DAT Ochem reactions

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Jul 3, 2018
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Do we need to know how the mechanism works for all the reactions? Also did anyone thought DAT boosters bio questions were a bit random for the extra practice? I did the first chapter extra practice and some questions were not something that the notes they provide went over.


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You don't necessarily need to know the mechanisms, but I found it helpful when it came time for my actual exam. I found orgo much more manageable by knowing the general mechanism! I also thought some of the questions in the extra practice were random but a couple came in handy in my exam just with the explanations.
Great thanks
You don't necessarily need to know the mechanisms, but I found it helpful when it came time for my actual exam. I found orgo much more manageable by knowing the general mechanism! I also thought some of the questions in the extra practice were random but a couple came in handy in my exam just with the explanations.

Great thanks, do you think using destroyer with booster is a good idea or you don't really need to?
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When I was studying for my exam earlier this year, I used the 2020 edition but I was told the exam version would change so I would play it safe and get the 2021 version!