pregnancy and med school


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Mar 23, 2001
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Hello, my question is this - I am thirteen weeks pregnant and will be due in the middle of December. I wanted to know if I should defer a year before starting medical school or if it is possible to start this coming fall. I am really eager to start and feel that I would be able to handle it. I believe it would be better for me to be in school than working 9-5. Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated.

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I had a baby 3 weeks before the end of first year-
and yes, I did find that being pregnant and going to medical school was much easier than working 9-5 would have been- my school is extremely family-friendly and all the faculty were very supportive. But doing med school with a newborn is another story altogether. Check out my reply to the post entitled "First year med school and First time mother": <a href=";f=2;t=002675" target="_blank">;f=2;t=002675</a>
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Hi. I was in your exact same situation last year. The month after I was accepted, I found out I was pregnant...due Dec 13th. I originally had every intention of starting school in August. (I was 31 and didn't want to risk losing my spot) The month before school started, the entire class was offered a voluntary deferrment because the class was too large. My husband and I decided this was a blessing and took it.
As it turned out I now feel that it happened for the best for a lot of reasons. First of all, my son wasn't born until Dec21 and then spent 16 days in NICU. I am glad I didn't have to worry about returning to school under the circumstances. Also, spending this first 7 months at home with him has been wonderful. It makes me kind of sad I will not get to enjoy it with any future children. Finally, I also had a baby who nursed constantly and didn't nap. Recovery and a new baby is demanding.
All that being said, my choice to put off school for a year would have been different if it hadn't been handed to me. You have to make a choice that works with your situation. I have learned from reading many posts, articles and talking to people that anything is possible. You just have to be willing to give 100% and plan on being flexible if need be.

Hope I haven't rambled too much. Congratulations and Good Luck!
I responded to a similar message on the allopathic board, but I just want to point out that princessa is not facing a choice of school or staying home; it's school or working full-time. I think that makes the choice very different. Either way, she will feel exhausted...I say get a year of med school in (complete with the blessed-if short- breaks)
I misunderstood. I thought she was comparing school to a 9-5 job. When deciding between the two, I agree 100%. The exhaustion and guilt-complex will be a lot easier when you are working toward completing a goal. (At least I'm hoping that holds true when I start school this August.) Good luck.
Thank you everyone for your responses. Unfortunately my circumstances are a little different, both my fiancee are not set financially. My decision would be to defer if my fiancee had an income that would provide for our financial needs. Then of course I would love to stay home and care for my child. The reality of the situation is that after taking a month of maternity leave I would have to continue working 9-5. The way I see it being in medical school will allow me to spend more time with my child while accomplishing my goal of becoming a doctor.
I know that this will be very demanding but to me that seems like the only way I will be able to devote time to my child and working towards my career.
Has anyone pointed you in the direction of Mommd yet? It's a website for mothers in It's a great resource!!!


I'm in a similar situation but due in mid-October. I had to defer because Baylor would not allow me to take any leave during the first semester. That's ok, because I know it is the best option for me anyway. Being due in December is probably better since you will have the break and maybe a little bit of slack at the beginning of the spring.

I will be taking 2 months off and then back to work. I'd like to stay home, but it's not an option for me either. Good luck with your decision. It's a tough one!
I'm going to disagree with those who think a job would be less desirable that medical school with a newborn. I am finishing up my first year and am due in November. I don't plan to take time off, but I certainly wish I would have had the baby before school even started. That way, even if I did work.......I would be finished at 5. Medical school isn't 'over' at a certain hour. You don't get weekends off. You look forward to breaks, and there aren't nearly enough of those! You work around dinner, cleaning the house, and other activities. I would take a 9-5 anyday if I really had to choose. However, things aren't that cut-and-dry, so I will get thru the situation as best I can. However, if loans and money weren't involved, as in the interest that builds up, I would definately take a year off of school if I could.