Do all schools know you are a reapplicant?

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Sep 29, 2011
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Just wondering if schools that you DID NOT apply to in previous years know that you are a reapplicant.

Also, any idea of what schools look down on reapplicants? Do they really consider your old application vs your new one to see the specific improvements?

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i think there may be a spot that asks if you are a reapplicant, so you would have to check that box
i think there may be a spot that asks if you are a reapplicant, so you would have to check that box

Right, but I think you only check that in a school specific fashion. So for new school, you don't have to click the "Have you applied to this school before" box, thus they wouldn't know unless there is another way to find out.
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Right, but I think you only check that in a school specific fashion. So for new school, you don't have to click the "Have you applied to this school before" box, thus they wouldn't know unless there is another way to find out.

i meant on amcas i think there is a spot that says to check it, and then each school has its own box for did u apply to this school before
Will I still have to select that I am reapplying to a specific school even if I did not submit a secondary application for that school?
Will I still have to select that I am reapplying to a specific school even if I did not submit a secondary application for that school?

I'm not sure about this, can someone confirm?
I'm not sure about this, can someone confirm?

I'm pretty sure if you sent a primary there you are still considered a reapplicant even though you never become "complete" by submitting the secondary, but it might differ from school to school?
You are a re-applicant, and they know it. Be upfront and let them know why things are different now. Try to hide it, and they'll show you the door. How is anyone going to trust you with their life if you can't be upfront about a simple checkbox on a form?!

I am not trying to hide the fact that I am replying. I was just wondering if not submitting a secondary still counts as reapplying but thanks for your input.

I am not trying to hide the fact that I am replying. I was just wondering if not submitting a secondary still counts as reapplying but thanks for your input.


If you have a processed AMCAS application from a previous application year, you are considered a re-applicant to those previous medical schools. This is regardless of whether or not a secondary application was completed.

Also, most schools will definitely compare your old and new applications, side by side. You may have a bit of an uphill battle as a reapplicant, since you will have to prove why you merit an acceptance when you did not get one before.

If you have a processed AMCAS application from a previous application year, you are considered a re-applicant to those previous medical schools. This is regardless of whether or not a secondary application was completed.

Also, most schools will definitely compare your old and new applications, side by side. You may have a bit of an uphill battle as a reapplicant, since you will have to prove why you merit an acceptance when you did not get one before.

so you're not a reapplicant to the schools you did NOT apply to, correct?
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so you're not a reapplicant to the schools you did NOT apply to, correct?

For what it's worth, being a reapplicant is not always so negative. Last year I applied to only one school. Rejected. This year I applied to four, rejected from three but accepted at the school where I reapplied.
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Even if it doesn't ask on their application, they probably know. Or if they don't know, you should tell them. It's all part of your 'history' and its nothing to be ashamed of. Whether you didn't apply early enough, to a broad range, or maybe your improved your MCAT score or picked up some awesome EC's, there's reasons you didn't get in but also you need to show them improvements you made to your application and experience in the year between. If you graduated 1.5 years before your interview with them and all your credentials show you want to go to med school, they probably will assume you're a re-app and it seems harmful to your chances to try to 'dance around' the issue to try to avoid telling them.

Many schools actually prefer re-applicants (over a new applicant of similar stats) because it shows that you have a drive because you know this is absolutely what you want to pursue. It also shows that you can push through tough outcomes and come back stronger the next time.

I am a re-applicant and applied to some new schools this year (as I did not apply broadly enough last year), and I do not believe I was asked on my primary/secondary if I was a re-applicant but the year off and it's effects on me we're an integral part of my PS so all of them knew right away. Also, I got accepted to a school I didn't apply to the first time.

Hope this helps,
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Is it a good idea to mention you are a reapplicant in your PS if several years have passed or would that send a flag?
Is it a good idea to mention you are a reapplicant in your PS if several years have passed or would that send a flag?

I know this thread is pretty old, but I am reapplying this year and have the same question as above. It's been about 4 years since my initial application (applied to only 3 schools, a lot has changed since then) and I am wondering if I should mention my unsuccessful application cycle in my Personal Statement or just leave it out. I'm concerned that to mention in the PS would draw more attention to it (I'm assuming the admissions person will know that I am a reapplicant based on the information in this thread), but not sure if it is expected to be mentioned in which case I don't want to leave it out.

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I know this thread is pretty old, but I am reapplying this year and have the same question as above. It's been about 4 years since my initial application (applied to only 3 schools, a lot has changed since then) and I am wondering if I should mention my unsuccessful application cycle in my Personal Statement or just leave it out. I'm concerned that to mention in the PS would draw more attention to it (I'm assuming the admissions person will know that I am a reapplicant based on the information in this thread), but not sure if it is expected to be mentioned in which case I don't want to leave it out.


I would NOT mention it at all. Especially all of the new schools you apply to, presuming you apply to more than three this go round, will not know. IMO you don't want them to know.

Hopefully you have improved your app enough at the other 3 schools to show them you mean business. :thumbup:
I would NOT mention it at all. Especially all of the new schools you apply to, presuming you apply to more than three this go round, will not know. IMO you don't want them to know.

Hopefully you have improved your app enough at the other 3 schools to show them you mean business. :thumbup:
Many schools ask if you have had a previous unsuccessful cycle in the secondary to give you the opportunity to explain what has changed. This is independent of the AMCAS question regarding a previous application to a particular school.
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Thanks so much for the responses. So what I've gathered from the info in this thread is that
1. There is a place on the AMCAS where I will designate the schools I previously applied to. Only those schools will know that I'm a reapplicant based on the AMCAS application alone if I do not mention being a reapplicant in my PS
2. Some secondaries will ask if I have previously applied to their school or medical school in general. I will answer truthfully and indicate how my application has improved since my original attempt.

Does this course of action seem ok? It's not that I want to hide being a reapplicant but I obviously don't want to include the information unnecessarily when it may have a negative impact on how my current application is viewed.
Does this course of action seem ok? It's not that I want to hide being a reapplicant but I obviously don't want to include the information unnecessarily when it may have a negative impact on how my current application is viewed.

Sounds perfect. :thumbup: come back to us when you're deciding between schools you've been accepted to!
If you accidentally click the reapplicant box, what do you do? Call the school and let them know that was a mistake?
If you accidentally click the reapplicant box, what do you do? Call the school and let them know that was a mistake?

I would recommend just not messing it up in the first place. Everyone makes mistakes, of course, but this is one thing where you need to be extremely careful and triple-check things before you submit.