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Med School: Mid-Tier Midwest
Step 1: 252, Step 2: November
Rank: Top 10%.
AOA: Yes
Rotations: H: Med, Neuro, Surgery, Ob/Gyn, HP: Psych/Fam, Pass: Peds
Research: 3 presentations, 1 third author pub, 1 second author pub, 1 case report
ECs: Global health trips, normal volunteering
LORs: Strong Letters

What are my chances at the "top ten?" BGH, Mass, UCSF, JH, NW, etc..

Very similar app to myself (even the honors which is odd). You will do well and get most of your interviews. I'd broaden your application to a few safety schools and you should be set.

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Very similar app to myself (even the honors which is odd). You will do well and get most of your interviews. I'd broaden your application to a few safety schools and you should be set.
Med school: Allopathic new school in SE, not ranked yet AFAIK but graduates are matching well so far.
Step 1: 265
Step 2: CK pending, CS not taken yet.
Class rank: Pass/fail school but should be in top 1/3
Honors: H in IM and OB, pass in the rest (we only have honors and pass). No grades during 4th year.
Research: No pubs or posters, currently working on a good project though. Some clinical research experience in undergrad.
LORs: Strong.
Extracurriculars: Various volunteering, student groups, free clinic.

I have a strong regional preference--biggest factor is matching in the Twin Cities which has three programs: HCMC, Abbott Northwestern and the University of Minnesota. I also plan to apply to Mayo MN, University of Iowa, Wisconsin Madison, Medical College of Wisconsin and probably some places in Chicago, but I'm not sure where yet.

Basically trying to get about 20-25 programs. Mostly midwest programs but I would also like some ideas on programs that are decent-to-good that I might have a shot at. I don't expect to have a shot at Big 4 by any means but I would like to know what are some other places I should look at. Thanks!
Your chances are harder to predict than most. Great Step 1 score but only so-so grades on your cores. The newness of your school will likely hurt you in terms of the big name programs.

The whole Big 4 concept is outdated, as there are a number of programs (probably 7-10 depending on who you talk to) for which you'll have similar opportunities coming out of, which is to say that the only limits will be based on how you do, not based on the name of the place. But either way, those are all probably long shots for you. I'd apply broadly - little downside to doing so given how easy/inexpensive it is to do so, and given that it's hard to predict what programs will bite in your case and which ones won't. Midwest programs are overall easier to get into as it is so I wouldn't rule anything out. Good luck.
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Med School: Mid-Tier Midwest
Step 1: 252, Step 2: November
Rank: Top 10%.
AOA: Yes
Rotations: H: Med, Neuro, Surgery, Ob/Gyn, HP: Psych/Fam, Pass: Peds
Research: 3 presentations, 1 third author pub, 1 second author pub, 1 case report
ECs: Global health trips, normal volunteering
LORs: Strong Letters

What are my chances at the "top ten?" BGH, Mass, UCSF, JH, NW, etc..
You have a decent shot at matching at one of the 'top 10' programs, though hard to pick out one in particular. The ones with the generally more desired locations (BWH/MGH/Stanford/UCSF, etc.) probably are a bit of a reach, but some of the others (Duke, NW) may be within reach. Your app is overall very strong, but would have been stronger with 1 more added quality (sightly stronger rotations, more research, etc.). But overall you're in good shape, and I wouldn't rule out anything in terms of applying. Good luck.
Med school rank: low tier MD
USMLE Step 1: 240; USMLE Step 2: TBD;
Class rank: First two years: bottom of 2nd quartile; Last two years: 2nd quartile
AOA: unlikely; GHHS recipient
Honors: H in Peds, FM, Neuro, and Psych; HP in OB and IM; P in Surgery (due to shelf)
Research: undergrad work (multiple abstract and posters from a top 10 undergrad - paper in the works this month), research work between 1st and 2nd year at a top 20 institution with national conference presentation and abstract
Recs: research rec from top 30 institution, and local recs from school faculty
Extracurrics: heavily involved in school government and volunteer activities

Chances at: nyu, bu, tufts, bidmc, yale, penn, jefferson, jhu, jhu bayview, umd, uva, georgetown, ohio state, case western, tulane, uab, michigan, vcu, wake, duke, unc, wash u, vanderbilt, univ washington, brown, carolinas medical center, and a couple more

Agree with Gutonc. You'll get a number of interviews from that group, though many (jhu, penn, duke) are unlikely. The GHHS is nice, but your grades/USMLE are just okay, and that's a double-hit coming from a low-ranked med school. You're doing the right thing applying broadly, and you're still in position to match at a very solid program.
MD/PhD at an MSTP
Med School: Top 30-50s midwestern school

Step 1: 242 (shocked how the mean scores increased >10 points since I took the damn thing)
Step 2: Taking in Sept, based on UWorld scores probably high 260s

Clinical grades: H in IM, Surg, OBGYN, Psych and Neuro; HP in Peds
Evals were all very strong
AOA/Rank: Didn't get AOA; rank is 30-40% range, probably mostly because my M1/2 grades were not stellar

Research: Obviously the PhD; one first author in a medium impact; 3 second authors, two of which are high-impact; posters, working on a case presentation, doing a mini-research project this year blah, blah, blah

ECs/etc...: Lots of educational committee stuff and tonnes of teaching/tutoring; some medical volunteering at the homeless shelter

Very interested in a GI fellowship. Hoping to go to the best program possible to line me up for fellowship. I want to continue with research/academia, but I'm not interested in a PSTP residency. Specifically interested in UPenn and Stanford due to family reasons and research interest - but I am worried they may be real reaches. Doing an away rotation at one of my target schools. Any advice on a program with good support/learning/mentorship for a GI fellowship would be appreciated.

Dream schools: (would really like to know if people think what my chances are for interviews and overall competitiveness)


Extremely interested in and probably competitive at: (Are these at my punching level? Which have good GI programs/mentoring of residents for fellowship?)

University of Washington
University of Michigan
U of Chicago

Think I should be quite competitive at these places and would be happy to attend:
University of Colorado
Case Western Reserve University
Ohio State
University of Cincinnati
Oregon Health & Science University
Thomas Jefferson University

Plus gonna throw 3-4 safeties in there as well like Temple or Pennsylvania Hospital.

I think you're actually underselling your chances. MD/PhD opens a lot of doors for you, particularly at big research institutions like Penn/Stanford/the others on your 'dream' school list. The exception is if you did not do well on your clerkships, but you did. Even for the two places you're most interested in, I think you have a good shot, and either are great institutions from which to launch an academic career. Good luck.
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This advice misses the mark. The applicant only has one of the factors needed to match at an elite program and that's a high step 1 score. Beyond that: P in medicine, not top quartile, not AOA, not from a top school. Feel free to apply of course but the ones this guy is calling "semi reach" are a long shot and a bunch of the ones on the "attainable" list are reaches.
MeatTornado is right. The P in IM is really going to hurt you at the top places. If you had something else very special about your application (very top school, MD/PhD, etc.) it would be a different story, but as MeatTornado points out, the only really strong think about OP's application is a strong Step 1 score.

The attainable list might be more attainable IMO than MeatTornado's, but I agree that the semi-reach schools are a real long-shot.
Med School: Top 10
Step 1: 258, Step 2 CS: pass, Step 2 CK: will take in December
Rank: no ranks at our school
AOA: Nope
Rotations: H: Med, Ob/Gyn, Family Med, Radiology HP: Psych, Peds, Neuro, Surgery; currently on medicine sub-I
Research: 3 peer reviewed review papers (1 first author, other 2 2nd author), 1 book chapter, 1 poster presentation, 1 1st author research paper submitted
ECs: pretty normal volunteering stuff
LORs: Strong Letters, no bigwigs

Right now my list consists of around 30 programs. Certainly I know the big 4 and such are reach programs, but what programs would I be competitive at and which ones are safety programs? Are there any programs not on my list that would be good to add, or good to take off? I don't really have geographic preferences, though I am from the east coast. Thanks!

BWH, MGH, Beth Israel, Hopkins, Penn, UPMC, Columbia, Sinai, Cornell, NYU, Yale
Duke, Emory, UNC, UVA, Wake Forest, Vandy, Wash U
Mayo, Michigan, Northwestern, U Chicago
Colorado , UTSW, Baylor, UCSF, UCLA, Stanford, U Wash
Med School: Top 10
Step 1: 258, Step 2 CS: pass, Step 2 CK: will take in December
Rank: no ranks at our school
AOA: Nope
Rotations: H: Med, Ob/Gyn, Family Med, Radiology HP: Psych, Peds, Neuro, Surgery; currently on medicine sub-I
Research: 3 peer reviewed review papers (1 first author, other 2 2nd author), 1 book chapter, 1 poster presentation, 1 1st author research paper submitted
ECs: pretty normal volunteering stuff
LORs: Strong Letters, no bigwigs

Right now my list consists of around 30 programs. Certainly I know the big 4 and such are reach programs, but what programs would I be competitive at and which ones are safety programs? Are there any programs not on my list that would be good to add, or good to take off? I don't really have geographic preferences, though I am from the east coast. Thanks!

BWH, MGH, Beth Israel, Hopkins, Penn, UPMC, Columbia, Sinai, Cornell, NYU, Yale
Duke, Emory, UNC, UVA, Wake Forest, Vandy, Wash U
Mayo, Michigan, Northwestern, U Chicago
Colorado , UTSW, Baylor, UCSF, UCLA, Stanford, U Wash

You're in solid position for anywhere. If you're really from a top 10 med school with honors on half your cores & HP on others with a very strong Step 1 score and 3 peer-reviewed papers, no place is out of range. You're applying to way more than you need to. You can decide geographically and go from there.
Med School: mid-tier program in the Southwest
Step 1: 248
Step 2 CK: score released in 2 weeks. Practice test just before the real thing- 257
Step 2 CS: taking in November
Rank: unsure, probably second or top quartile
AOA: Probably not, no decision yet though
3rd yr Rotations: Honors: Medicine, Peds, Psych, Medicine SubI. HP: Surgery, Family Medicine, Neuro, OB/GYN
Research: Weakest point in my app. 2 research projects, one coming up, no pubs. 1 poster presentation, 1 grand rounds presentation.
LORs: I'd say strong letters, 2 from IM PDs
ECs: lots of global health experience- was president of the school's organization 2nd year, lots of tour guide and student affairs experience, some tutoring

Right now my list consists of around 25 programs- was told this would be plenty. I know the big 4/top 10 are reaches (esp w/ my lack of research), but I'm wondering what I'm considered competitive for. Any programs not on here that might be good to add, or any I should take off? Too top-heavy? I'm from Texas, so I am just as ok with staying in Texas as I am with exploring and seeing what else is available or possible. Currently interested in going into GI or Rheum after residency. Thanks!

Current list:
BWH, Mass Gen, Hopkins
Duke, UVA, Emory, UNC, Vanderbilt, Wash U-St. Louis
Northwestern, U Chicago, Ohio State, UAB, Tulane
UTSW, BCM, UT-Houston, Baylor UMC-Dallas, UCSF, UCLA, UCSD, Stanford, U Wash
Med School: mid-tier program in the Southwest
Step 1: 248
Step 2 CK: score released in 2 weeks. Practice test just before the real thing- 257
Step 2 CS: taking in November
Rank: unsure, probably second or top quartile
AOA: Probably not, no decision yet though
3rd yr Rotations: Honors: Medicine, Peds, Psych, Medicine SubI. HP: Surgery, Family Medicine, Neuro, OB/GYN
Research: Weakest point in my app. 2 research projects, one coming up, no pubs. 1 poster presentation, 1 grand rounds presentation.
LORs: I'd say strong letters, 2 from IM PDs
ECs: lots of global health experience- was president of the school's organization 2nd year, lots of tour guide and student affairs experience, some tutoring

Right now my list consists of around 25 programs- was told this would be plenty. I know the big 4/top 10 are reaches (esp w/ my lack of research), but I'm wondering what I'm considered competitive for. Any programs not on here that might be good to add, or any I should take off? Too top-heavy? I'm from Texas, so I am just as ok with staying in Texas as I am with exploring and seeing what else is available or possible. Currently interested in going into GI or Rheum after residency. Thanks!

Current list:
BWH, Mass Gen, Hopkins
Duke, UVA, Emory, UNC, Vanderbilt, Wash U-St. Louis
Northwestern, U Chicago, Ohio State, UAB, Tulane
UTSW, BCM, UT-Houston, Baylor UMC-Dallas, UCSF, UCLA, UCSD, Stanford, U Wash
You will get interviews at more than enough of those places to be happy. I won't pretend I know which ones, but you'll have more than enough interviews.
Med school rank: DO school
USMLE Step 1: 255 (COMLEX 1 724)
USMLE Step 2: 265 (COMLEX 2 716)
COMLEX 2 PE: pass
Class rank: 1st quartile
AOA: not a thing around these parts
Honors: have letter grades instead: A’s in all 3rd year and DO res Sub-I. Don’t think I get a grade on my transcript for academic Sub-I but if I did would be H, should be in my LoR atleast
Research: heme/onc book chapter awaiting pub, undergrad posters
ECs: physiology TA + tutor, meals on wheels, generic unspectacular stuff
LOR: generic chair letter, community heme/onc, community sub I PD, academic sub I PD, worked with and had great relationships with both PDs so those letters should be strong

Reach: Wash U, UAB, Vanderbilt, Mayo, Northwestern, U of Chi, Wisconsin, Michigan, Colorado, Yale, UTSW, Baylor-Houston, UNC, Dartmouth, Virginia, UW, Hopkins-Bayview, Maryland, Virginia

Competitive: Indiana, OSU, CCF, Cincy, Mizzou, SLU, KU, Rush, UIC, Loyola, Utah, Texas A&M, UTSA, UT Houston, Louisville, Tenn, UNMC, Minnesota, OHSU, Georgetown, Florida, Iowa, MUSC, Medical College of Wisc, VCU, Wake Forest

I’m thinking I want to do heme/onc and have no geographic restrictions but I go to school in and am from the Midwest so I assume that’s my best shot. In general I’m interested in the place with the strongest training possible. Are there any places I’ve overlooked in either category?

Congrats on the strong Step 1 and II scores. The limiting factor is going to be coming from a DO school. On your reach list, the only places I know of for a fact that have interviewed DO's is Colorado and Yale, however I believe the only DO's that have matched at Yale have been through the primary care track.

As for your competitive list, all realistic options for the most part in terms of routinely interviewing DO's. If you're going to apply to Georgetown, might as well throw an application in at GW as well.

If you wouldn't mind living there, University of Miami is another place to apply to as well. If you'd consider Philly, apply to Temple and Jefferson.

Mizzou will be a safety program.
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This advice misses the mark. The applicant only has one of the factors needed to match at an elite program and that's a high step 1 score. Beyond that: P in medicine, not top quartile, not AOA, not from a top school. Feel free to apply of course but the ones this guy is calling "semi reach" are a long shot and a bunch of the ones on the "attainable" list are reaches.
This is actually solid advice. I have been noticing a ton of people asking their chances at a top program and essentially are missing these things. Unless you come from Penn, Yale, Columbia, Hopkins, Harvard, UCSF, WashU and maybe a few others (Standford) you need to essentially have honored medicine and sub-I, finished in the top quartile (essential for most of the top programs), strong board scores (230 minimum but most have 240+ if not higher), research/national conference presentations and AOA. Outstanding achievements (strong leadership in something or another accomplishment like another degree) can replace one of the above. The top programs are a crap shoot. In my program I think around 22% of the class has a PhD and probably over half if not more has an extra degree or some crazy life accomplishment. So hard to determine who gets into where or what they are looking for. Some of them seem to care a ton about pedigree, others care more about leadership potential/research and pedigree matters less. Other times it's just a match based on your overall application. Best of luck to all.
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Was hoping to get some advice on which programs to apply to in Southern California (including community programs). I'm from an east coast school, but my parents live near the LA area. I don't currently have any fellowship plans, but I am interested in academics. mid to low-tier school, 249 step 1, top 25% in the class, no AOA, A in all rotations except peds and psych.

Also other general advice.
Let's use this list:
From Hopkins to NYP Columbia (exclude Mayo) you need the following advice above. For the next 10 or so programs you can be missing one of the above except top quartile and honoring medicine (unless you are stacked elsewhere). The next tier (around Emory) you can be second quartile (Mayo may go here) and match with most of the stuff listed above in the post. Somewhere after Yale (which in my opinion is ranked a bit too low should be beside BIDMC and NYU) you can start to be more average. Probably Case onward for this list the selection is much easier (add Cleveland Clinic to this list too, ranked too high due to its fellowship opportunities).

DO and IMG/FMG regardless of stats should apply very broadly. Some programs just do not take foreign grads or DO students, regardless how good they are. Some can still match at these top programs (DO is currently at Penn, fmg at all the big 4 granted they did a few years of research at these places). For these programs, look at the class rosters and see if they are open to DO s and FMG/IMG. For example, NYU use to list that they do not accept DOs (may still).
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I find the doximity rankings junk personally
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Hi all,
Long time lurker here. Trying to cut down the no. of programs (to 50ish) and also want to make sure I have enough safety. I prefer academic programs (interested in public health & epidemiology & H/O).
Geography - would prefer big metropolitan area but don't mind either way

Here's my stats:
School: Low tier midwest MD school
Step 1: 237 , Step2 CK: took it on 8/24, results hopefully on 9/16 , Step 2 CS: in November
AOA: not a chance

Pre-clinical Grades & rank : (School grades us from A through C)
1st yr: all B's, 2nd yr: All A's
rank: 2nd quartile

Clinical grades & rank:
3rd year: 5 A's including IM, B's in 3 others, 4th year: A in IM Sub-I
Rank (1st quartile)

LORs: 2 from subI (most likely strong), one from HHMI prof (M1 summer research), one from research mentor (done prior to med school at 'top 4' institution), one chair letter

Prior to med school: 2 yrs of research at 'top 4 institution'
- 1 review article (2nd author), 2 articles (7th/13 and 6th/15 author :p). one of them in 2014.
- 2 posters (1st author)- one winning an award at a national meeting in 2012, 2 posters (2nd author), 3 posters (4th author) all presented at national meetings between '11-'12

In med school: HHMI summer fellowship in summer of M1/M2 year (for 2 months)
- 1 poster (4th author) national meeting this October

not much (my weakest point) but I did help incoming M1s as an M2 (big sib/lil sib type thing), also helped M2s as an advanced M3 when they came to the hospital for their week long elective, some community health fairs as an M2, tutored in undergrad, played collegiate soccer in UG

List thus far:
East: NYU, cornell, sinai, brown, UVa, UNC, UMaryland, Tufts, Montefiore, LIJ, RWJ, Temple, TJU, bayview, BU, BIDMC, USC morsani, wake forest, VCU, g'town, Drexel, Jackson memorial
Midwest: UofC, N'western, UMinn, WashU, UMich, Mayo, UIC, Rush, Loyola, UWisc, Ohio St, IndianaU, UCinn, CCF, Case, SLU, Iowa, Northshore
South: UTSW,Baylor, Emory, Vandy, MUSC, Tulane, UTHouston, UT San Antonio
West: UW, UCSD, UCLA,USC, OHSU, colorado, Cedars, Scripps green, CPSF, Virginia mason, Santa clara, harbor, olive view, UCI

Thanks! I appreciate all the help. I promise to post in the 2016 IM match results and interview invites thread (if there is one).
Hi all,
Long time lurker here. Trying to cut down the no. of programs (to 50ish) and also want to make sure I have enough safety. I prefer academic programs (interested in public health & epidemiology & H/O).
Geography - would prefer big metropolitan area but don't mind either way

Here's my stats:
School: Low tier midwest MD school
Step 1: 237 , Step2 CK: took it on 8/24, results hopefully on 9/16 , Step 2 CS: in November
AOA: not a chance

Pre-clinical Grades & rank : (School grades us from A through C)
1st yr: all B's, 2nd yr: All A's
rank: 2nd quartile

Clinical grades & rank:
3rd year: 5 A's including IM, B's in 3 others, 4th year: A in IM Sub-I
Rank (1st quartile)

LORs: 2 from subI (most likely strong), one from HHMI prof (M1 summer research), one from research mentor (done prior to med school at 'top 4' institution), one chair letter

Prior to med school: 2 yrs of research at 'top 4 institution'
- 1 review article (2nd author), 2 articles (7th/13 and 6th/15 author :p). one of them in 2014.
- 2 posters (1st author)- one winning an award at a national meeting in 2012, 2 posters (2nd author), 3 posters (4th author) all presented at national meetings between '11-'12

In med school: HHMI summer fellowship in summer of M1/M2 year (for 2 months)
- 1 poster (4th author) national meeting this October

not much (my weakest point) but I did help incoming M1s as an M2 (big sib/lil sib type thing), also helped M2s as an advanced M3 when they came to the hospital for their week long elective, some community health fairs as an M2, tutored in undergrad, played collegiate soccer in UG

List thus far:
East: NYU, cornell, sinai, brown, UVa, UNC, UMaryland, Tufts, Montefiore, LIJ, RWJ, Temple, TJU, bayview, BU, BIDMC, USC morsani, wake forest, VCU, g'town, Drexel, Jackson memorial
Midwest: UofC, N'western, UMinn, WashU, UMich, Mayo, UIC, Rush, Loyola, UWisc, Ohio St, IndianaU, UCinn, CCF, Case, SLU, Iowa, Northshore
South: UTSW,Baylor, Emory, Vandy, MUSC, Tulane, UTHouston, UT San Antonio
West: UW, UCSD, UCLA,USC, OHSU, colorado, Cedars, Scripps green, CPSF, Virginia mason, Santa clara, harbor, olive view, UCI

Thanks! I appreciate all the help. I promise to post in the 2016 IM match results and interview invites thread (if there is one).
Wth! That's WAY too many programs!! You don't need to apply to any more than 25. Your list is reasonable except it's waaay too long. For instance if you're looking for urban location then why is brown on there? I don't even recognize some of the programs you've mentioned. Almost all the programs on this list are in play for you so pick 25 of them based on location, gut feeling, whatever and come back.
Med school rank: Mid to low-tier MD school (by ranking; we have had students match at Johns Hopkins, Duke, UCSF, Columbia in the past in other specialties)
USMLE Step 1: 260
USMLE Step 2 CK: pending
Class rank: 1st quartile, probably top 3 in class
AOA: will be senior AOA but not official yet (question - once you submit your ERAS, are you allowed to update your AOA status?)
Honors: Honors in all clerkships (including IM) except surgery.
Research: Surgery poster presentation at 2 national conferences and paper submission soon (was never planning on surgery but the research opportunity arose), couple of local poster presentations
Extracurriculars: Tutor, free clinic coordinator, fairly involved but nothing outstanding
LORs: should all be very strong but not from any big names

NE: JHU, Maryland, Penn, Pittsburgh, Columbia, Cornell, NYU, Mt. Sinai, Brown, MGH, B&W, BID, BU, Yale
SE: UVA, VCU, UNC, Duke, Wake Forest, CMC, MUSC, Emory, Vanderbilt, USF, Mayo-Jax, Miami, UAB, Tulane, Baylor, UTSW
Midwest: Michigan, Mayo, Louisville, WashU, UChicago, NW (admittedly not crazy about the idea of living in the midwest)
West: UCSF, Stanford, Cedars-Sinai, UCLA, UCSD, USC, CA Pacific, Scripps Green, UW, Virginia Mason, OHSU, Colorado

I need some help seriously trimming my list. I am considering GI currently but that's not set in stone. I'm from the Southeast. I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks!
Med school rank: Mid to low-tier MD school (by ranking; we have had students match at Johns Hopkins, Duke, UCSF, Columbia in the past in other specialties)
USMLE Step 1: 260
USMLE Step 2 CK: pending
Class rank: 1st quartile, probably top 3 in class
AOA: will be senior AOA but not official yet (question - once you submit your ERAS, are you allowed to update your AOA status?)
Honors: Honors in all clerkships (including IM) except surgery.
Research: Surgery poster presentation at 2 national conferences and paper submission soon (was never planning on surgery but the research opportunity arose), couple of local poster presentations
Extracurriculars: Tutor, free clinic coordinator, fairly involved but nothing outstanding
LORs: should all be very strong but not from any big names

NE: JHU, Maryland, Penn, Pittsburgh, Columbia, Cornell, NYU, Mt. Sinai, Brown, MGH, B&W, BID, BU, Yale
SE: UVA, VCU, UNC, Duke, Wake Forest, CMC, MUSC, Emory, Vanderbilt, USF, Mayo-Jax, Miami, UAB, Tulane, Baylor, UTSW
Midwest: Michigan, Mayo, Louisville, WashU, UChicago, NW (admittedly not crazy about the idea of living in the midwest)
West: UCSF, Stanford, Cedars-Sinai, UCLA, UCSD, USC, CA Pacific, Scripps Green, UW, Virginia Mason, OHSU, Colorado

I need some help seriously trimming my list. I am considering GI currently but that's not set in stone. I'm from the Southeast. I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks!

I'd apply to 20 schools max, 15 ideally if you can cut it that low.

I'd pick your state school, 4 others that you think our safeties (may get rejected from some cause you will be overqualified). 5 reaches and 10 safe. Only reaches on this list for you is the big 4+penn. duke may not be cause of your location and I think they look for people from the south or tied to duke. Your limiting factor will be lack of major research or stand out extracurricular activity (usually need one or the other or another degree etc, but can still match to all of those programs listed)

If I were to make this list, this is the 20ish I'd choose:
NE: JHU, Penn, Columbia, Mt. Sinai, MGH, B&W, BID, Yale
SE: UVA, Duke Emory, Vanderbilt UTSW
Midwest: Michigan, WashU (if you don't want to be here only keep the top programs)
West: UCSF, Stanford, UCLA, UCSD, UW, OHSU, Colorado

Apply only to NYC if you love the city enough to deal with the horrible ancillary staff that will make your life hell (wheeling your own patients to CT scan, drawing own blood etc). Sinai has an exceptional GI program for its value so I'd apply to at least that one.
Hi all, new to the forums and would appreciate feedback on my hospital list and predictions on where I would realistically end up.

Med School: Top 10ish
Step 1: low 250s
Step 2: Taking after submission
Ranking: "Top tier" according to Dean
Clerkship grades:
Medicine, Medicine sub-I, Psych, Neuro, 3 medicine electives, 1 research elective
High Pass: Surgery, Pediatrics, Emergency medicine
Currently on OBGYN, grade won't be on transcript ;)
Research: 2 first author clinical research publications in mid-tier journals (impact factor < 10). 2 nth-author publications in low-tier journals. 1 oral publication and 2 poster presentations at national meetings.
Recommendations: let's assume good but not great (worst case scenario).
Extracurriculars: A couple teaching experiences. No volunteering or leadership positions. Without doubt the weakest aspect of my application.

School List: (15 hospitals so far--looking for primarily academic centers located in large cities)
Northeast: MGH, BWH, BID, MSSM, UPenn, JHH, Columbia (NYPH), Cornell (NYPH), NYU,
Midwest: NW, UChicago, UMichigan
South: Duke, Emory, UTSW

In terms of how ranking goes, do some schools have a tier that's higher than "top tier"--I am trying to get a realistic sense of where I rank. I'm looking to apply to 20 hospitals that are academic centers located in larger cities. Ideally they will be reasonably accessible from the East Coast due to travel costs.. Are there any hospitals on my list that I should remove, and any hospitals that I should definitely add (particularly on the West Coast that will be worth the cost of flying over)? My list is very top-heavy right now, and none of them can really be considered "safeties". My goal is ultimately to match somewhere. Where would I realistically end up? Thanks for your help :happy:.

you will be ranked to match pretty much your entire list, as long as you don't use curse words or racial slurs on your interview day
Hi all, new to the forums and would appreciate feedback on my hospital list and predictions on where I would realistically end up.

Med School: Top 10ish
Step 1: low 250s
Step 2: Taking after submission
Ranking: "Top tier" according to Dean
Clerkship grades:
Medicine, Medicine sub-I, Psych, Neuro, 3 medicine electives, 1 research elective
High Pass: Surgery, Pediatrics, Emergency medicine
Currently on OBGYN, grade won't be on transcript ;)
Research: 2 first author clinical research publications in mid-tier journals (impact factor < 10). 2 nth-author publications in low-tier journals. 1 oral publication and 2 poster presentations at national meetings.
Recommendations: let's assume good but not great (worst case scenario).
Extracurriculars: A couple teaching experiences. No volunteering or leadership positions. Without doubt the weakest aspect of my application.

School List: (15 hospitals so far--looking for primarily academic centers located in large cities)
Northeast: MGH, BWH, BID, MSSM, UPenn, JHH, Columbia (NYPH), Cornell (NYPH), NYU,
Midwest: NW, UChicago, UMichigan
South: Duke, Emory, UTSW

In terms of how ranking goes, do some schools have a tier that's higher than "top tier"--I am trying to get a realistic sense of where I rank. I'm looking to apply to 20 hospitals that are academic centers located in larger cities. Ideally they will be reasonably accessible from the East Coast due to travel costs.. Are there any hospitals on my list that I should remove, and any hospitals that I should definitely add (particularly on the West Coast that will be worth the cost of flying over)? My list is very top-heavy right now, and none of them can really be considered "safeties". My goal is ultimately to match somewhere. Where would I realistically end up? Thanks for your help :happy:.

For west coast add UCSF and Stanford. They are right near one another and excellent programs. Interview at both around the same time.
Hi all, new to the forums and would appreciate feedback on my hospital list and predictions on where I would realistically end up.

Med School: Top 10ish
Step 1: low 250s
Step 2: Taking after submission
Ranking: "Top tier" according to Dean
Clerkship grades:
Medicine, Medicine sub-I, Psych, Neuro, 3 medicine electives, 1 research elective
High Pass: Surgery, Pediatrics, Emergency medicine
Currently on OBGYN, grade won't be on transcript ;)
Research: 2 first author clinical research publications in mid-tier journals (impact factor < 10). 2 nth-author publications in low-tier journals. 1 oral publication and 2 poster presentations at national meetings.
Recommendations: let's assume good but not great (worst case scenario).
Extracurriculars: A couple teaching experiences. No volunteering or leadership positions. Without doubt the weakest aspect of my application.

School List: (15 hospitals so far--looking for primarily academic centers located in large cities)
Northeast: MGH, BWH, BID, MSSM, UPenn, JHH, Columbia (NYPH), Cornell (NYPH), NYU,
Midwest: NW, UChicago, UMichigan
South: Duke, Emory, UTSW

In terms of how ranking goes, do some schools have a tier that's higher than "top tier"--I am trying to get a realistic sense of where I rank. I'm looking to apply to 20 hospitals that are academic centers located in larger cities. Ideally they will be reasonably accessible from the East Coast due to travel costs.. Are there any hospitals on my list that I should remove, and any hospitals that I should definitely add (particularly on the West Coast that will be worth the cost of flying over)? My list is very top-heavy right now, and none of them can really be considered "safeties". My goal is ultimately to match somewhere. Where would I realistically end up? Thanks for your help :happy:.

Other places that may be worth your time are UCLA and Wash U in St. Louis. If Ann Arbor is big enough for your then stl should be fine too
Med school rank: Top 30
USMLE Step 1: low 210s
USMLE Step 2 CK: 260s
CS: pass
Class rank: Middle of pack
3rd yr Rotations: Honors: Surgery, Peds, medicine Sub-I, medicine electives, radiology; High pass: Medicine, Ob/gyn, family, psych, neuro . Evals are very good.
Research: 2 second authors, multiple abstracts (in surgery)
Extracurriculars: Fairly active but nothing extraordinary
LORs: should all be strong to very strong
Other: MPH and global health experience
Additional Red flags: 1 remediated exam during second year (missed cut off by one point, started with personal issues which continued into step 1 and beginning of third year). Forced me to become more self aware and learn to not let personal life interfere with work.

What tier should i be shooting for? Will I have a shot at any academic programs? I am willing to go anywhere, but any suggestions for along the East Coast?
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Med School: Mid to Low Tier school in NE
Step 1: 241
Step 2: 240
Class rank: Dont know officially (my clinical dean guessed 2nd quartile or 34-66%ile)
MS3: Honors in Peds/Neuro/Family Medicine HP: IM & Psych P: Surgery & Ob/Gyn
Sub-I: Grade pending but likely Honors
LORs: 3- Should be good to strong
Research: 0 pubs/abstracts; 2 research experiences (each lasting about 2 months) during medical school
Future Plans: Clinician with Hospitalist & GI under leading consideration
Red flags: None

NJ: Rutgers-RWJ
PA: Drexel, Jeff, Temple, UPMC, UPenn
MA: BU, Tufts, UMass
Ohio: Cleveland Clinic, OHSU, Case Western
NY: NYU, Montefiore, Mt Sinai, Columbia, Cornell, NSLIJ, Downstate, Stony Brook, NYMC
DC: GW, Georgetown
NH: Dartmouth
RI: Brown
Virginia: UVA
MD: UMaryland
Connecticut: UConn, Yale
NC: Duke, UNC
Georgia: Emory
Tennesee: Vanderbilt

Applying over the Eastern seaboard. WAMC for the Pennsylvania programs/Ohio programs/Brown/Yale/Emory/UMaryland? Which programs are reaches? Any other programs I should add?

Thanks alot!!!
Just a couple of quick thoughts:
Class rank: Dont know officially (my clinical dean guessed 2nd quartile or 34-66%ile)
Is it you or your dean who can't math very well? 34-66% is the 2nd tertile.
Ohio: Cleveland Clinic, OHSU, Case Western
That program is ~2500 miles from Ohio. Be sure to factor that into your travel time between interviews.

You'll get interviews at enough of those programs to make Match Day not the worst day of your life.
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Is it you or your dean who can't math very well? 34-66% is the 2nd tertile.

What I meant was 2nd quartile or 2nd tertile

That program is ~2500 miles from Ohio. Be sure to factor that into your travel time between interviews.

I thought OHSU meant Ohio State in Columbus. I realize now its for the oregon program.

gutonc thanks a lot for the helpful & humorous responses.
you will be ranked to match pretty much your entire list, as long as you don't use curse words or racial slurs on your interview day

For west coast add UCSF and Stanford. They are right near one another and excellent programs. Interview at both around the same time.

Other places that may be worth your time are UCLA and Wash U in St. Louis. If Ann Arbor is big enough for your then stl should be fine too

Thanks for your suggestions
Hey all, would appreciate some input!

Med School: Mid-tier Midwest
Step 1: 240
Step 2: taken, awaiting result
Ranking: Middle third class rank / 2nd quintile
Clerkship grades:
Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Infectious Diseases
High Pass: Neurology, Surgery, Internal Medicine (in course eval, director wrote I was decimal points from an honors), OB/GYN
Pass: Psychiatry
Research: 1 2nd author ortho publication; 2 ortho poster presentations; 1 GI poster presentation (publication pending); 1 basic science oncology poster presentation; currently doing research in ICU ethics and in a medical school elective that I started
Extracurriculars: 3 long-term leadership experiences, 2 long-term volunteer experiences, 1 teaching experience (started an administration approved medical school elective); speak 3 languages; 1 non-scientific publication (essay in an anthology)

Not sure how many to apply to but this is my list so far:
NE: Cornell, Columbia, NYU, BU, Tufts, BIDMC, Brigham, UPenn
SE: Jackson Memorial Miami, Miami-Miller, Emory
Atlantic: Duke, Georgetown, George Washington
Midwest(ish): Loyola, UIC, Rush, Stroger Cook County, Advocate Lutheran General, UChicago Northshore, UChicago, NW, WashU, UTSW, OSU, UIowa, UWisconsin, MCoW, UMich, Baylor, CCF, Vanderbilt

Hoping to stay Midwest - NW and UChicago are my top two right now - but open to what comes my way.

Hey all! I would appreciate any comments or feedback you have for me.

Med school: DO school
USMLE Step 1: 231 (COMLEX 607)
USMLE Step 2: 254 (COMLEX 557)
COMLEX PE (equivalent to USMLE CS): pending
Class rank: right around 50%
AOA: no
Honors: H in peds. HP in psych. P everything else.
Research: undergraduate (one ended with a conference presentation, the other was a breast cancer vaccine summer internship). Have a rotation set up for end of 4th year to do some GI research.
LOR: very strong, I believe this may actually be the strongest part of my application.
Extracurriculars: path TA + tutor, leadership in club, wrote an EP album and will be releasing it this month, volunteer stuff.

I am applying pretty much exclusively to ACGME Chicago programs because my fiance will be there. My end-goal is to end up in fellowship (GI or ICU) so that is an important factor in determining my list.

Rush, UIC, UC, Loyola, Cook, Advocate christ, lutheran, and masonic.

I am aware these may be reach programs for me, especially coming from a DO school. I am applying to more programs (20ish) but these are the ones I am specifically seeking feedback regarding. Also, if anyone has any recommendations of other solid programs in Chicago that I should keep on my radar, that would be much appreciated. Thank you very much!
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Hello, I am an M3. I was wondering what my chances are for IM so far. Feel free to be harsh and tell me I have no chance.

Med School: US Allo, Top 40
STEP-1: 210
Class Rank: Bottom Quartile
Rotation Grades: TBA
Research: Undergraduate project that ended in a poster and presentation. Ongoing med school (clinical) project in Pulmonology that will likely end in a paper.
Red Flags: Had to remediate one class. :(
Other: I'm fine with applying anywhere and everywhere, I would ideally like a university program though.
Hey all! I would appreciate any comments or feedback you have for me.

Med school: DO school
USMLE Step 1: 231 (COMLEX 607)
USMLE Step 2: 254 (COMLEX 557)
COMLEX PE (equivalent to USMLE CS): pending
Class rank: right around 50%
AOA: no
Honors: H in peds. HP in psych. P everything else.
Research: undergraduate (one ended with a conference presentation, the other was a breast cancer vaccine summer internship). Have a rotation set up for end of 4th year to do some GI research.
LOR: very strong, I believe this may actually be the strongest part of my application.
Extracurriculars: path TA + tutor, leadership in club, wrote an EP album and will be releasing it this month, volunteer stuff.

I am applying pretty much exclusively to ACGME Chicago programs because my fiance will be there. My end-goal is to end up in fellowship (GI or ICU) so that is an important factor in determining my list.

Rush, UIC, UC, Loyola, Cook, Advocate christ, lutheran, and masonic.

I am aware these may be reach programs for me, especially coming from a DO school. I am applying to more programs (20ish) but these are the ones I am specifically seeking feedback regarding. Also, if anyone has any recommendations of other solid programs in Chicago that I should keep on my radar, that would be much appreciated. Thank you very much!

You can add UChicago-Northshore to the list. Not sure how their fellowship match list is however. There are lots of DO's in the program however. They have an in-house GI fellowship, however it's relatively new, and they've only taken 1 internal candidate.

UIC has taken DO's in the past, but this year there are none in the intern class.

Rush takes a couple DO's, but I've heard that they usually come from CCOM (I believe this is the case for the current intern class).

In terms of University programs, Loyola is probably your best bet. Not sure if they matched any DO's this year though.

Assuming UC = UChicago (the one in Hyde Park), don't bother applying.

Lutheran General has an in-house GI fellowship, and many of their fellows are DO's from their IM program.

Christ offers solid training, not sure what in-house fellowships they have however. Downside is that when you apply to fellowship, you're a DO coming from a community program, however the same could be said of other programs on your list.

Slightly outside Chicago (depending where you live) if Milwaukee. MCW has a good IM program, they take DO's, it's a university program, and they have lots of in-house fellowships.
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Step 1 246
Step 2 263 with PASS CS
GHHS, not AOA :-( but likely top 25%
Basically Honors in everything but surgery
Research: Research at a top 10 program, lots of other research as undergrad, posters and orals pres
ECS: Student council, volunteer, free clinic, mentor... lots of stuff with kids
LORS: should be strong
MSPE: looks pretty good to me! with no "problem comments"

So I'm geographically applying in the NE.... opinions for programs appreciated want to specialize so no community programs. I also want genial residents that actually like each other.

Have a slight possible but not dead on "inside person" at top 10 place, really want good training regardless if I can't get the top places in Ma. Looking for safety programs/mid tiers with good patient population and exposure. Def want to know I will leave fully and independently competent .

Currently applying to 25 ish should I change this and add more???
Brown/ UMASS/MGH/Albany/ BWH/ BU/ BIDMC/TUFTS/ Yale/SUNY upstate/ Staten Island
others.... but this is my preference location wise.
Is there any way to make sure these programs still take me serious despite how far away I am?


- one terrified kid applying away from home.
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Step 1 246
Step 2 263 with PASS CS
GHHS, not AOA :-( but likely top 25%
Basically Honors in everything but surgery
Research: Research at a top 10 program, lots of other research as undergrad, posters and orals pres
ECS: Student council, volunteer, free clinic, mentor... lots of stuff with kids
LORS: should be strong
MSPE: looks pretty good to me! with no "problem comments"

So I'm geographically applying in the NE.... opinions for programs appreciated want to specialize so no community programs. I also want genial residents that actually like each other.

Have a slight possible but not dead on "inside person" at top 10 place, really want good training regardless if I can't get the top places in Ma. Looking for safety programs/mid tiers with good patient population and exposure. Def want to know I will leave fully and independently competent .

Currently applying to 25 ish should I change this and add more???
Brown/ UMASS/MGH/Albany/ BWH/ BU/ BIDMC/TUFTS/ Yale/SUNY upstate/ Staten Island
others.... but this is my preference location wise.
Is there any way to make sure these programs still take me serious despite how far away I am?


- one terrified kid applying away from home.

Upstate? Staten island?? Huh? Why would you apply there with those stats? (Assuming by MD you mean US MD)
Yeah I am a US MD and honestly I didn't really know a whole lot about those programs. I added them so I could have "back ups" in that area......

So yeah needless to say I need some input :-/
Hey everyone! Coming from an average MD school in southeast
Step 1: 233
Step 2 ck: 254
AOA: no

1-2 yr grades: my school is strictly pass/fail, no class rank. Passed all 1st and 2nd year classes.
3rd yr grades:
Pass neurology, pass psychiatry, pass family medicine.

Honors internal medicine, honors ob/gyn, honors pediatrics, honors surgery

Research: working on 2 studies, one is almost done. Working on a case report also. No pubs though.
Extracurriculars: probably in the slightly above/above average range of EC activity
LOR: should be pretty good

I know it's a big long shot to get into some of these. No real regional preference, however my "sweet spot programs" I'd love to go to (and hopefully realistic) are Colorado and Emory.

Really want to go to an environment conducive to academic medicine, preferably urban environment/close to a big city at least. Likely going to subspecialize, interested in GI at this point.

What do you think about my shots at following places: UCSD, UCLA, USC Washington (Seattle), Northwestern, Duke, UNC.

Those in addition to Colorado and Emory are my favorite places as of now, before interviews.

My whole list.

West: UCSF, UCSD, UCLA, Stanford, Washington (Seattle), UTSW, USC, Colorado, OHSU, Utah, Mayo Scottsdale
Midwest: Mich, NU, Chicago, Mayo, Rush, UIC,
NE: UPenn, Pitt, Mount Sinai, Jefferson, Temple,
SE: Emory, Vandy, Duke, UNC, UAB, UVA, Gtown, Maryland, UF, Mayo Jacksonville, Maryland, VCU

Any advice is welcome!!! Also do you think I need to add more safety schools? And any other programs in Cali anyone would recommend as "safer" yet still really good programs?

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Yeah I am a US MD and honestly I didn't really know a whole lot about those programs. I added them so I could have "back ups" in that area......

So yeah needless to say I need some input :-/

Backups in the area are UMass Brown NSLIJ GW GTown Rochester

A few you mentioned are almost exclusively IMGs and DOs and you'd be wasting your money applying there with those stats
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Step 1 246
Step 2 263 with PASS CS
GHHS, not AOA :-( but likely top 25%
Basically Honors in everything but surgery
Research: Research at a top 10 program, lots of other research as undergrad, posters and orals pres
ECS: Student council, volunteer, free clinic, mentor... lots of stuff with kids
LORS: should be strong
MSPE: looks pretty good to me! with no "problem comments"

So I'm geographically applying in the NE.... opinions for programs appreciated want to specialize so no community programs. I also want genial residents that actually like each other.

Have a slight possible but not dead on "inside person" at top 10 place, really want good training regardless if I can't get the top places in Ma. Looking for safety programs/mid tiers with good patient population and exposure. Def want to know I will leave fully and independently competent .

Currently applying to 25 ish should I change this and add more???
Brown/ UMASS/MGH/Albany/ BWH/ BU/ BIDMC/TUFTS/ Yale/SUNY upstate/ Staten Island
others.... but this is my preference location wise.
Is there any way to make sure these programs still take me serious despite how far away I am?


- one terrified kid applying away from home.
Upstate isn't a huge stretch as a backup (to the backups for your backups). But there are Carib grads with multiple Step failures who took 6 years to graduate with half a mill in student loan debt looking at SIUH and saying "you know what...'I've got a Vente Mocha Frappuccino for Justin' seems like a pretty good career move for me at this point."
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So I have officially dumped those off the list, and while I drink a lot of coffee I've come too far to be a barista!
Adding those other schools I missed from your list MeatTornado....

I just wanna pick enough schools to make sure I get enough interviews!!
Is it too much to ask for a job at strong program lolllllll

Thanks you guys!
Hi! Appreciate the help.

Med School: mid-low tier
Step 1: high 240s
Step 2: don't know
Class Rank: top 25%
AOA: senior aoa
Core clerkships: all honors
Research: two undergrad pubs, one poster presentation in med school
ECs: fairly involved with school-related ECs

What I really need help with is cutting down my list (maybe at least cut it down by 10 programs). I'm interested in academic medicine, but more so for the teaching than for the research (so I care more about a clinical training heavy program vs research). I don't have any fellowship plans at the moment. I would prefer a program in a bigger city and preferably one in a warmer environment, but I'll consider something cold if the program is worth it and I have a reasonable chance.

West: UCSF, UCLA, USC, UCSD, UCD, UCI, Loma Linda, Colorado, OHSU, Utah, U Wash
South: UAB, Emory, UF gainesville, Vandy, Baylor, UT Houston, UTSW, UNC
Midwest: U Minn, Wash U, SLU, Nebraska, Creighton, U Cinnci, OSU, Case Western, U Utah, Indiana Univ
Mid-Atlantic: UVa, VCU, U Penn, Temple, Jefferson, U Pitt, Hopkins, U Maryland
NE: Tufts, Boston U, B&W, BIDMC, MGH

Hi! Appreciate the help.

Med School: mid-low tier
Step 1: high 240s
Step 2: don't know
Class Rank: top 25%
AOA: senior aoa
Core clerkships: all honors
Research: two undergrad pubs, one poster presentation in med school
ECs: fairly involved with school-related ECs

What I really need help with is cutting down my list (maybe at least cut it down by 10 programs). I'm interested in academic medicine, but more so for the teaching than for the research (so I care more about a clinical training heavy program vs research). I don't have any fellowship plans at the moment. I would prefer a program in a bigger city and preferably one in a warmer environment, but I'll consider something cold if the program is worth it and I have a reasonable chance.

West: UCSF, UCLA, USC, UCSD, UCD, UCI, Loma Linda, Colorado, OHSU, Utah, U Wash
South: UAB, Emory, UF gainesville, Vandy, Baylor, UT Houston, UTSW, UNC
Midwest: U Minn, Wash U, SLU, Nebraska, Creighton, U Cinnci, OSU, Case Western, U Utah, Indiana Univ
Mid-Atlantic: UVa, VCU, U Penn, Temple, Jefferson, U Pitt, Hopkins, U Maryland
NE: Tufts, Boston U, B&W, BIDMC, MGH

You could just cut a whole region out of the list and make it easy (and cheaper for interviews). But if I were going to cut 10 (well 12 actually) programs from your list as it is now, they'd be:
UCI, Loma Linda, UF, UT-Houston, SLU, UNMC, Creighton, Cincy, Case, Temple, Jeff and Tufts.

You could trim a few others from the high end too since you're unlikely to get UCSF, Hopkins and BWH but why not aim for the stars.

Note that there's nothing "wrong" with any of the programs I suggested cutting, just that you're likely to get enough calls from the other places on the list that you won't need them.
So I have officially dumped those off the list, and while I drink a lot of coffee I've come too far to be a barista!
Adding those other schools I missed from your list MeatTornado....

I just wanna pick enough schools to make sure I get enough interviews!!
Is it too much to ask for a job at strong program lolllllll

Thanks you guys!
Not sure what area you are targeting but the philly programs (temple and Drexel) would also make decent backups. Feel free to post or PM me your full list with more specifics of your regional preference if you want me to look it over.
Med school (MD): Mid to low-tier Southeast school
Step 1: 259
Step 2 CK: Score Pending (Felt really good about the test)
Step 2 CS: Pass
Class Rank: 3rd (GPA 4.0)
AOA: Yes
Clerkship: All honors
Research: One undergraduate poster (this is the weakest part of my CV)
LOR: Should be solid to strong (no big names; includes IM clerkship director, IM chair, IM Associate Program director, and FM faculty)
Extracurriculars: Good amount but nothing extraordinary (tutor, IMIG president, free clinics, couple local organizations, MSEC committee member)

UAB, Emory, Iowa, Loyola, Kansas, Louisville, Mass Gen, Wash U, Duke, Cleveland Clinic, Vanderbilt, UTSW, MUSC, UVA;

I have several other mid-tier programs as well, with most falling in the SE region. Vanderbilt would probably be my #1. Thanks for the feedback
Med school (MD): Mid to low-tier Southeast school
Step 1: 259
Step 2 CK: Score Pending (Felt really good about the test)
Step 2 CS: Pass
Class Rank: 3rd (GPA 4.0)
AOA: Yes
Clerkship: All honors
Research: One undergraduate poster (this is the weakest part of my CV)
LOR: Should be solid to strong (no big names; includes IM clerkship director, IM chair, IM Associate Program director, and FM faculty)
Extracurriculars: Good amount but nothing extraordinary (tutor, IMIG president, free clinics, couple local organizations, MSEC committee member)

UAB, Emory, Iowa, Loyola, Kansas, Louisville, Mass Gen, Wash U, Duke, Cleveland Clinic, Vanderbilt, UTSW, MUSC, UVA;

I have several other mid-tier programs as well, with most falling in the SE region. Vanderbilt would probably be my #1. Thanks for the feedback

You're f*cked, consider delaying graduation
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Hello all! Any help would be appreciated
FMG from South America (school really doesn't matter, does it?) YOG: march 2015
Step 1: 257
Step 2 CK: 266
Step 2 CS: pass 1st attempt
3 mo clerkship
1 mo IM sub internship
2mo observership
Research: several experiences, only 1 poster at a latinamerican meeting
LoR: 3 lors, 1 from director of sub-I, 1 form a attending I really developed a close relation with, 1 from a big name at BWH.
Extracurriculars: tutoring, research experiences, worked as a part of the international exchange committee at my school.
(possible?) Red flag: due to delays with my medical school, would not be ECFMG Certified probably until Late october-early november.
I eventually would like to go into academic BMT, so i am applying to IM in order to get to a good Hem/Onc fellowship, the rest really doesn't matter. I also am interested in doing an MPH
My list:
Reaches: Basically "middle-tier" IM university programs with bad locations, which make them second picks for AMGs and which usually take 1-2 FMG per year, Dartmouth, URMC, UMass, Creighton, Drexel, UMD, UTMB, All the SUNY programs, UConn,
Will ofc apply widely to all community and university affiliated hospitals.

Last minute WAMC!!
Med school rank: mid-tier MD in the SW
USMLE Step 1: 246; USMLE Step 2 CK: taken, but TBD CS: TBD
Class rank: 75th %ile or higher I think
AOA: Yes
Honors: H in everything (including medicine!) except for OB (HP), FM (HP), and medicine sub-I (P, but no HP at my school :/ )
Research: oral presentation, no pubs. May have some case reports when interviews roll around
Recs: solid from higher-level ppl (program director and inpatient med director) at my school, but unsure of the level of their influence at other institutions
Extracurriculars: teaching, led some clubs, lots of volunteer work
Red flags: none

Where I am applying: mid to higher tier academics in west, midwest, and DC. 27 total at this point. Unsure of career goals but fellowship is a definite possibility.
Possible/Definite reaches: UCLA med center, USC, UCSD, UCSF, Stanford, Colorado, Georgetown, George Wash U, U Chicago, Northwestern, Wash U, Vanderbilt, UTSW, Baylor, U Washington.

WAMC? Would appreciate any advice! I'm worried I'm missing programs too? Like there are great ones hiding that I'm not considering for whatever reason? Thanks in advance :))