chemistry and General Chemistry problems...and WHAT THE ****


The man who wrote Destroyer probably thinks we've memorized EVERY reagent and know EVERYTHING.


I already took Kaplan DAT #1 and got 17/15/17 (first time EVER so give me a break lol) and it was MUCH MORE DO-ABLE than this crap

I've already heard that the whole reason DAT Destroyer is even bought is because of the roadmaps which, I can agree, can be helpful if you go through each roadmap but oh man, ochem and gchem....SO overkill.

and dont give me the crap that 'doing extra hard problems will toughen you up for teh DAT'. id much rather reread Kaplan or do some CDP or Topscore practice tests than go over 500 problems of that god-awful $176 ripoff called Destroyer. WAY TOO OVERKILL.

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Well if you did Topscore which is also hard then how come Destroyer is so hard? and kaplan bio has so much info but when you take those tests, they are just so straight forward n so easy :p ...u should go over destroyer b/c you already bought it once at least if you have time...Unless if you are confident that you can just ACE DAT with those 3 things then Good Luck :D :p
It is not about how many questions one can answer correctly from destroyer. It is about learning from those questions. Each question has a purpose. Understand it and you will be fine. When I went through destroyer the first itme, I thought it was ridiculous as well.
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Then there's no point of 'going thru' Destoyer since I can't even answer 20% of the problems. It's just a back and forth thing between questions/solutions.
I was looking and going through the Organic Chemistry and General Chemistry problems...and WHAT THE ****


The man who wrote Destroyer probably thinks we've memorized EVERY reagent and know EVERYTHING.


I already took Kaplan DAT #1 and got 17/15/17 (first time EVER so give me a break lol) and it was MUCH MORE DO-ABLE than this crap

I've already heard that the whole reason DAT Destroyer is even bought is because of the roadmaps which, I can agree, can be helpful if you go through each roadmap but oh man, ochem and gchem....SO overkill.

and dont give me the crap that 'doing extra hard problems will toughen you up for teh DAT'. id much rather reread Kaplan or do some CDP or Topscore practice tests than go over 500 problems of that god-awful $176 ripoff called Destroyer. WAY TOO OVERKILL.

I suppose if all you're shooting for is 17's and 18's, sure, continue to read Kraplan outlines. And what's the problem with Destroyer expecting/hoping us to have memorized reagents? Unless you're some kind of clairvoyant who knows exactly what to know for the DAT, I would say a degree of overstudy is what separates the average from the stand-outs.

For the majority of the rest of us who shoot for higher than mediocrity, I'd say Destroyer is just the right amount of "umph" for the higher score.
I suppose if all you're shooting for is 17's and 18's, sure, continue to read Kraplan outlines. And what's the problem with Destroyer expecting/hoping us to have memorized reagents? Unless you're some kind of clairvoyant who knows exactly what to know for the DAT, I would say a degree of overstudy is what separates the average from the stand-outs.

For the majority of the rest of us who shoot for higher than mediocrity, I'd say Destroyer is just the right amount of "umph" for the higher score.

So we should be fine if we just study the solutions in destroyer and understand the problem?
^ Not where you don't even know WHERE to begin. The only way I can extract useful information is to flip between answers/problems and say "ah...so THATS how they did it.."
Destroyer may be overkill depending on what range you're looking to score.

If you're happy with 15-21 range in the Chem and O. Chem section, then destroyer is overkill.

If you're looking for 21+, then destroyer adds conceptual topics not covered in Kaplan. I agree that it does not explain each solution with the best detail, but thats when you refer to the old college textbook.
So we should be fine if we just study the solutions in destroyer and understand the problem?

You should be fine if you've done the requisite amount of studying. Destroyer isnt a study guide. It's a workbook. Don't expect to be able to run a marathon if you haven't even trained to do a mile yet.
You should be fine if you've done the requisite amount of studying. Destroyer isnt a study guide. It's a workbook. Don't expect to be able to run a marathon if you haven't even trained to do a mile yet.

Ok cool. Could you post a link to your dat breakdown? Thanks.

Could you please give me some advice about how to study for gen chem and ochem? What materials do you suggest aside from destroyer? I'm having trouble with gen chem more than anything. It's really frustrating...
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Could you please give me some advice about how to study for gen chem and ochem? What materials do you suggest aside from destroyer? I'm having trouble with gen chem more than anything. It's really frustrating...

For gen chem I would actually recommend your textbook. The subject is pretty much conceptual application - not too much in terms of rote memorization (compared to the other two sections) and probably much smaller/manageable than your Bio and Ochem textbooks. Schaum's Gen Chem is more condensed but also more soporific =/ I was on a very hardcore study regimen and started ground-up... textbooks first. If that doesnt fit your schedule, look for review books, I suppose
I just flipped through the first 50 problems between problems/solutions in DAT Destroyer. Can't really say that it HELPED but maybe I learned a few things or two. It is DEF overkill. And NOT the good kind of overkill. I'm talking about concepts and problems that WILL NOT be covered in the real DAT. I'm way too tired now...I will finish the rest tomorrow and hopefully start on Gen Chem. Destroyer is just taking too much time considering my DAT is Sept 19th.
everyone has different study methods / goals so just do what you're comfortable with =] ive seen people get 20+ with kaplan but make sure you do everything kaplan offers.
To be honest...I spent way too much trying to learn some tough gchem calculations in Destroyer when I should have been learning the gchem basics. I think I would have been better off not using Destroyer for gchems.
For the chems, I want to say the test is VERY fair such that if you know the material then you would do good so overkill is not actually good for you.
Destroyer is ridiculously expensive but I like that it is presented in questions which is a good change for chapter after chapter. just my two cents
There are a very few reagents/reactions in the Destroyer that I haven't seen/heard land on the DAT. The question of the destroyer isn't "is it too hard?" but "am I playing at that level?"

As some others have said, the Destroyer is for the folks aiming to hit 21+. It doesn't cover esoteric topics that don't pop on the test - it gets you ready for all the stuff that has landed, and likely will land, on the test. It's not for the guys for whom a 17 is a satisfactory score.

Destroyer also presupposes you *know orgo*. If you're coming in utterly unprepared, then I admit - you're not ready for that game. Destroyer is for putting the edge on your orgo knowledge, not providing that knowledge. The first time I looked at destroyer, I did it *before* reviewing orgo. I think my response was something like "OMFG WTF SHOOT ME!". Coming back to it after my orgo review, I only get ~1/20 questions wrong, and my response is more along the lines of, "oh, that's clever."

Do your orgo review. Get to the point where you can appreciate a clever problem or a factoid you're missing. If you find at the end of your review that you're still at the "I'm supposed to remember reagents?" stage, put down the Destroyer and forget you saw it.
yea watch chads videos first and then go through and do the destroyer.

if you just open that thing up before looking over stuff you're bound to get stunned.
Agree! My first few practice tests were 14-15 range. I did not know about chads videos at first so I took out ACS and started doing problems. I hadnt had gchem for 4-5 years so the only stuff i got right was from ochem knowledge. I had my textbook open and read and did some problems till I got the hang of it(did ACS 2x). Did destroyer missing quite a few. Went back and review from other books. Did destroyer again plus the ones I got wrong a second time. I just finished it again and am reduing the 10 I missed. I retook the genchem test that I scored 14 on a few months ago and only missed one. DESTROYER HELPS! The key is too do what you are doing and learn from your mistakes. THen redue it again and again until the basic principles are second nature. Then try some of the other stuff like topscore and achiever and it is easy.
I just flipped through the first 50 problems between problems/solutions in DAT Destroyer. Can't really say that it HELPED but maybe I learned a few things or two. It is DEF overkill. And NOT the good kind of overkill. I'm talking about concepts and problems that WILL NOT be covered in the real DAT. I'm way too tired now...I will finish the rest tomorrow and hopefully start on Gen Chem. Destroyer is just taking too much time considering my DAT is Sept 19th.

How are you dictating what's overkill and what's not when you haven't taken the DAT?

This thread is stupid. If you want to do well on the DAT, get as many great resources as you can. Destroyer is definitely one of those resources.
I've watched about half of Chad's videos. I got about 7-8 left. I must say that they are EXTREMELY clear and useful

As for my planning, DAT Destroyer is extremely time consuming. Going through all the problems in one day is impossible. I've spaced it out about 50 probs/day but even that's too little considering bio alone has over 300 problems.

Anyhoozle, I'll get through it. Just....it seems extremely hard and from what others have said before, Destoyer is overkill.
Well Chad's videos are good but by just watching videos, you won't know how to solve problems. But After watching Videos, if you practice those DAT Destroyer Gen Chem problems, you will feel good even if you don't know them b/c explanation is good for Gen Chem part :) :D
How are you dictating what's overkill and what's not when you haven't taken the DAT?

This thread is stupid. If you want to do well on the DAT, get as many great resources as you can. Destroyer is definitely one of those resources.

I agree. The fact someone posted a thread like this without even taking the dat is completely stupid. Especially with pactice scores like those... How are you going to call it overkill when you clearly don't know whats going on anyway :confused: lol

regardless, I do agree with the statement.

Judging strictly from my own dat, I would say that it is overkill to the point of being irrelevant for gchem. Although, I may have just had an easy gchem section, so I wouldn't base anything soley on my personal observation. I didn't get a perfect gchem score, but I can tell you that the problems I got wrong were not the same ones I was getting wrong in destroyer. All of the problems I was getting wrong in destroyer were in much simpler form on the actual dat and I'm pretty much positive I got those correct. However, since it does cover such a vast array of information, it obviously is very helpful in that the majority of the questions you will see on the actual dat will be in there... destroyer didn't cover at least 3 or 4 questions I had in gchem and I had at least one that I hadn't seen in any of my prep... This is why it is key to use as much prep as possible. Although, if you use a much easier prep (for example, watch chads videos) and make sure you understand everything, I think you would do just as well as if you used destroyer. For the gchem section anyway.

Orgo in destroyer is not overkill in my opinion. Not entirely relevant to my version, but certainly not "overkill."
I was looking and going through the Organic Chemistry and General Chemistry problems...and WHAT THE ****


The man who wrote Destroyer probably thinks we've memorized EVERY reagent and know EVERYTHING.


I already took Kaplan DAT #1 and got 17/15/17 (first time EVER so give me a break lol) and it was MUCH MORE DO-ABLE than this crap

I've already heard that the whole reason DAT Destroyer is even bought is because of the roadmaps which, I can agree, can be helpful if you go through each roadmap but oh man, ochem and gchem....SO overkill.

and dont give me the crap that 'doing extra hard problems will toughen you up for teh DAT'. id much rather reread Kaplan or do some CDP or Topscore practice tests than go over 500 problems of that god-awful $176 ripoff called Destroyer. WAY TOO OVERKILL.

Did your copy come with the first page? Which states that do not use this as a practice exam but as a study guide. Going back and forth with questions and solutions is the way you learn.
Kaplan i've noticed won't give you for the most part scores of 20 or higher. Destroyer will get you those scores. Destroyer is not overkill and even if it is, i'de rather be safe then sorry.

I believe DAT Destroyer and Cliff's AP Bio books were the best tools for acing the DAT in my opinion. I would also recommend TopScore.
So I watched all of Chad's videos and now I am starting to think that DAT Destroyer is VERY DO-ABLE.

Everything seems to be making sense now. I strongly believe I can score 22+ on Ochem. I mean, yeah I missed a few here and there on Destroyer but I learned not to repeat the same mistakes and apart from a few REALLY random destoyer questions, I think have this **** down.

I was looking and going through the Organic Chemistry and General Chemistry problems...and WHAT THE ****


The man who wrote Destroyer probably thinks we've memorized EVERY reagent and know EVERYTHING.
The reason why he thought that is probably because you need to know lots of reactions in order to score 19+ on the O-chem section of your exam.

I have to disagree. It's somewhat more challenging than what you'll see on the real DAT. But if you can get destroyer questions right, then you'll probably score very decently on your exam. Destroyer is meant to be for practice. It's not a collection of cheesy questions to give you false hope. It's there for you to make mistakes, so that you can study more.

I already took Kaplan DAT #1 and got 17/15/17 (first time EVER so give me a break lol) and it was MUCH MORE DO-ABLE than this crap
Those score aren't very impressive, even if it was your first time taking a KAPLAN test. So, I suggest you study harder if you're planing on acing this exam.

I've already heard that the whole reason DAT Destroyer is even bought is because of the roadmaps which, I can agree, can be helpful if you go through each roadmap but oh man, ochem and gchem....SO overkill.

and dont give me the crap that 'doing extra hard problems will toughen you up for teh DAT'. id much rather reread Kaplan or do some CDP or Topscore practice tests than go over 500 problems of that god-awful $176 ripoff called Destroyer. WAY TOO OVERKILL.
Well, with this attitude I'm not sure how you'd end up doing on the real exam. Because the whole idea is about practicing tough problems so you'd learn new material, which will hopefully come handy during your exam. That's why destroyer has sOoOoOoOo many sample questions, so you can practice practice, and when you're sick of it practice some more.
So I watched all of Chad's videos and now I am starting to think that DAT Destroyer is VERY DO-ABLE.

Everything seems to be making sense now. I strongly believe I can score 22+ on Ochem. I mean, yeah I missed a few here and there on Destroyer but I learned not to repeat the same mistakes and apart from a few REALLY random destoyer questions, I think have this **** down.


Sounds to me like you didn't learn the subject the first time around. Don't call something hard if you don't even know the basics.
I was looking and going through the Organic Chemistry and General Chemistry problems...and WHAT THE ****


The man who wrote Destroyer probably thinks we've memorized EVERY reagent and know EVERYTHING.


I already took Kaplan DAT #1 and got 17/15/17 (first time EVER so give me a break lol) and it was MUCH MORE DO-ABLE than this crap

I've already heard that the whole reason DAT Destroyer is even bought is because of the roadmaps which, I can agree, can be helpful if you go through each roadmap but oh man, ochem and gchem....SO overkill.

and dont give me the crap that 'doing extra hard problems will toughen you up for teh DAT'. id much rather reread Kaplan or do some CDP or Topscore practice tests than go over 500 problems of that god-awful $176 ripoff called Destroyer. WAY TOO OVERKILL.
I kind of feel the same way about the organic chem portion only. Is there a source that is more reasonable in difficulty?
I kind of feel the same way about the organic chem portion only. Is there a source that is more reasonable in difficulty?

Start with your orgo and gen chem textbook, then work your way into the destroyer. If you don't have a foundation, you cannot expect to tackle the big stuff off the bat.
The Destroyer is like any other resource - extra practice. Who cares if it is hard or easy, it gets you to look at the material.
DAT Destroyer is tough to get through the first time, but you learn a **** load.

If you cant get through it than its your own willingness and your competing against people with that will.
Going through it the first time is terrible and makes me want to kill myself. But after you push through it isn't so bad. And it seems that it starts to get easier at the end. If you can do well on it, it will definitely get you good scores. I know quite a few people who swear by it and I trust their advice!
...This thread is 2 years old. someone was gravedigging last night
I kind of feel the same way about the organic chem portion only. Is there a source that is more reasonable in difficulty?
Actually, out of the 3 sciences, the destroyer Orgo is the closest to the real DAT. Yes the biology is out of sync, and GC is too difficult (don't get me wrong, its amazing at GC too).
You should be fine if you've done the requisite amount of studying. Destroyer isnt a study guide. It's a workbook. Don't expect to be able to run a marathon if you haven't even trained to do a mile yet.

Do you mind if I make this my quote about life! so good haha

"Don't expect to be able to run a marathon if you haven't even trained to do a mile yet":cool:
Actually, out of the 3 sciences, the destroyer Orgo is the closest to the real DAT. Yes the biology is out of sync, and GC is too difficult (don't get me wrong, its amazing at GC too).

Jesus. As usual. A good policy on SDN is to do whatever Dentalworks tellls you. He won't steer you wrong. So now do destroyer, leap and a net will appear on D-day. BOL!
Dude if you think Destroyer is overkill, try the Organic Chemistry Odyssey. I just started it today. I would rather use study material that is overkill and keep it safe than use mediocre things, ya feel mah? And why did I just respond to a post that is two years old?
I just flipped through the first 50 problems between problems/solutions in DAT Destroyer. Can't really say that it HELPED but maybe I learned a few things or two. It is DEF overkill. And NOT the good kind of overkill. I'm talking about concepts and problems that WILL NOT be covered in the real DAT. I'm way too tired now...I will finish the rest tomorrow and hopefully start on Gen Chem. Destroyer is just taking too much time considering my DAT is Sept 19th.

Every question in the destoyer is in that book for a reason, every topic in the book has been asked on the DAT and will continue to be asked on the DAT. You would be a fool to think destroyer has way too much information. That being said, it is not the book for starters, you need to have some background to get the most out of destroyer. It sounds like you are just starting to study, so i would suggest learning all the material once and then hitting destroyer over and over. I used it and I found it to be the best resource for the exam (this was 3 years ago though).