Medical Hey You – Yeah, You with the Awesome Med School Interview Invitation

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Unless your wife is about to go into labor (or is already IN labor), then you should not under ANY circumstance answer your phone, or even leave your ringer on, during your med school interview. Seem obvious to you? Then you’re one step ahead of med school applicants who let their phones ring and then wonder why they didn’t get accepted!

Learn additional and less obvious interview do’s and don’ts during tomorrow’s webinar, How to Nail Your Med School Interviews. You still haven’t signed up? Well it’s not too late (but it’s getting there) – reserve your spot now to get one step closer to putting those precious doctor initials after your name.

The details:

Date: Wednesday, September 7th
Time: 5pm PT/8pm ET

Reserve your spot for How to Nail Your Med School Interviews before it’s too late!

This article originally appeared on

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