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7+ Year Member
Mar 12, 2015
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Hey everyone!

I wanted to reach out to current PT students and alumni who attended DMU. I would like to get your insight on the program. Any feedback helps!

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I was in the second graduating class. Since then, they have remodeled/built all new facilities. It was a good program. I graduated, passed boards the first time I took them and have had one student from there since (I live a long way away). Any accredited program is a good program if you get in and the price is right.
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I was in the second graduating class. Since then, they have remodeled/built all new facilities. It was a good program. I graduated, passed boards the first time I took them and have had one student from there since (I live a long way away). Any accredited program is a good program if you get in and the price is right.
I appreciate the advice!