International student applying for MD - PhD

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Jul 17, 2021
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Hi everyone,
I am an international student (Asian) and have acquired my master degree in molecular genetics outside North America. I realized that most schools accepting international students require a degree from the US or Canada or a year or two of study there.
Is there any school that accept international students who have studied outside America or Canada?

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If you haven’t already I recommend getting a subscription to MSAR. It will provide a more comprehensive list of schools and their international student policy.
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My understanding is that international students are ineligible for the federal funding that pays for MD/PhD seats which is why the programs are not open to international students.
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If you haven’t already I recommend getting a subscription to MSAR. It will provide a more comprehensive list of schools and their international student policy.
Thanks for your reply,
Actually, I checked it out and found about 50 universities accepting internationals. But when I emailed directly to the universities, they said that internationals are required to have a degree or a year of study in the US.
Yeah it's quite difficult for folks without bachelor's/masters degrees from the US. My program historically have had a few people with degrees from abroad, but they either have a master's degree from here or went to an American-style school abroad (think American University of Beirut or NYU Abu Dhabi).

I don't have any easy advice for you, cuz even if you have an American degree you're looking at 1-2 additional years of prep and application. I think it helps to think where you want to practice, whether you want to just practice medicine or do science. You may have much more favorable options in your home country or in those that recognize your degrees.

Best of luck!
I would think there are tons of American students want to have a spot on one of the MD PhD programs. It is hard for programs to justify overlooking American students and accepting someone from abroad.