Moonlighting for residents in NYC?

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Anonymous M4

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10+ Year Member
Oct 16, 2012
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Hi, old medical student member back as a PGY3 of 4, looking to moonlight next year in NYC. Any leads? I tried to search the forums so apologies if this has been done before. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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is the pay still not enough in NYC as a resident or do you just have more free time?
is the pay still not enough in NYC as a resident or do you just have more free time?

Both... I have a family. Rent is nearly one whole paycheck. I've been ok time wise with the odd internal moonlighting shift and it would really help out. As 4's we have a pretty manageable schedule.
Reason number 7263 why NYC is nonsense. Rent is eleventeen thousand dollars for a festering box.