Need help deciding

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Dec 15, 2022
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I need help in deciding whether to continue my BSMD or opt out and apply next cycle.

Pros- guaranteed admission, will graduate a year early. Don’t have to struggle applying.
My profile is not well built, lacks leadership experience. Don‘t know how much it will play in deciding acceptance.

Cons- High tuition don’t want to burden my parents (250k over my state schools across 4 years), Also worried about getting competitive residency and school prestige coming into play.

Stats MCAT 520
GPA 4.0
Research- poster presentation, publication in future
Building up my volunteer hrs this year, have worked as TA at school.

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This sounds like a no-brainer. If you don't have a great profile now, you will not have a strong application to apply RD elsewhere. Why not take your focus and look into more leadership roles? That is what the extra time from MCAT studying and application prep should help you.

I understand 250K in debt is a lot. You have options there to investigate. Talk with the medical school financial aid office.
Why is medical tuition a burden to your parents? It should be your burden and your decision as to how you'll pay for it.

You have good grades and scores. Question will be what kind of clinical experience you have, as well as non-clinical community service. Leadership (teamwork) are good but not as important as clinical and community experience.
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OP has already asked this before. There is no need to create another thread for this.

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