Monday Thread

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Any one else headed to Riverside later this week for the WPA conference? We've got four students presenting this year. It'll be a short week in the classroom, part of which will be spent looking at changes in population demographics.

I really like the census' interactive databases. The classroom projector uses a "smartwall" where students can navigate around the map, zoom in on their own counties/states/neighborhoods.

This is another interactive data set I like to use in class:

Happy monday!

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I am reading Devil's Highway by Luis Alberto Urrea. It was a pulitzer finalist, but it's beautifully written. It tells the tragic story of some "walkers" and the background info on the culture of the coyotes who traffic people by walking. Fascinating.
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TIL April 24 is National Pigs in a Blanket Day. Campus food service was giving them away on the quad, complete with dipping sauces.

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spending the last couple days of class wading into deeper waters: the intersection of spirituality and mental health, with a focus on Curanderismo


  • A review of curanderismo and healing practices among Mexicans and Mexican_2009.pdf
    93.6 KB · Views: 68
  • Integrating Curanderismo into counselling and psychotherapy_2010.pdf
    222.3 KB · Views: 74
  • The Practice of Curanderismo_2018.pdf
    126.1 KB · Views: 61
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Allergies this year have me out of commission. Its like a better(worse?) version of "the happening"
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We just finally got warm enough for allergies to kick in and I'm trying to decide how much I miss the April snow....
Any one else headed to Riverside later this week for the WPA conference? We've got four students presenting this year. It'll be a short week in the classroom, part of which will be spent looking at changes in population demographics.

I really like the census' interactive databases. The classroom projector uses a "smartwall" where students can navigate around the map, zoom in on their own counties/states/neighborhoods.

This is another interactive data set I like to use in class:

Happy monday!
Just messed around with the data sets. Very interesting stuff. I looked at some correlations between DI and other other variables. It's obviously highly correlated with the percentage of the state population that lives in an urban setting (r= .71). It's also highly correlated with the average daily low temp (r= .53),s o the colder the state, the less diversity. The temp thing is probably more of a factor of proximity to a southern land border or major sea point of entry than it is to temp, but it's pretty clear that if a place is cold, rural, and hard to get to, it's pretty non-diverse.
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We went to Coronado but the beach was closed because of sewage from Tijuana so we went to La Jolla till Wednesday. Really digging it. Gonna get up early tomorrow and go tide pooling with the kids.
Spending the week in the woods
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Crazy week.

Car got broken into again... This sent me to see what was on zillow - saw a "dream" house and now we submitted an offer. Waiting to hear back. It's gonna be "fun" moving into a place, selling the current sport, and recasting the loan...
Just kinda feeling numb due to an overbooked week.

Internship, APA, moving, catching up with friends, etc. I'll make sure to properly enjoy them as they come, but damn, it's a doozy.
I had already planned a three day weekend. Then I got a head cold. But, was feeling better to paint a portion of our house last night. I am sore.
Moved across the country last week and started a new academic job today.
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I'll be sad when that happens, but also happy at no longer paying the college tuition/daycare expenses.
Yeah, but then 12 years later you have pay THEIR college tuition expenses. By the time today's kindergarteners go to college tuition will be...(does some complex math in his head)...80 billion dollars per semester?
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Yeah, but then 12 years later you have pay THEIR college tuition expenses. By the time today's kindergarteners go to college tuition will be...(does some complex math in his head)...80 billion dollars per semester?

We're going to push these kids into the skilled trades.
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I'll be sad when that happens, but also happy at no longer paying the college tuition/daycare expenses.
yea for real. Wife and I opted out of the daycare circuit and somehow managed to coordinate our schedules to take care of all childcare just the two of us. We're very much enjoying a quiet day at home together for the first time in 6+ years.
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yea for real. Wife and I opted out of the daycare circuit and somehow managed to coordinate our schedules to take care of all childcare just the two of us. We're very much enjoying a quiet day at home together for the first time in 6+ years.
You guys doing okay in Cali with Hilary?
You guys doing okay in Cali with Hilary?
all good where we're at, just humid and 10 degrees warmer than usual. Lots of rain in LA and farther south, closed streets, downed branches & power lines, localized flooding in the desert towns. We've got family and friends in the area and all are ok, nothing dire going on thankfully.
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Y'all, for the first time in my adult life, I have a garage. This is crazy. We list the old house on Monday. It's getting staged today and tomorrow. The house across the street was listed and was sold in 4 days.
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Does anyone know why erg923's account is on hold?
Can't tell if I am going to throw up today or just drank my cold brew way too fast or the enchiladas last night were too spicy?

Went for a jog this morning, and immediately noticed some burps. Continued through the jog - yuck. On the way to dropping my daughter off, I felt a little crampy and had a hot flash and some minor nausea.

I'm feeling okay now. What's y'alls threshold for calling it? I've got an intake in 30 minutes. I've got three days of sick time left. But, I've also got two kids and we're just starting flu season.

I feel kinda normal - but I'm one of those people who really can't tell until i'm seeing demons.
I'd probably push through, but I am remarkably good at telling when I'm going to throw up (and, as someone with chronic nausea, I have numerous anti-emetics at my disposal). If I were at a level that I knew was not gonna end well, I would definitely leave. Usually at that point, though, even talking is extremely difficult for me.

I also would think about how you're going to look to the patient (like, are you gonna keep burping? Not great) and if you're able to focus enough to be effective.
I'd probably push through, but I am remarkably good at telling when I'm going to throw up (and, as someone with chronic nausea, I have numerous anti-emetics at my disposal). If I were at a level that I knew was not gonna end well, I would definitely leave. Usually at that point, though, even talking is extremely difficult for me.

I also would think about how you're going to look to the patient (like, are you gonna keep burping? Not great) and if you're able to focus enough to be effective.
I pushed through - I just did a great intake. No more burping in front of patients. Ewww...
Because it is Monday and people are still using the Friday thread. Also, it has been a little quiet here.
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First day of “summer” and none of the relaxation I was hoping for has hit yet. Looking forward to a few months of heavy research and lots of fitness
Because it is Monday and people are still using the Friday thread. Also, it has been a little quiet here.
In reference to the Friday thread, aren't we similar ages? I am an elder millennial.
In reference to the Friday thread, aren't we similar ages? I am an elder millennial.

Yeah. So are Drake and Kendrick for that matter. Aren't these two getting a bit old for rap beef?
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Sanman is the oldest, whitest dude here. He was there in 1921 when Congress created the Veterans Health Bureau. Been in the same office ever since.

Correction sir, my office was already there. They built the VA around it.
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Yeah. So are Drake and Kendrick for that matter. Aren't these two getting a bit old for rap beef?
I'm going to take these gifts while I can. Sometimes I need something else to do with these years of research experience. Dissecting Kendrick's quadruple entendres is my favorite.
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Took the five and two year olds fishing. It was great to help my son get his first fish!

I got to dink around with my first foray into fly fishing (tenkara). Caught a couple of little bass. So much fun.
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That was last Friday for me. Sending out invoices and cashing the checks that had piled up the last few weeks.
Do you only take checks to stay away from fees/credit card auths?
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Do you only take checks to stay away from fees/credit card auths?

I don't accept CC for anything. Some payors are on direct deposit, but all of my IME/legal work comes in via check. Also, any non medicare insurer. I don't trust the United/BCBS/etc with any more of my financial info than I have to give. Also, easier for me to track my billing for legal stuff when I have to manually do it.
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Took the five and two year olds fishing. It was great to help my son get his first fish!

I got to dink around with my first foray into fly fishing (tenkara). Caught a couple of little bass. So much fun.
Spent the long weekend flyfishing (tons of smallmouth on the pond, with some brookies in a small mountain stream). I have had both of my kids catch a fish on a fly, in we'll as tie a fly (though neither is something they're still really that much into. I have an old tenkara rod and have been meaning to give it a try- especially in the mountain streams where casting is a bit tough due to overhanging trees.

Now enough with the "Friday Thread" talk- back to the office tomorrow (Monday all online) and I have a really awful looking hat sunburn/tan. I have a totally shaved head that now has the outlines of a baseball cap, including the half moon thing in the back. While the one and two-year-old clients won't notice/care, I know their parents will notice the ridiculousness of it!
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I don't accept CC for anything. Some payors are on direct deposit, but all of my IME/legal work comes in via check. Also, any non medicare insurer. I don't trust the United/BCBS/etc with any more of my financial info than I have to give. Also, easier for me to track my billing for legal stuff when I have to manually do it.

Today was also an invoice and billing day for me. I am waiting on a few IME checks and I’m non-plussed about the responses. “Maybe it got lost in the mail?” and “I’ll have to check on that.” were the first two responses. I have a billing company for my clinical work, but all consulting and legal work I personally bill and follow.

Always get a retainer for legal work, and invoice with specific penalties so they can’t drag things out w/o paying an ugly interest rate to me. I was slammed when I was working on these most recent cases, and neglected to get my retainer checks. Dumb excuse on my part.
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Aside from smoking a pork butt, hosting a little BBQ, and putting up some misters, it was pretty chill weekend. We had a nasty dust storm (haboob) roll in (monsoon/seasonal thunderstorms occasionally push dust up in front of the storm) last night. The following rain was just enough to make my truck absolutely filthy. So my daughter got to experience a little exposure with response prevention regarding the car wash on the way in this morning. Should have checked the weather - it might rain tonight, tomorrow, and this weekend.

BTW - I'm not a huge fan of premade rubs - but there is something special about this one on pork: Honey Hog BBQ Rub

I think I heard something about Richard Simmons passing away. May he be sweatin' to the oldies in heaven. I wish him the best - I think he helped a ton of people, and I appreciate how he also featured many types of bodies (even disabled ones) in videos.

Nothing else notable happened, right?
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