Generous or insane parents???

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I know someone going to UPENN next year whose parents are paying for 100% of his bills while he is in school (tuition instruments rent food car insurance even 15k for fun) Is this common, or are his parents just insane.
I wish my parents were that crazy. Anyone else probably gonna owe in the 200 range This estimated bill is really making me consider medicine because the dental schools seem to cost so god damn much more when you compare the two.

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cbennett said:
I know someone going to UPENN next year whose parents are paying for 100% of his bills while he is in school (tuition instruments rent food car insurance even 15k for fun) Is this common, or are his parents just insane.
I wish my parents were that crazy. Anyone else probably gonna owe in the 200 range This estimated bill is really making me consider medicine because the dental schools seem to cost so god damn much more when you compare the two.

This is pretty common, I know alot of my friends in med/dental/law school whos parents hook them up with apts, tuition, and cash. If they have the money, why not?
cbennett said:
I know someone going to UPENN next year whose parents are paying for 100% of his bills while he is in school (tuition instruments rent food car insurance even 15k for fun) Is this common, or are his parents just insane.
I wish my parents were that crazy. Anyone else probably gonna owe in the 200 range This estimated bill is really making me consider medicine because the dental schools seem to cost so god damn much more when you compare the two.

they aren't crazy, it's just matter of if they can or not.
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I guess it means your parents don't love you anymore. Im sorry.
Yep, thats life. There are more wealthy people out there than you think. I don't think its anything more than what you would recieve from loans.. They just chose to pay from their investments.....still it would be wiser to take the federal loans and their relatively low interest rates compared to more commercial loans, and leave their money earning more interest in investments
I think its perfectly fine if the parents can fork over the someone else posted before, why not? If you have it, use it. It almost be selfish not to pay the entire tuition if you certainly can do it easily.
i dont think theres anything wrong with that. my family dentist has three kids 2 in law school and 1 currently an undergraduate and he's paying all their expenses since he can afford it, however he told his kids that once their done with their education any debts they incur wont be his responsibility which seems like a good policy.
a lot of it is cultural as well...I come from an East Indian background and my parents offered to pay my entire way, but I refused and told them that I would prefer if they enjoy their money......but usually with East Indian parents, they work their entire life to be able to give their kids a secure life.....its the underlying concept that defines our culture.....and Im sure its like this with many other cultures as well.
I had a deal with my parents,where if I went to school in the NY-area(versus going far away for undergrad), they'd pay for all of professional school. So while I didnt get to go to some big fun school in a different state like alot of people I know did, I now dont have to evar worry about loans. :thumbup:
My parents told me that they will support me as long as I'm in school. They're paying practically nothing for my undergraduate education which means they'll have more than enough left over to pay for my dental education :D
beastly115 said:
My parents told me that they will support me as long as I'm in school. They're paying practically nothing for my undergraduate education which means they'll have more than enough left over to pay for my dental education :D

Wow you guys are parents are forcing me to pay them for allowing me to participate in this American educational system because they feel it corrupts the righteous.
americanpierg said:
Wow you guys are parents are forcing me to pay them for allowing me to participate in this American educational system because they feel it corrupts the righteous.

Yes. Yes it does. I was righteous once, but now I am no longer :(
I'm basically going to be running on loans after I graduate from undergrad, but thanks to federal aid for my poor ass, two years of community college and some generous help from my father's memorial fund, I'll manage to scrape out of undergrad with only ~10,000 in loans, which is a lot less then most people as I understand. So I guess I don't feel too in the red ;)
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My parents are poor, but if they had money, I'm sure they'd pay for it all like some parents do.
or you could have a succesful fortune 500 company for a while and pay for everything me.
i would say they are generous parents who can afford to help their kids out
Hmm, I don't think it's a matter of sanity or not. :p There could be a number of reasons parents pay for their children's education. I know mine do it, even if it's only a one-person income and 2 of us kids both in IVY undergraduate institutions, but it's their reward to see us going far in our careers and education and we make them proud. I know they sacrificed a lot...which only motivates me to do better and succeed. They don't ask for a single penny back, and I can only reward them with my success. Maybe it's cultural?..since we're not wealthy. :oops: Your friend's parents are not insane...they're cool! :cool:
Honestly, I think the idea of paying for a child's higher education is strange. I can see maybe helping out a little with undergrad... but professional school?

I'm not saying it's wrong for a parent to pay for school, but I was always raised with the knowledge that whatever I did after highschool would be my responsibility. My parents didn't give me so much as $10 for groceries when I left for college and I probably wouldn't have taken it if it was offered. This seems pretty normal to me and I plan on raising my own kids the same way even if I can afford to foot the bill.

I'm not exactly a tough love kind of guy, but I'm not gonna spoil em either.
CorneliusFudge said:
Honestly, I think the idea of paying for a child's higher education is strange. I can see maybe helping out a little with undergrad... but professional school?

I'm not saying it's wrong for a parent to pay for school, but I was always raised with the knowledge that whatever I did after highschool would be my responsibility. My parents didn't give me so much as $10 for groceries when I left for college and I probably wouldn't have taken it if it was offered. This seems pretty normal to me and I plan on raising my own kids the same way even if I can afford to foot the bill.

I'm not exactly a tough love kind of guy, but I'm not gonna spoil em either.

OMG i feel the same way, It feels weird now accepting money from my parents...partly because I'm making quite a killing on my own
americanpierg said:
OMG i feel the same way, It feels weird now accepting money from my parents...partly because I'm making quite a killing on my own

See but thats a different situation. If you've been out of college for a few years before going to dental school, then of course its weird to have your parents pay. Having those few years of independence and making your own income changes things a bit. But for those going straight from undergrad to professional school, its not weird at all. Just think of it this way, if you are the parent and you have the financial means to pay for school, wouldnt you feel like its the right thing to do to help shoulder the load? Especially knowing that your child has no significant savings as a fresh graduate? If I was a parent, the last thing I would want to do is deny my child's dream because of money.

Of course its not good to spoil your kid, but you can still teach financial responsibility and help out at the same time. Thats when its probably best to have some sort of agreement like having the parents pay some percentage, and the kid handles the rest. This way after 4 years, the debt is fairly managable, but at the same time the kid doesnt spend with reckless abandon because he's spending his own money, not his parents' money.
BallDontLie said:
But for those going straight from undergrad to professional school, its not weird at all.
I'm straight out of undergrad and I think it's weird. I paid for all my undergrad with a landscape business and will use student loans to foot the bill for dental school. It is not your parents responsibility to make sure you succeed, it's your own. If my kid ever wants anything, and I mean anything, I will tell them to get a job.
What I dont understand is why people are getting all touchy about this. If your parents have the means to do it,and are willing to,then why not? Everyones situation is different,and that doesnt make anyone whose parents will pay 300K for professional school, better than the kid who has to take out that much in loans.
people who b*tch about parents who pay are just jealous that their parents aren't as generous. I do agree with Dr.BadVibes (banned for some reason) in a previous post that cultural attitudes plays a part. Just want to get a general consensus, do Asian parents typically try to pay as much as possible for their kids' education (my parents do)? It makes sense because Asian parents typically want their kids to get the best education possible and to excel at school, so they're willing to pay anything to make sure the kids succeed. That's what I think.
people who b*tch about parents who pay are just jealous that their parents aren't as generous. I do agree with Dr.BadVibes (banned for some reason) in a previous post that cultural attitudes plays a part. Just want to get a general consensus, do Asian parents typically try to pay as much as possible for their kids' education (my parents do)? It makes sense because Asian parents typically want their kids to get the best education possible and to excel at school, so they're willing to pay anything to make sure the kids succeed. That's what I think.

If thats true, word to the asian population. :thumbup: any asian family willing to adopt 6'3 cacuasian white boy from Canada... :D
hockeydentist said:
If thats true, word to the asian population. :thumbup: any asian family willing to adopt 6'3 cacuasian white boy from Canada... :D

hahaha..nice. I agree with infiinte, its probably more of a cultural thing. Honesty, I can't see any asian parent leaving the kids to fend for themselves when they have the finanical resources to help out. On the other hand, you see it all the time with everyone else. Unless of course the kid's a complete tool and guaranteed to f*ck up...but thats a different situation all together.

Another possibilty is that maybe it just depends on how you were brought up. Years down the road, if I'm confident in my child ability to succeed and have the money to help, I will. But maybe thats just cuz my parents helped me out. If my parents had cut me off, my attitude would be a little different

All you people that are shocked and appalled that some parents are paying for their kids' schooling gotta realize one thing -- theres a big difference between chipping in, and paying for everything. I dont think there are too many students out there getting free rides from their parents if they are going to private schools that cost 250K+. All those "spoiled" kids getting help are still probably going to be 150 - 200K in debt when all is said and done.
BallDontLie said:
Another possibilty is that maybe it just depends on how you were brought up. Years down the road, if I'm confident in my child ability to succeed and have the money to help, I will. But maybe thats just cuz my parents helped me out. If my parents had cut me off, my attitude would be a little different

While I do agree with a lot of what BallDontLie said about how different the child's attitudes towards this topic will differ depending on how they were raised, yet i don't think that it's a matter of knowing if the child will succeed or not. Some parents just help out.

BallDontLie said:
All you people that are shocked and appalled that some parents are paying for their kids' schooling gotta realize one thing -- theres a big difference between chipping in, and paying for everything. I dont think there are too many students out there getting free rides from their parents if they are going to private schools that cost 250K+. All those "spoiled" kids getting help are still probably going to be 150 - 200K in debt when all is said and done.

Haha, and yea, while some people call those who get help financially "spoiled", it all actually depends on the kid. Some still act like immature people, while some actually are surprisingly very "independent" while getting help from the parents. I know I tried really really hard to convince my mom to let me learn to manage my own bills and everything, but my mom only insists that I use the time to "study", while she handles this job. :confused: There are bad and good points to this. I have definitely been exposed to both sides. :p

And in general, I don't think there really is a discrimination of those who get help and those who don't. It's a matter of personal preference, and each parent/kid has their own personality/attitude that develops due to this circumstance. Just be happy about your life- you've made it this far. :rolleyes: