Non engineering interested in Carle

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Jan 16, 2023
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Hello, I am a non engineering major but have experience working in a public health/clinical lab setting, handling various lab machinery. I also have a minor in mathematics if that helps. Does Carle really only accept engineering majors?

Just some side stats:

1. 3.6 cGPA, 3.8 sGPA, 4.0 post bacc gpa, strong upward curve.
2. 511 total MCAT, 127 CHEM, 127 CARS, 128 BIO, 129 PSYCH
3. CA native, resident
4. ORM, asian
5. Graduated from UC Irvine
6. Tons of clinical experience, worked as a MA, Phlebotomist, lab assistant
7. Minor research experience at UCI, but have done a lot of lab work in public health
8. Lots of shadowing from family care, internal med
9. Lots of volunteering in education
10. Have a degree as a CLS (Clinical Lab Scientist, basically the people who analyze patient samples for labwork)

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You need to ask Carle but the impression is that they accept those with highly quantitative backgrounds. Not sure with CLS, but you might as well ask before you decide to spend your money.
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Ultimately you’ll have to contact Carle. Can you tell us why you are interested in Carle? Nothing you have shared says I ‘m interested in. engineering.