Emory Class of 2012!

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ugh but but but... but I don't want to!!! I hate 3 hour classes sooo much! growing up sucks...

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i have the TTH 2:30pm biostats class.

sitting in classes suck in general!
When you clicked on the link regarding registration info, was it dated for fall 2009? I wonder if they're going to update that...
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I ended up getting two revised emails that linked to 2010 info.
Hey BSHE people, will you guys be taking EPI 530 (4 credits) in Fall 2010 or EPI 504 (2 credits) in Spring 2011?

It sounds like that EPI504 is sufficient for analyzing study results. At this point, I am not sure if I would like to pursue a career as an epidemiologist, but I would like to have that option open in case I am going for phD degree.
Hey BSHE people, will you guys be taking EPI 530 (4 credits) in Fall 2010 or EPI 504 (2 credits) in Spring 2011?

It sounds like that EPI504 is sufficient for analyzing study results. At this point, I am not sure if I would like to pursue a career as an epidemiologist, but I would like to have that option open in case I am going for phD degree.

I would like to have some advice with this as well. It's not required for me either. I've taken epi as an undergrad so i'm thinking of doing the spring one...but i'm not sure.
I am taking the spring course. The way I look at it I can always take more epi courses if I find that I want more epi. skills
What does it say for you guys under enrollment dates by session?
hello all!

i was wondering if anyone will be flying to atlanta?
i'm coming in from CA, and i'm trying to figure out how to get from airport to campus crossings with about 5-6 luggage total.

also, does anyone know the best way to buy bedding and stuff? I know there's a target and bedbathandbeyond around, but without a car i'm not sure how it's gonna work...any advice is greatly appreciated!
If you have 5 or 6 bags I would suggest a taxi. Even though its a little steep (my roommate paid 40 getting to the open house) it will be the easiest option with your bags.

As for the bedding... have you thought about ordering it online and having it delivered? I would imagine that large packages would go to the office so if you have it delivered before you arrive you could pick it up then as long as you arrive during office hours.

Or you could make a quick friend with a car :)
Thanks JMM051!!

do you know which taxi service your roommate booked? was it done online or at the site?
i've been googling taxi services but the sites don't give exact rates.
They wont book a taxi to pick you up at the airport because there is always a line of them waiting there to pick you up. You just follow the signs to ground transportation/taxis (I think it's near Marta) and there's usually short line where you wait to get a taxi. I think taxis from the airport are 30 to downtown, 35 to midtown, 40 to buckhead, and then maybe a little more to Emory... Good luck.

Thanks JMM051!!

do you know which taxi service your roommate booked? was it done online or at the site?
i've been googling taxi services but the sites don't give exact rates.
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As an alumni, I can say only take a taxi from the airport if you must. The MARTA train from the airport to lindbergh is 2$. A cab from there to anywhere near Emory is 15$. If you take the MARTA bus, it's only another 2$.
With 5 or 6 bags?

jkmph, you are far more adventurous than I am. I manage to trip over myself when I juggle more than 2 :)
thanks for the info!!!

i probably should have been clearer.
i'm bringing 5-6 bags but my parents are coming along as well (we didn't go to open house back in spring so they want to check out emory).
so basically, each person should be carrying 1 or 2 bags.

is using the MARTA bus still feasible, then?

jkmph - so i should take the marta train to lindbergh, and then the bus to emory?

sorry for so many questions...i lived 15 mins away from school for undergrad and am kinda worried how i'm gonna manage this cross-country move. >_<
Did everyone else register this morning? I got into all the classes I wanted! Glad I did it first thing since two of my classes ended up filling up. Very very excited!
I woke up really early to sign up for my classes too. But I couldn't get into one of the core classes that I wanted to take for epi since it was already closed (at freakn 6am!). Can't believe school's starting soon!
was up at 6:30am just cause I didn't go to bed from the night before but apparently you couldn't register that early in so I just went to bed, woke up just now and was already apparently automatically registered for all the classes I need... I guess they're trying to get the HPM students in the habit that someone is gonna be doing our crappy work :D hehehe :D
jkmph- what is the sales tax in Atlanta?
Does anyone have any input on requesting going over the unit cap? I don't do as well during terms where I'm sitting in fewer classes, having more classes actually benefits me because it allows me to look at my studies in a more broad and interdisciplinary way. Would a request for 21-24 units fly with the counselors?
Hey fellow BSHEs--

About how many units did you all sign up for Fall semester. I don't know what to expect really as far as course load. I'm at 14 units.

Just curious, thanks!
Hey swim, I'm at 15 because I decided to take an elective.

What did you sign up for?

Laborer- why 23? thats about 9/10 classes depending on what you take. I think the max (18) could be around 7 classes....is that not enough? I've had good experiences with the ADAP's so far and they would definitely be helpful in helping you plan/sort this all out.
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Hey fellow BSHEs--

About how many units did you all sign up for Fall semester. I don't know what to expect really as far as course load. I'm at 14 units.

Just curious, thanks!

Hey swim, fellow BSHE here.

I'm at 15 and feeling pretty confident. I am working over the summer at Emory and a lot of people are saying that's a good course load, especially considering it will be with BIOS. Plus, taking too many classes would limit the time I can be spending with work and volunteer opportunities.
Intrepid, what are you doing over the summer?
how many classes are Epi's taking? i'm doing 13 units, i just want to make sure that isn't too much with work and all of the labs and such? my math background is shaky.
how many classes are Epi's taking? i'm doing 13 units, i just want to make sure that isn't too much with work and all of the labs and such? my math background is shaky.

i'm signed up for 11 units so far. i wanted to take 2 core classes but one of them were already closed. 11-13 units per semester should be fine. what electives are you taking?
Wow, I feel like such a slacker...I'm only planning to take 11 credits!
apparently HPM doesn't get a choice of what classes you take... the only choice you get is if you want to drop an additional class worth 3 credits... so we all got registered automatically for 16 credits but we are allowed to drop one of the classes (down to 13)... I didn't get to pick any classes at all lol... most likely I'm gonna end up dropping that one class and just going with 13 credits... to be honest, I don't mind that, saves me the headache of registering and I know those classes are worth taking
oh yeah one more question... what do you do without a car? growing up in Detroit I kind of cannot imagine not having a car... here if you don't have a ride, you're pretty much under house arrest... so I'm pondering leaving my car here but I'm not sure how that will limit me... like getting to class? shopping? dining? entertainment? can all those be done without a car? well actually let me rephrase it... I know it CAN be done without a car, but is it a GOOD IDEA to do so? also... how much will not having a car compromise the safety factor? thanks!
how many classes are Epi's taking? i'm doing 13 units, i just want to make sure that isn't too much with work and all of the labs and such? my math background is shaky.

I'm also taking 11. On the advisement page, it says that most students take 11-13 credits.
Just came across this thread. I'll be staring the CMPH program (Applied Epi) this fall.
i'm signed up for 11 units so far. i wanted to take 2 core classes but one of them were already closed. 11-13 units per semester should be fine. what electives are you taking?

Hi Heej! i'm taking the case studies of infectious disease and the public health preparedness class for electives. when i went to the admitted students orientation in March, pretty much everyone i talked to said the case studies of infectious disease class was their favorite class their first years.
Question: if there is a professor you really want to work for, do you just contact them directly? What do you say, I'm cool, have any research openings? Do I send a resume? Is that done? Also, do people work directly for professors aside from work study?
Has anyone had their plus applications go through yet?
It rains a lot in Atlanta, right? Would it be a good idea to have rain boots?
I moved in yesterday. It rained. I don't think rainboots are ever a bad investment (I have a pair myself).
I have been in Atlanta since June and it rains in the afternoon pretty often, but not enough to make me buy rain boots.
It rains a lot in Atlanta, right? Would it be a good idea to have rain boots?

It doesn't necessarily rain a lot. It has rained a good bit in the last year, but before that we were in a bad drought for years.

I would vote for rain boots if you're going to be walking to campus a lot. If you're going to drive your car back and forth from Rollins, then not so much.