Formulaic Approach to Beta-Oxidation Energy Yield?

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10+ Year Member
Aug 24, 2012
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Does anyone know of any formulas for calculating the energy yield in ATP of various fatty acids? The even-numbered saturated fatty acids are pretty-straightforward, but it gets tricky with the polyunsaturated and odd-numbered ones...Ideally, I want a formula where I can input the Chain length and the number and position of double bonds and get an output of the number of ATP's produced. Then I could program it into my graphing calculator and destroy my biochemistry exam on Friday

For example:

B-oxidation , odd-numbered chain length saturated fat:

[(Chain length - 1)/2] - 1 = x

2.5(4x+1) + 1.5(2x+1) + x = 14x+ 4 = # ATP produced

The formulae for unsaturated fats will be tougher to derive though.

Can someone confirm if this is correct?

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Does anyone know of any formulas for calculating the energy yield in ATP of various fatty acids? The even-numbered saturated fatty acids are pretty-straightforward, but it gets tricky with the polyunsaturated and odd-numbered ones...Ideally, I want a formula where I can input the Chain length and the number and position of double bonds and get an output of the number of ATP's produced. Then I could program it into my graphing calculator and destroy my biochemistry exam on Friday

For example:

B-oxidation , odd-numbered chain length saturated fat:

[(Chain length - 1)/2] - 1 = x

2.5(4x+1) + 1.5(2x+1) + x = 14x+ 4 = # ATP produced

The formulae for unsaturated fats will be tougher to derive though.

Can someone confirm if this is correct?
Oh and good luck on your exam! Good thing we don't have to worry about this on the MCAT.