PCAT KAPLAN Course books

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When buying, please say "old set" or "new set/friend set" so I know which set you are referring to. Thanks!

PCAT KAPLAN course (Retail: $1400)
Selling: $190 shipped


Will include the following!
-Lesson Book (from the image, there is a deck box covering my name so that's why that thing is there haha)
-Science Review Notes
-Math and Verbal Review Notes
-Flashcards for each section (upon inspection, I only have the verbal flash cards!)
-Formula Sheet
^ These items have a bit of highlighting and writing on them. However, my handwriting does not obstruct anything and the original text is fully legible

The following "full-length" exams to simulate the real PCAT:

And questions on the review notes:
Biology Reinforcement (6 tests)
Chemistry Reinforcement (5 tests)
Math Reinforcement (4 tests)
Reading Reinforcement (2 tests)
Verbal Ability (6 tests)

^Each test above has 20-40 questions

Of course, they all come with answers and explanations. For a sample of the answer key, click here
As you can see, the answer key is very thorough.


I signed up for the course during my fall semester. I was a full-time student at the time so I did not dedicate any time for the Kaplan course. When the Kaplan course was over, I felt like it was a waste of money.

When summer finally came around, I decided to study for the PCAT. Although the course was over, I still had the books. I studied the books and questions a few hours everyday for one month, right before my August PCAT test. I ended up with a 92% composite! I feel the most important part was having the books (the review notes) and going over the questions on those review notes. It really solidifed my knowledge for the PCAT. There are tons of reinforcement questions as you can see above and they really, really help!

Although it says I am a new member, I've actually been part of the forums since Feb 2008. I had to make a new account due to security reasons; if needed, a moderator can vouch for this if it's needed to soldify my reputation as a seller. :)


1. What edition books are these?
-I tried to find a year but with no success so I am actually not sure what edition it is. I signed up for the Kaplan class in fall 2008 and during summer 2009, I used the materials to study for my August 2009 PCAT. My friend's set is also from there same year since we signed up for the Kaplan class together. Even though it's an older edition book, I do not think PCAT has done any revisions in their newer edition. Hope that helps! If I were to guess, I would say 2008-2009 edition

2. Which set do you recommend? (someone actually asked me this via email)
-Personally, I would recommend my set. It has highlighting and some notes written on the side. It was material I deemed important and was something I felt was important to know on the PCAT. However, there are people who love new books so I understand if they want to go with the new set. I will post pictures later to show the extent of the highlighting and note-taking. None of it covers the original text!

3. What's the extent of the highlighting or writing in the old set?
-It seems all the PMs and emails are get are regarding the new set. People must have a thing against old books! Anyway:
pic 1
pic 2

As you can see, the notes on the side do not obstruct the original text! :)

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I was going to make another topic but it makes more sense to put it here.

I am selling my FRIEND'S PCAT Kaplan material as well! Yes, that's right, it's a new set of books. It's brand new, never been open! She had planned on studying pharmacy but did a complete career change and switched to nursing.

It's the SAME EXACT thing as what I'm selling but it's:
-brand new
-never been opened
-has all the flash cards, still in its original plastic wrap
-no writing whatsoever


Selling: 200 shipped
Hi, I'm interested in buying your friend's brand new book set. I wanna make sure that it includes all the practice tests. I can offer you 170 dollars for this set.
Email me at [email protected]
Thank you
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Added pics to show extent of highlighting on used set

OOPS, forgot to actually update the post with new pics. Fail. Anyway, it's been updated in #3 of FAQ

Jti, I sent you an email!