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Jul 16, 2008
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i just graduated nyu and was pretty sure on attending umdnj's masters in biomedical sciences (bc i thought i would get in) but my recs were lost and recieved too late therefore i think i won't even be able to enter the non matriculated program. the only other masters school i applied to was mt sinai but i didn't get into that. can anyone give me ideas on what i can do for next year so that ill have an opportunity to redeem a poor undergrad gpa (2.84). i got a 450v/720m in my gres after studying for 6 days. i have yet to take the mcat.

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There are definitely still some options out there. I graduated in June and I'm currently waiting to hear from masters programs (tufts and loyola). I kind of banked on getting accepted to one of them, but the admissions gods are keeping me waiting. If I don't get accepted, I'll be in a similar situation to you.

You can look into taking some post-bacc classes informally, possibly from a state school, you could take some science classes full or part-time.

My back-up plan is to get a job as a research assistant during the next two years, maybe take a few night classes, and apply to med schools next summer. That way I can still beef up my application academically (via the classes, and maybe a mcat retake) and also add some depth to the research areas.

So for you, you might think of getting an application-boosting job (research or clinically related). I would bet that there are also volunteer opportunities at a hospital near you. Definitely take some classes to raise that GPA above 3.0. Study hard for the MCAT and get a decent score on it. You could also apply very early to a SMP next year to help your chances for next time around.

Good luck :)
i just graduated nyu and was pretty sure on attending umdnj's masters in biomedical sciences (bc i thought i would get in) but my recs were lost and recieved too late therefore i think i won't even be able to enter the non matriculated program. the only other masters school i applied to was mt sinai but i didn't get into that. can anyone give me ideas on what i can do for next year so that ill have an opportunity to redeem a poor undergrad gpa (2.84). i got a 450v/720m in my gres after studying for 6 days. i have yet to take the mcat.

Apply as EARLY as possible and make sure your applications are complete. Don't wait for the people in the admissions offices to tell you that you're missing something. Also, if you're plan is to go to med school (I don't know--I'm assuming it is) then you should probably take the MCAT. If you do well, it will definitely make you a more competitive applicant. Good luck.
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Also, if you're plan is to go to med school (I don't know--I'm assuming it is) then you should probably take the MCAT. If you do well, it will definitely make you a more competitive applicant. Good luck.

Yes I will be taking the MCAT and my intention is to go to medical school. I live in mid-Jersey and was wondering if anyone knows of any particular schools I should look into (anywhere from DC to Boston) and what programs/classes should I focus on. Should i be applying to post bacs?
Yes I will be taking the MCAT and my intention is to go to medical school. I live in mid-Jersey and was wondering if anyone knows of any particular schools I should look into (anywhere from DC to Boston) and what programs/classes should I focus on. Should i be applying to post bacs?

I wouldn't bother with post-bacs. You should try to get into an SMP. I think if you get a 30+ on the MCAT and apply early enough, you shouldn't have any trouble getting into one. In the meantime, I would suggest that you enroll in an MCAT prep course and take at least two more undergrad upper-division science courses during fall 08'. That way you'll be able to give your science GPA a slight boost (provided you do well) and still have time to study for the MCAT. I would also recommend that you take the MCAT in Dec 08' and apply to several SMPs no later than Jan 09'. Some SMPs you might want to consider are Georgetown, Drexel, NYMC, Boston University, and Tufts. These programs are all pretty competitive so I would also suggest that you apply to a "safety SMP" like Barry University in FL, just to be on the safe side. Although the program at Barry technically is not an SMP, I've spoken to the dean there and they have a surprisingly good track record in terms of getting kids into med school.
Did you apply to the stratford program for UMDNJ? They might have some spots open, maybe give them a call.
they do have some spots left. can someone explain the workload difference of having to write a thesis? I don't really want to do that, but if it helps getting into med school, ill do it.