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How long does a PVS impression last

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10+ Year Member
Nov 20, 2011
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Dental student here. I took a final PVS impression for a crown a couple weeks ago (!!!) and I was ready to send it out to the lab, but it turns out the patient's medicaid was put on hold earlier that week.
It took a couple weeks before it to become active again, and then an extra week to process the order to the lab.
I asked faculty if I could send out a (now) 3 week old PVS impression out to the lab. They told me "they are fine for about 6 weeks".
I've searched for any articles and could only find that PVS impressions are dimensionally stable for 1 week.

How long do you guys keep PVS impressions before you take it over again? I can't find any clear literature on this. All the faculty I have asked said that it should be fine for several weeks. A classmate of mine held on to PVS impressions for a several weeks too (for invisalign case).
I hope my crown comes back accurate. But even if it does, looking forward, should I retake future final PVS impressions.

Here's a clinical pic of my crown prep!

Thanks! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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Nice photo! Is that edentulous space just 1 tooth or is it completely edentulous posterior to the prepped tooth? Just a crown or a bridge? Assuming not a survey crown because no rest seat is prepped.

I have heard most professors say about 3-4 weeks is good enough.
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damn is that plaque? let's get that in control before placing a crown!
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damn is that plaque? let's get that in control before placing a crown!
I was considering cropping out the incisors :laugh: Patient was referred to PG-Perio for perio maintenance. I was given the ok to prep because his cleaning was scheduled for later that week.:whistle:
Nice photo! Is that edentulous space just 1 tooth or is it completely edentulous posterior to the prepped tooth? Just a crown or a bridge? Assuming not a survey crown because no rest seat is prepped.

I have heard most professors say about 3-4 weeks is good enough.

Patient elected for implants for missing #30 and nonrestorable #31 (EXT)!!

Thanks! I had a lot of fun taking pics. Heres another of my temp. I cemented with tempbond and used luxatemp. I didn't have study models so used a quadrant tray and took a blu-mousse impression of my prep. Then I used an acrylic bur to carve out the crown in the impression. --> Then I filled it with luxatemp, added some anatomy and...


It was my first time using this method, but it worked. Contact and occlusion was good. I made a mess with the tempbond though :bang: But since then I've learned if I add some vaseline to the surface of the crown before tempbonding = easier and cleaner cleanup :nod:

Shade Selection.jpg

shade match too!

I'm going with a ips e.max ceramic crown! :banana:
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Then I used an acrylic bur to carve out the crown in the impression. --> Then I filled it with luxatemp, added some anatomy and...
Looks good, nice job!

About how long the PVS impressions last... I'm convinced they basically never go bad....

One of our professors said 1 week max but I don't believe that because I've poured one up three times over the span of 3 months and all the casts occlude properly.
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