Haven't received Certiphi yet?

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I was accepted in the beginning of December but haven't received Certiphi yet. Should I be concerned?

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Did the school who accepted you use Certiphi? I'm not completely sure how this works, but AMCAS checkout gives you that notification 'One or more of the schools you selected uses Certiphi background check (or something)...' which makes me think that not all schools do. This could be completely wrong though. Either way, I don't think you're in trouble.
While writing this, I saw this thread recommended which might answer your question: Have people received certiphi yet?
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Did the school who accepted you use Certiphi? I'm not completely sure how this works, but AMCAS checkout gives you that notification 'One or more of the schools you selected uses Certiphi background check (or something)...' which makes me think that not all schools do. This could be completely wrong though. Either way, I don't think you're in trouble.
While writing this, I saw this thread recommended which might answer your question: Have people received certiphi yet?
Yes the school that accepted me uses Certiphi. I'm just not sure why I haven't received it yet?
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in the same boat. accepted in October, school uses Certiphi, no email yet. wondering if i should contact Certiphi or just wait it out.
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Yes the school that accepted me uses Certiphi. I'm just not sure why I haven't received it yet?
Schools want to be reasonably sure you will attend before doing this, especially if you have several acceptances. You have time this spring before school starts.
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Schools want to be reasonably sure you will attend before doing this, especially if you have several acceptances. You have time this spring before school starts.
I don't understand? I see people have already started receiving it in the beginning of January?
Sort of related but for anyone who has received their background check but hasn't gotten it completed yet it looks like the time it takes for them to complete it is sort of variable based on how fast your county is with getting back to them. I called because mine is taking over the 3-5 business days to complete and they said it's because they're still waiting for my county to get back to them.
I received an email about conducting Certiphi last week. Anyone know for sure what school they got it from? My guess is Minnesota, but I can’t really tell… as I’ve been waitlisted by several schools
I was accepted to Minnesota but haven't received it yet. I called Certiphi today and they said they hadn't received a request for me yet.
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I received an email about conducting Certiphi last week. Anyone know for sure what school they got it from? My guess is Minnesota, but I can’t really tell… as I’ve been waitlisted by several schools
Were you accepted to Minnesota?
Do you think there's a reason for me to be concerned?
No. While you are waiting, a background check asks for a list of every (and I mean every) address where you have lived for your whole life.
Homes, dorms, apartments, everything.
If your family moved around a lot you might need your parents' help on this.
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