DO I'm desperate. At my lowest point.

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Jul 15, 2014
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Hi all, this is not going to be easy to write. I am in need for some positive/solid advice. Ever since I was little, I've always wanted to become a doctor. I have always envisioned myself to be one. However after my most recent MCAT score, I'm freaking out. I'm going to list out all my numbers and statistics and I would love to get some input. Okay so here it goes:

According to AACOMAS, my GPAs are:
  • non science: 3.30
  • science: 3.17
  • cumulative: 3.26
I'm currently attending a 1 year masters program to increase my GPA.

My MCAT scores:
01/26/201307(VR)07(PS)07(BS) 21(Total)

I have a very well rounded application otherwise. Plenty of research,volunteering, shadowing, as well as other leadership roles in extracurricular activities.

I studied hard for the most recent exam (I was scoring between 27-29). I don't know what happened during the actual exam.

It has been a life long dream of mine to become a doctor, and I would like to know if it is still a possibility for me. I am thinking about taking the exam again before the format changes because I have not learned about the new subjects while in undergrad. I was also considering applying this current cycle and listing that I will be taking the exam again and hoping for a prayer. I was also considering Caribbean schools, but from what I researched, I should never go there. I think I'm really trying to figure out if I should still try to pursue this, or should I switch to a different path (dental, pharmacy, etc.)? I doubt if there is anyone in my position, but if there are any, what did you do? Did you eventually make it? Please help me out.

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Hi all, this is not going to be easy to write. I am in need for some positive/solid advice. Ever since I was little, I've always wanted to become a doctor. I have always envisioned myself to be one. However after my most recent MCAT score, I'm freaking out. I'm going to list out all my numbers and statistics and I would love to get some input. Okay so here it goes:

According to AACOMAS, my GPAs are:
  • non science: 3.30
  • science: 3.17
  • cumulative: 3.26
I'm currently attending a 1 year masters program to increase my GPA.

My MCAT scores:
01/26/201307(VR)07(PS)07(BS) 21(Total)

I have a very well rounded application otherwise. Plenty of research,volunteering, shadowing, as well as other leadership roles in extracurricular activities.

I studied hard for the most recent exam (I was scoring between 27-29). I don't know what happened during the actual exam.

It has been a life long dream of mine to become a doctor, and I would like to know if it is still a possibility for me. I am thinking about taking the exam again before the format changes because I have not learned about the new subjects while in undergrad. I was also considering applying this current cycle and listing that I will be taking the exam again and hoping for a prayer. I was also considering Caribbean schools, but from what I researched, I should never go there. I think I'm really trying to figure out if I should still try to pursue this, or should I switch to a different path (dental, pharmacy, etc.)? I doubt if there is anyone in my position, but if there are any, what did you do? Did you eventually make it? Please help me out.

I'm not in this situation but I'm confident you can do this!

I think DO is a great option for you. DO schools believe in reinvention and admissions are more holistic. You need to do the sn2ed MCAT study method or be studying non stop. At this point you need to prove yourself. You have to show you can handle medical school. The MCAT is a tough exam and you should read up and the 30+ thread and see what successful people do.

DO is never out of reach of you're willing to work for it. You can always retake stuff and prove yourself. You're going to have to admit to yourself though that this will take some time.

You got to believe you can do it
I think it's time to work on Plan B and look into other career options.

Hi all, this is not going to be easy to write. I am in need for some positive/solid advice. Ever since I was little, I've always wanted to become a doctor. I have always envisioned myself to be one. However after my most recent MCAT score, I'm freaking out. I'm going to list out all my numbers and statistics and I would love to get some input. Okay so here it goes:

According to AACOMAS, my GPAs are:
  • non science: 3.30
  • science: 3.17
  • cumulative: 3.26
I'm currently attending a 1 year masters program to increase my GPA.

My MCAT scores:
01/26/201307(VR)07(PS)07(BS) 21(Total)

I have a very well rounded application otherwise. Plenty of research,volunteering, shadowing, as well as other leadership roles in extracurricular activities.

I studied hard for the most recent exam (I was scoring between 27-29). I don't know what happened during the actual exam.

It has been a life long dream of mine to become a doctor, and I would like to know if it is still a possibility for me. I am thinking about taking the exam again before the format changes because I have not learned about the new subjects while in undergrad. I was also considering applying this current cycle and listing that I will be taking the exam again and hoping for a prayer. I was also considering Caribbean schools, but from what I researched, I should never go there. I think I'm really trying to figure out if I should still try to pursue this, or should I switch to a different path (dental, pharmacy, etc.)? I doubt if there is anyone in my position, but if there are any, what did you do? Did you eventually make it? Please help me out.
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Have you considered podiatry or physician assistant professions? Your MCAT scores are good enough to secure you an admission in a podiatry school. Pod physicians and Pod surgeons also earn a Doctorate in Medicine and usually earn a 6 figure salary (if that means something to you).
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I was going to recommend podiatry as well.
I concur: podiatry, pathologist's assistant, physician's assistant are great careers. The MCAT is the big pitfall here unfortunately. Sorry OP :/

PM if you have any more questions/support.
How did you study for the MCAT exactly? I think if you are REALLY dedicated and determined, you could take the MCAT again...only after you are really ready.
Work on your test anxiety. Just treat the MCAT like any other practice test.
Getting lots of bad advice above that's going to waste both your time and money. You have taken the MCAT 3 times now and performed abysmally, and your GPA is rather low as well. It seems like science may not be your thing.

Not everyone that wants to be a physician can be/should be a physician. As @Goro said, look into Plan B and get yourself invested in other careers, even other careers in healthcare. With your GPA, PA School will most likely not be an option either, but things like Podiatry, Nursing, and graduate school are still possibilities.

I really don't mean to be harsh, and I wish you the best in whatever you choose to do, but you should think long and hard about whether continuing to pursue medicine is reasonable for you.
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If you want to take the risk (not recommended, obviously), apply to Caribbean schools. Otherwise, the only DO program I could see giving you a look would be LUCOM.
I would say there is a chance you can get into a Caribbean medical school.

Although GPA/MCAT are representations of how well your'e going to do in medical school. A friend of mine got into a Caribbean medical school with a 3.3 gpa and 18 MCAT BUT** he found the first year to be too overwhelming for him and decided to drop medical school and do pharmacy instead. He is doing very well in pharmacy and clearly enjoys it better.

It took him 3 years to learn this lesson, but truly ask yourself why you want to be a doctor. There are many avenues you can take to attain a similar and rewarding career in the healthcare field.

THERE IS NO SHAME in saying "maybe this isn't for me". If your study habits are not up to par, then please save yourself 1-3 years of your life and do your best at another career option.

The goal as physicians is not to get by at every level of testing but rather to do well in so when we're in a hospital setting or a clinical we can actually treat the patients we see. If you barley make it every step of the way, when you're finally on your own in the world - life is going to be very hard.

If you believe with an MCAT class, or private tutoring, or re-studying for the MCAT will enable you to get above a 30 - I would say do it. If not, re-think your options please.

Good luck.