Medical Delays in getting committee letter packet to schools

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Sep 30, 2008
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I have a 510 MCAT and 3.68 cGPA with an upward trend. Over 1000+ hours of clinical work experience in ED scribing, ~400 hours of research, and ~300 in cumulative volunteering in the Hispanic community, hospitals, and foster homes. I have a strong narrative and background working in underserved communities. I submitted my primaries in mid-June and completed most of my secondaries within two weeks. I have already finished a large majority.

Have strong LORs from many people, including professors and from volunteering.

My school's premed advisor was replaced and because of that, there are going to be extreme delays getting LOR's sent out. I was just informed that my LORs won't be sent to school until mid-October. After I spent so much time and money on secondaries, committee fees, and everything else...It's quite overwhelming. Already emailed the school and they're unable to get it in earlier since our health professions committee is understaffed and filled with temps. I'm not sure of what to do from here.

Should I
  • Abandon this cycle, forget the remaining secondaries(save money), and focus on a stronger application next year.
  • is it possible to withdraw my application (verified) to retain status as a first-time applicant if schools haven't even seen them yet?
  • What do you recommend I do beyond my clinical work and volunteering to strengthen my application?
    • Shadow more specialties?
      • already have significant clinical experience, but almost all of them are stacked on emergency medicine/critical care.
    • Retake the MCAT?
    • Post-bac?
  • Stay in the cohort and work with what I have.
    • Realistically, do I still have a chance if my secondaries/primaries are timely?
    • apply to more schools in hopes that I can still get in this cycle? (significant time and money investment)
      • maybe apply to DO in a last-ditch effort?
    • Should I inform my schools and let them know LORs will be in late? Will that make a difference?

  • Bypass the committee letter and try to send my LOR's independently.
    • If so, how would I even do it? This is all new and confusing to me.
      • All my LOR's are stored on veCollect.
    • Many of my schools value committee letters highly or are required outright.
      • Will they be forgiving of my situation?
      • Going independent will mean giving up many of my top choices, including my in-state.
    • Will sending them this late in the cycle even be worth it at this point?

Sucks, but there's nothing to be done. It would be insane to withdraw your app when you only have 4 secondaries to go. At this point, the marginal cost of finishing 4 more secondaries has to be worth it given the money you've already spent this year. Figure out what you say if/when you wind up having to reapply, but give this year a shot.

If there is a way to send your LORs independently to the schools that don't require them and then transmit the committee letter, then I would do that, but you would probably have to do the legwork to figure out that process. If a school requires a committee letter, then I imagine they mean it and would not be forgiving.

Adding DO schools will increase your yield but won't solve the underlying problem of being complete late. If you can't figure out a way to transmit your letters before October, that seems like a major financial investment with unclear benefits. Instead, I would probably just apply to DO on time next year if you're reapplying.

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Definitely wouldn't withdraw at this point. Keep chugging. Kinda your choice with the DO schools. Personally, I would apply to them because I like to make sure I uncover every stone...but it's gonna burn another hole in your wallet. It's overall just another drop in the bucket, but that IS more money.
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Hey everyone, I've reached out to my letter-writers and am going to proceed with sending my apps independently. I have to contact all of my schools and let them know that I will no longer be doing a committee letter and just explain the situation to the best of my ability.

Even if I do get them in at this point, it'll probably be around early/mid September. Chances are, I'm probably going to have to reapply next cycle. But that's okay. I have done everything I can in my power at this point, and I've given it my best.
Hey everyone, I've reached out to my letter-writers and am going to proceed with sending my apps independently. I have to contact all of my schools and let them know that I will no longer be doing a committee letter and just explain the situation to the best of my ability. Even if I do get them in at this point, it'll probably be around early/mid-September. Chances are, I'm probably going to have to reapply next cycle.

Sounds like a plan
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