*~*~Official AACOMAS Questions Thread 2021-2022~*~*

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The Real PG
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May 10, 2012
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Please use this thread to ask any questions specific to the AACOMAS application for the 2020-2021 cycle.

Ask away and good luck!

Last year's AACOMAS question page can be found HERE

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Hello, I had a question about the experiences portion of the application. I worked various jobs throughout college that were unrelated to healthcare (i.e., receptionist, retail sales, other sales, and a few per diem positions) I was wondering if I should make a separate experience per job or lump them together. My only concern about lumping them is that the hours I put in will look off as well as the dates.
Hello, I had a question about the experiences portion of the application. I worked various jobs throughout college that were unrelated to healthcare (i.e., receptionist, retail sales, other sales, and a few per diem positions) I was wondering if I should make a separate experience per job or lump them together. My only concern about lumping them is that the hours I put in will look off as well as the dates.
I would say separate them if they were a significant experience. I wouldn't list all of them.
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Do we include activities we completed during the summer after graduating high school? I'm also applying TMDSAS and they say to include, but haven't seen a yes/no regarding this from AACOMAS.
Do we include activities we completed during the summer after graduating high school? I'm also applying TMDSAS and they say to include, but haven't seen a yes/no regarding this from AACOMAS.
It would be perfectly fine to add them if they were meaningful experiences.
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Hello, not sure where to ask this so I just clicked on here. So, I am going through and writing some secondaries and I hate the questions like "What life experiences and people have inspired you to become an osteopathic physician?" or something like that. My entire personal statement is my story of going into medicine and how my various experiences both in and out of medicine have shaped my passion towards osteopathic medicine specifically. Do I just mention all this again haha, like I don't know what to write that I did not already talk about in my personal statement.
Hey there, I was hoping for some advice on the AACOMAS activities + experience section! Firstly, do you think writing in a bulleted format is okay (especially for breaking out specific roles), or should it be written in a short answer format? I'm really having trouble finding recent examples online.

Secondly, I will be starting a one-year pre-medical Master's degree in the Fall. Should I put this in my application, and if so- would I put it in the education section or in the activities section?
Hello, not sure where to ask this so I just clicked on here. So, I am going through and writing some secondaries and I hate the questions like "What life experiences and people have inspired you to become an osteopathic physician?" or something like that. My entire personal statement is my story of going into medicine and how my various experiences both in and out of medicine have shaped my passion towards osteopathic medicine specifically. Do I just mention all this again haha, like I don't know what to write that I did not already talk about in my personal statement.
I would expound upon certain experiences in that section if there was anything you were going to mention again. Or, just create a shortened version, but I wouldn't copy it over again.
Hey there, I was hoping for some advice on the AACOMAS activities + experience section! Firstly, do you think writing in a bulleted format is okay (especially for breaking out specific roles), or should it be written in a short answer format? I'm really having trouble finding recent examples online.

Secondly, I will be starting a one-year pre-medical Master's degree in the Fall. Should I put this in my application, and if so- would I put it in the education section or in the activities section?
Bulleted format will work for the most part but I would still explain your role in the activities you are listing. I would place the Master's degree in the education section.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but where are you guys putting your leadership positions? Would it be under Extracurricular Activities in Experiences?
Sorry if this has been asked before, but where are you guys putting your leadership positions? Would it be under Extracurricular Activities in Experiences?
I put it under Extracurricular Activities in the Experiences section
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Hi all! I am planning on submitting my application sometime this week. I received a C- in Physics II and will be retaking this course in Fall 2021. Would I be screened out/not receive secondaries or interview invites because of this C-? Thank you!
Hi all! I am planning on submitting my application sometime this week. I received a C- in Physics II and will be retaking this course in Fall 2021. Would I be screened out/not receive secondaries or interview invites because of this C-? Thank you!
I don’t think certain schools would count that as passing. I would email to make sure about that moving forward.
So I entered my parent's info into AACOMAS, but what if I don't know where one of my parents currently is located and cannot find the info
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One of my colleges listed science classes with labs like this on my transcripts:

Class CategoryClass NumberClass NameCreditsGrade
BIO120General Biology I4B
BIO120LGeneral Biology I Lab0LB

Would you list both of these separately as they are listed? Or would you just list General Biology I with the info, since the lab grade was included in the lecture grade? Entering in a lab for 0 credits and a grade of LB just seems pointless lol. TIA!
For the "English is not my primary language" question on AACOMAS..... what if I am an immigrant? I grew up speaking another language and when I came to the U.S., I had to learn English on my own, and English eventually became my native/primary language?

For questions, I'm Portuguese.
For online current/future coursework we're taking to make up for some prereqs, do we have to order a transcript for those?
Urgent question before submitting: For the COVID-19 prompt:

Please describe how COVID-19 has impacted your pathway to medical school. Items to consider incorporating into your response may include but are not limited to:

Academic: Were you able to interact with your professors? Did you have to leave an academic program stateside or abroad? Did your school require you to move to pass/fail grading systems? Did your MCAT exam get cancelled, delayed? Other academic barriers?

Professional: Did you hold a job? Did you have to go out and seek new job opportunities? Did you lose a job? Other financial or professional barriers that you faced?

Personal: Did you have to move out of a house or dorm? Did you have to cancel travel plans? Did you modify your planned experiences related to healthcare or volunteer opportunities? Did you seek out volunteer opportunities that arose from the crisis? Did you assist any family or community members that were affected?

Can I write about what I did during the COVID-19 pandemic to help out with the workforce? I didn't address it anywhere else in my activities section, but I wanted to address it here specifically.
Also, for the activities section, are we supposed to tell a story/show impact thru numbers like in AMCAS?
Now that AACOMAS has been transmitted to schools, when should we be expecting to received secondaries/ be given the information on how to pay the secondary fee? I assumed it would be right away but I haven't heard anything yet.
For the "English is not my primary language" question on AACOMAS..... what if I am an immigrant? I grew up speaking another language and when I came to the U.S., I had to learn English on my own, and English eventually became my native/primary language?

For questions, I'm Portuguese.
My understanding is that your "native" language is your first language. Even if you are functionally native as an English speaker now, I would put that it was not your primary language. I feel like this will only help you, as it is impressive that you have fully mastered multiple languages.
Have any of you guys not received a lot of your AACOMAS secondaries? My app was transmitted the first day and I have received maybe 5 secondaries but I applied to 20+ DO schools and have heard nothing from the rest.
so for my presentation/publications section on aacomas (the achievement section), do I need to describe what my findings were for each presentation/poster that I include? There's a lot.....

Or can I just write the citation for the presentation/publication and that's it.

Also, for publications on AACOMAS, I know it says "Any work publicized through media organizations, including newspapers and journals." in the manual, so does this include newsletters and book reviews that were published in state journals? I know these aren't considered "peer-reviewed...."
One of my recommenders just told me that they accidentally submitted a letter intended for AAMC to my AACOMAS and I don't know what to do :eek: I can't edit or trash the letter on my portal either...
I apologize for missing this message my friend! This was on the day of my USMLE exam haha. I hope you got everything straightened out.
Does anyone know the mailing address to mail in a letter of rec to AACOMAS?
I would just call and ask for sure because I tried finding out on a quick search and didn't see it immediately.
thanks @PapaGuava

still not submitted.

so for my presentation/publications section on aacomas (the achievement section), do I need to describe what my findings were for each presentation/poster that I include? There's a lot.....

Or can I just write the citation for the presentation/publication and that's it.

Also, for publications on AACOMAS, I know it says "Any work publicized through media organizations, including newspapers and journals." in the manual, so does this include newsletters and book reviews that were published in state journals? I know these aren't considered "peer-reviewed...."
I wouldn't go too in-depth if you were going to mention anything about your findings. When i filled out my application a few years back, I didn't really explain what my research was on in the publications section, but you could add a little excerpt and it would be fine.

Book reviews and newsletters would be fine as well.
Hi, I'm waiting on my permanent residency to apply as a permanent resident. Would applying in September be bad for DO?
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Hi! Does anyone know how many Activities/Achievements are typical for AACOMAS? I'm not sure if this is like AAMC where you want a minimum amount or your app is frowned upon...
How long does the verification process take? Also, what are secondaries like? I can't seem to find anything online. And is there a way to preview my app? Because aacomas is telling me I can submit even though one of my transcripts isn't in.
Hi all,

Is there any drawback to submitting AACOMAS for verification if I have everything filled in except for most of my experiences and achievements? I am super stressed because I am already applying late (due to many reasons) and I want to start the verification ASAP since I have everything done except my experiences and achievements. I will be adding these within days of the submission.
You can't change your application after submitting for verification, which means you need to add your experience and achievements now. You should still submit for verification ASAP, AACOMAS schools start early but also the majority of II's have not been sent out, get that primary in and hustle for those secondaries. You can do it!
For jobs that I didn't have a smooth departure from, should I list payroll office as the supervisor contact? Or should I not list anyone at all? (given that it's not mandatory)

And if I don't list anyone at all, would it be weird to click "No" on Release Authorization (the "may we contact this organization" prompt)
Hi! Does anyone know how many Activities/Achievements are typical for AACOMAS? I'm not sure if this is like AAMC where you want a minimum amount or your app is frowned upon...
Whatever Activity/Achievement is significant to you, you should put on your application.

How long does the verification process take? Also, what are secondaries like? I can't seem to find anything online. And is there a way to preview my app? Because aacomas is telling me I can submit even though one of my transcripts isn't in.
Verification takes an average of 1-2 weeks but it depends on month in the cycle. If you getting verified right now it shouldn't take too long. Secondary applications differ from school to school in terms of time and length. It's typically more questions looking at your goals and where you see yourself moving forward as a future medical student.
Hi all,

Is there any drawback to submitting AACOMAS for verification if I have everything filled in except for most of my experiences and achievements? I am super stressed because I am already applying late (due to many reasons) and I want to start the verification ASAP since I have everything done except my experiences and achievements. I will be adding these within days of the submission.
Do not worry, you are not not late. I would fill-out your application fully before getting it verified. Do not rush it because you'll save yourself a headache later on.

For jobs that I didn't have a smooth departure from, should I list payroll office as the supervisor contact? Or should I not list anyone at all? (given that it's not mandatory)

And if I don't list anyone at all, would it be weird to click "No" on Release Authorization (the "may we contact this organization" prompt)
I would provide a contact if possible but I don't think it will hurt you either way. It is highly unlikely they would contact any former employer.
Do not worry, you are not not late. I would fill-out your application fully before getting it verified. Do not rush it because you'll save yourself a headache later on.

I would provide a contact if possible but I don't think it will hurt you either way. It is highly unlikely they would contact any former employer.

I don't think providing a contact will be possible, these positions -really- did not end well (not for personal reasons, more business/team related ones).

On the AMCAS thread, a dude recommended that I just put payroll office in the supervisor slot, do you think that's a good idea here too?

And if I don't put a supervisor, do you think I should still release authorization to contact them?
Anyone know how to enter full-year courses? Divide the credits by half and list them in each semester or just once in the starting semester?
This is super late, but I am just looking for the answer to this question. How do we enter full-year courses on AACOMAS? If the OG poster or anyone else could reply that would be amazing!
This is super late, but I am just looking for the answer to this question. How do we enter full-year courses on AACOMAS? If the OG poster or anyone else could reply that would be amazing!
I'm not 100% sure, but I would assume that you just put the course under the term that it starts with the appropriate credit hours and other associated requirements (sorry, its been a hot second since I applied). But even a quick Google search didn't help me figure it out for sure.
I'm not 100% sure, but I would assume that you just put the course under the term that it starts with the appropriate credit hours and other associated requirements (sorry, its been a hot second since I applied). But even a quick Google search didn't help me figure it out for sure.
Thanks for replying! That's what I ended up doing and AACOMAS didn't correct it so it may be the proper method, I can update on this thread once I know for sure for future applicants.
Why isn't the official academic update up yet?

**Edited: Since I sent my updated transcripts by mail before the update period started they had to go in and manually do something so that the official update verification process could start (had to call them, their chat system is a POS).
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On September 3rd, I updated my summer courses from in process to completed and added new grades, but I did not see anything like "save all "or "submit update" as shown in AACOMAS website. It shows previews but I do not know how to submit to AACOMAS . Can someone please help and show all the steps to submit the academic updates?

one more issue is that I have updated two universities, but in status only one university is in red and waiting for a new transcript, the other one is in green and says the transcript was received before even the transcript ordered. If anyone has any kind of information regarding this issue
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On September 3rd, I updated my summer courses from in process to completed and added new grades, but I did not see anything like "save all "or "submit update" as shown in AACOMAS website. It shows previews but I do not know how to submit to AACOMAS . Can someone please help and show all the steps to submit the academic updates?

one more issue is that I have updated two universities, but in status only one university is in red and waiting for a new transcript, the other one is in green and says the transcript was received before even the transcript ordered. If anyone has any kind of information regarding this issue
You should call them, there was a glitch in the system that didn't allow me to click "submit academic update" I would have never known
Submitted my academic update on September 3rd and still haven't been verified (09/21). Is anyone's taking a super long time too? Normally they get this done in a few days.
Submitted my academic update on September 3rd and still haven't been verified (09/21). Is anyone's taking a super long time too? Normally they get this done in a few days.
If you don't have anything finished by Monday, I would just give them a call. Typically, it is about a week.
Does anyone have any idea about how long verification takes around this time of the year?