less stressed dental school?

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7+ Year Member
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Mar 31, 2001
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hi, all

i just found this site, and we have so many nice people around. this is a good reason for the people want to a dentist!

i know that all dental schools are pretty stressful, is there any school that is more friendly to their students than others? any relatively less stressful school around?

i am going apply this year and looking for the school more relax and has a reasonable good clinic parts? I know almost any dental school has good parts and bad part, i want to the bad part before i get into that school.

congratulation for these who were already accepted! would you share the real reason that you pick that school?

my next four years is depended on your reply, thanks a milli!


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I wanted to choose which dental school I went to for the exact same reason you are choosing one for. Look into Pitt. The people there are the nicest, friendliest, most helpful of all the schools I looked into. In general, they are incredibly layed back (which doesn't mean they don't give a damn or don't work hard, it just means they won't slit everyone's throat like at other schools). I think you would do good to apply there. If you want more info, let me know.
thanks brwncaddy!
i also heared something nice about pitt
how is school location, city? board? is it easy to find patients? any drawback for pitt?

i am doing my undergrad at Cal, so far did pretty good. but i want to concentrate on clinc when i go to dental school.

thanks a lot for your reply. it is very important for my decision this summer. cause i always thought to go ucla b/c their p/s system, and people are nicer when they do not worry about their grade too much.

best regards


ps. for the people in ucla and Uconn, how is class load and stress compare with other schools? any other schools have p/s system? any feedback is greatly appreciated.

[This message has been edited by snowman (edited March 31, 2001).]
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Pitt has a good patient pool and Pittsburgh itself is probably the safest of America's "big" cities (to be fair, though, it has far fewer people than, say, NYC or LA). One of the major drawbacks would probably be the weather. I heard a stat somewhere that Pittsburgh has more overcast days/year than any other city except Seattle.
from my name, you know i like cold weather
Hi Snowman,
To tell you the truth, I don't think none of the dental schools are relaxed. It really depends on what kind of field you want to get into interms of GP or specialty. Most academic schools have hardcore curriculums and some clincal schools have loads of patient visits. Either way could be stressful.
How are your GPAs or extracurriculums such as research or interns? Many people here can help you out limiting down schools for you if you provide us with the info. Good luck applying and do well in your DAT, that might be your only shot if the GPA is average. =)

hi, Nicholas

thanks for your reply.

here is my stat. GPA 3.83, sci gpa have not calculated, may be about 3.7. some dental experience and i have good recomm letter. now i am still need three more classes to finish my BA in berkeley ( i am a transfer student in Cal). major molecular and cell biology.
haven't finish my DAT yet, plan to take it this summer, God bless.

Cal is pretty stressful school (any bears around? agree?), many my friends finished their undergrad at a much easier school, still end up with a dental school they want. comparing with those people, i did my predental study in a hard way.

i don't mind competition, and never afraid of it. i just want to concentrate on practice, and have a good time in dental school. i don't want to be a specialist. when i graduate form dental school,and working on people's tooth, who cares what is my gpa? or where i did my dental school or undergrad?

thanks again for your posting! which school are you going? why u chose that school?



ps: anybody know something about alabama, louisville, louisville state, oklahoma, oregon? do i have a chance as a student of outstate? clinic? class load? patients?
thanks in advance!

This is for brwncaddy. Hi, i am going to be attending U Pitt dental school in the fall. I found it really interesting that you think Pitt is laid back and not so cut throat. that was my impression as well. I was just wondering if you will be going there this fall. If so what are you doing about housing? Have you heard which places are good? Please write me and let me know. Also, i would also like to know what else you have heard about the school, the city etc...

Thanks so much...
why don't you email me at ********** and we can swap info, etc... (yes, I will be going to Pitt this fall).

[This message has been edited by brwncaddy (edited April 01, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by brwncaddy (edited April 01, 2001).]
glad see you guys found somefriends here, enjoy your dental school.
thanks snowman...and don't worry..you'll find a school that you will be happy at also...

Good luck with the DAT's and the whole application process.
