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5+ Year Member
May 13, 2017
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How many research experiences does the average medical student has when applying for residency? For example, I currently am writing an article with an ortho surgeon, which we are hoping to publish by october this year and will be presented as a poster as well in september. I am also working on academical/bench research with a profesor in my university and that will be presented as a poster in late May, after that if we receive good feedback we will try to publish it too (with me as the main author). In the summer I will be doing a surgical clinical research internship which will include my name as co-author of a paper next year.

So basicaly I will have:
-paper publication (maybe 3, but at least two are certain)
-2 poster presentations

Will that look good enough? Also, I am currently going to graduate in 5 years (May being the end of my second year) because I had to repeat a first year class. Will this amount of research (and, hopefully, a good Step 1 score) balance out the extra time I spent at medical school?

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