Medical How do I show interested when I'm on the waitlist?

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SDN Chief Administrator
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Sep 30, 2008
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I have been accepted by UPKYCOM but it's not my top choice. I was placed on the alternate list at NSU KPCOM back in October and I've emailed updated midterm grades, final fall semester grades, and an update letter with my activities such as research, volunteering and shadowing I"ve done in my SMP. My final fall grades resulted in a 3.85 gpa (from undergrad I have a 3.6 cgpa and 3.45 sgpa, 503 MCAT with 125 in every section but CARS). Yesterday there was a lot of movement from the waitlist, but unfortunately, I was not one of these students. I was wondering if you could provide any advice on what to do or how to show my interest even more or if I just have to wait at this point? Thank you!
Everyone applying to Med school is interested, and none of the things you mentioned is really going to move the needle. I know you want to feel like you “did everything you could,” but you just have to wait.

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You’ve done what you can. Wait till near the end where you have to drop a deposit. You can try to send another email to your top to see what happens but as said above it probably won’t do much unless there’s a significant significant change in your application.
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