Please help devasted!

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Feb 2, 2013
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Hi, I am going to apply this summer for the entering class of 2014. I was wondering how good my chances are

- MCAT: havent taken it yet. aiming for a score above 30
- sGPA: 3.3 by the end of junior year
- cGPA: 3.48 by the end of junior year

Grade breakdown by what I had by the end of each year:
- Freshman: sGPA = 3.0; cGPA = 3.29
- Sophomore: sGPA = 3.05; cGPA = 3.3
- Junior Year first semester: sGPA = 3.2; cGPA = 3.41 (I got a 4.0 this semester)
***My GPA is low due to mostly B's in my premed requisites

--I have done 3 years of research at the FDA.
--I volunteer at a university medical center, shock trauma for 60hrs
--Shadow for 40hrs
--I will also begin volunteering with Boys Hope Girls Hope, and Pulmonary Hypertension Association
--I did alot of clinical volunteering in high school, and was a certified nursing assitant
--I worked during the summer's and am working during my junior year. I work at the FDA and am in charge of mentoring 2 high school students. I have done 2 poster sessions at the FDA, and might be getting a publication this year
--Involved in a couple of school clubs
--Tutor for organic chemistry student

Should I apply this year or wait till my senior year to apply and build my resume. If I do apply this year what MD schools should I apply to?

Thank you for the help I really appreciate it
- maryland resident

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Seems like you have pretty decent/mediocre stuff and it's really just going to come down to your MCAT score.
Devasted or just devastated?

Quit fussing, if you can maintain your upward trend, and score >30 on the MCAT, you'll be fine for any of the low tier MD schools, and any DO program.

Hi, I am going to apply this summer for the entering class of 2014. I was wondering how good my chances are

- MCAT: havent taken it yet. aiming for a score above 30
- sGPA: 3.3 by the end of junior year
- cGPA: 3.48 by the end of junior year

Grade breakdown by what I had by the end of each year:
- Freshman: sGPA = 3.0; cGPA = 3.29
- Sophomore: sGPA = 3.05; cGPA = 3.3
- Junior Year first semester: sGPA = 3.2; cGPA = 3.41 (I got a 4.0 this semester)
***My GPA is low due to mostly B's in my premed requisites

--I have done 3 years of research at the FDA.
--I volunteer at a university medical center, shock trauma for 60hrs
--Shadow for 40hrs
--I will also begin volunteering with Boys Hope Girls Hope, and Pulmonary Hypertension Association
--I did alot of clinical volunteering in high school, and was a certified nursing assitant
--I worked during the summer's and am working during my junior year. I work at the FDA and am in charge of mentoring 2 high school students. I have done 2 poster sessions at the FDA, and might be getting a publication this year
--Involved in a couple of school clubs
--Tutor for organic chemistry student

Should I apply this year or wait till my senior year to apply and build my resume. If I do apply this year what MD schools should I apply to?

Thank you for the help I really appreciate it
- maryland resident
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Devasted or just devastated?

Quit fussing, if you can maintain your upward trend, and score >30 on the MCAT, you'll be fine for any of the low tier MD schools, and any DO program.

will my senior year transcripts be taken into account as well?
Hi, I am going to apply this summer for the entering class of 2014. I was wondering how good my chances are

B.S in biology from umd
- MCAT: havent taken it yet. aiming for a score above 30
- sGPA: 3.3 by the end of junior year
- cGPA: 3.48 by the end of junior year

Grade breakdown by what I had by the end of each year:
- Freshman: sGPA = 3.0; cGPA = 3.29
- Sophomore: sGPA = 3.05; cGPA = 3.3
- Junior Year first semester: sGPA = 3.2; cGPA = 3.41 (I got a 4.0 this semester)
***My GPA is low due to mostly B's in my premed requisites and science classes. I only have As in Orgo 2 lab, stat, developmental biology, physics 2, experimental bio lab. No Cs or below

--I have done 3 years of research at the FDA.
--I volunteer at a university medical center, shock trauma for 60hrs
--Shadow for 40hrs
--I will also begin volunteering with Boys Hope Girls Hope, and Pulmonary Hypertension Association
--I did alot of clinical volunteering in high school, and was a certified nursing assitant
--I worked during the summer's and am working during my junior year. I work at the FDA and am in charge of mentoring 2 high school students. I have done 2 poster sessions at the FDA, and might be getting a publication this year
--Involved in a couple of school clubs
--Tutor for organic chemistry student

Should I apply this year or wait till my senior year to apply and build my resume. If I do apply this year what MD schools should I apply to?

Thank you for the help I really appreciate it
- maryland resident
It's probably best to take the MCAT near the end of the summer after you had time to study really well. The MCAT will make or break you.

I would say wait a year and apply next summer. That way you can finish strong your senior year and show a serious upward trend.

You could possibly get accepted this upcoming cycle but I think if you can pull a 4.0 your senior year after pulling one your Junior year it will open many more doors.
If you're not a URM you should apply only to DO schools. Possibly your state-MD school.
If your aiming for MD I would take a year or two off. High school activities don't really count so you can't count on those benefitting you in any way. Also no one can really just count on getting over a 30 on the mcat.... I would start studying hard now...