Medical Gap year job start date advice

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SDN Chief Administrator
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Sep 30, 2008
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I am trying to schedule when I should begin my gap year clinical job.

Should I try to start before June so that I can list it on AMCAS?

My semester will end in mid May and I was planning on taking care of some personal stuff while preparing for applications, and then starting my gap year job in mid-June. However, I can probably squeeze and start my job before June if it would be more beneficial to list my projected hours on AMCAS (since amcas won't let you list any activities that you will be starting in the future).

Although I can write about my gap year job in secondaries for many schools, a few schools do not have an anything else or gap year job essay prompt, and I am not sure if an update letter is appropriate for a gap year job.

Is this something worth doing? Or is projected gap year job hours not very valued in applications?
For context, I will not have extensive clinical hours by the time I apply (a little less than 300 hrs).

Thank you so much in advance!
Why not just submit on 6/15 and include the job? Yes, applying early is important, but there is very limited marginal benefit to applying on 6/1 vs. 6/15.

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How much can you write about your gap year job after 2 weeks?

Please note "future hours" will likely not be weighted. If you only started a week or so in, don't expect screener to think it significant.
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