Presidential Debate 2020

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Biden should have just followed the game plan of his advisers and ignored everything Trump said including when he interrupted. Just keep saying what you're saying and don't stop just because some immature crazy person keeps interrupting you. The more Trump tries to talk over you while you continue to speak the dumber he makes himself look. That's how you deal with people that like to hear themselves talk and don't know how to listen.

In other news, I watched a few of Obama's speeches today, and man, do I miss that guy compared to where we are now.

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Biden should have just followed the game plan of his advisers and ignored everything Trump said including when he interrupted. Just keep saying what you're saying and don't stop just because some immature crazy person keeps interrupting you. The more Trump tries to talk over you while you continue to speak the dumber he makes himself look. That's how you deal with people that like to hear themselves talk and don't know how to listen.

In other news, I watched a few of Obama's speeches today, and man, do I miss that guy compared to where we are now.

I recall McCain telling one of his supporters that Obama wasn’t a bad person (roughly paraphrased) when they yelled out that he was the Antichrist or Taliban or whatever and boy do I miss that kind of level headedness.

A sentence I never thought I would type. :(
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Personally I sleep with a Sig P320 X-Five, which has no safety, next to my bed. No need to find it.
Many many moons ago I used to do that...until one night I woke up with a revolver pointed at the door......the second time It was a .45 which I promptly took apart and stored...
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Tell me what Biden has done in his 47 years

Why does nothing ever get done?
Biden isn’t my ideal candidate. But he seems to be a functional adult, so he has my vote in this unfortunate two-party system.

Nothing is getting done because of Mitch McConnell.
Is there a language you can type in without frequent typos or bizarre excessive periods? I’m just having a lot of trouble taking anything seriously from someone whose best attempt at communication is what you’ve presented.
That's the far right so give me a break. Using your same logic, you shouldn't vote blue because it's the party of socialists, communists, marxists and fascists, and the dem party has changed even more in the last hundred years. Most people are moderate left or moderate right so to the point of what we are discussing I can see voting go either way. But you gotta love liberal logic - "if you vote red you're racist!"
Again, how much a party has changed doesn’t mean jack. I’m not voting in any of the elections In the 1800’s. I’m voting for people running today.

Voting for someone who refuses to say anything negative about Neo-Nazis doesn’t make you racist. But it sure shows that you’re fine with racism.
Nothing is getting done because of Mitch McConnell.

I really enjoy the gaslighting. "Why hasn't Joe Biden 'done anything' in 47 years" is such a perfectly crafted question. First, he has done lots of stuff so the premise is invalid. Might as well ask when he stopped beating his wife. Second, how can he get more done when Republicans make it literally impossible to get anything done? Its the equivalent of asking your younger brother why he won't quit hitting himself.

I mean I don't even really care for Biden personally but acting like he should have done more than he has is just silly. Why hasn't Trump done more in the last for 4 years, he is the president after all!
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So explain to me how after 8 years of Obama, the working class didn't improve at all?
Again, how much a party has changed doesn’t mean jack. I’m not voting in any of the elections In the 1800’s. I’m voting for people running today.

Voting for someone who refuses to say anything negative about Neo-Nazis doesn’t make you racist. But it sure shows that you’re fine with racism.
So explain to me how after 8 years of Obama, the working class didn't improve at all?

What are you using to make that claim? I seem to recall very low unemployment and a huge economic recovery during his presidency. What exactly didn't improve?
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1) Biden wants to lock down the economy. As someone who has family who owns their business, I have seen firsthand how devastating lock-down is for the small businesses. Uncertainty about paying bills and just surviving; laying people off because you can’t afford them any longer; and just feeling of gloom. I have seen it and have no wish to see that again. Businesses haven’t recovered, in fact far from it. However, they are doing just enough to get by right now. Another lock-down would pretty much guarantee bankruptcy.
This is a big steaming pile of Malarkey. Biden is for opening safely. Because if you have a sliver of functioing brain cells you would know the economy will recover until we get the virus under control. Biden does not WANT to close down the economy. He was asked a hypothetical question as to what he would do is the medical and public health experts recommended shutting down the economy based on the need to control the pandemic, he answered he would under those circumstances. To say Biden WANTS to shut down the economy is FAKE NEWS.

2) As I explained above, how far-left wants to give out everything for free at the cost of people who are successful. They want to con lower-middle class and poor into thinking that rich and wealthy are evil and they are the responsible for their hardships in life, and they would punish the wealthy and get them money back which is rightfully theirs.
This is also bull. First Biden is not far left. He defeated the far left. The Far left was for Medicare for all. Biden was against it. Biden won. The far left is for the Green New Deal. Biden opposed it. Biden won. Biden does not want to punish the wealthy. He wants them to pay their fair share. He wants to value labor not just capital formation. Do you realize the number of people who work for multi billion dollar companies that are welfare for insurance. That means the taxpayers are subsidizing these multi billion dollar corporations. It didn't make sense to lower the corporate tax rate as much he did. He tilted the tax code in favor of the wealthy.

3) Foreign policy. As I mentioned, Biden would entirely ignore China issue. Look at how China is bullying their neighbors. Look at how they lied about impact of COVID 19. It’s not good for world politics in general if China goes unchecked.

What is the basis of the drivel? You have some evidence. Just take as look at TPP. While TPP was sold as trade agreement, what it was was China isolation treaty. Obama/Biden was for it and Trump backed out of it. China is stronger now than when Trump took office.

There is lot to dislike about Trump. His possibly racist views. His denying of global warming and climate change. His disgraceful self-obsessed personality. And I am aware of the possibility of far right KKK going nuts if Trump gets 4 more years.
This is the understatement of the century. He is without a doubt the worse president in the history of the United States.

Trump isn’t healthy and he is too old. But that’s precisely the point; Biden is 4 years older even. I just didn’t feel like he showed any energy or willingness to stand up against Trump. I am fairly convinced age is catching up to him. And you have to consider strong possibility that Harris might taker over. How many people would be comfortable with that outcome?

I would be more comfortable with Kamala Harrisas President than Donald Trump.
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Opposed to Obama care? As a physician you don't worry about your patients access to healthcare?

I’m sorry, but this type of retort is without both substance and is a false premise. The premise is that the only way for my patients to get healthcare is to pass this particular load of garbage.
I’m sorry, but this type of retort is without both substance and is a false premise. The premise is that the only way for my patients to get healthcare is to pass this particular load of garbage.

No such thing as perfect legislation but it at least attempts to address insurance companies refusing service for preexisting illnesses and getting folks health coverage. Also increases providers on Indian reservation. It is actually groundbreaking. It's sad to see as a Dr you don't support everyone getting health insurance. You can call it a false premise but where's the alternatives? Clinton tried but failed to get universal health care. What's your alternative?
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Can't straddle the fence. Either you condemn white supremacy or you support it which makes you a racist. You excuse of trumps behavior sounds like the same excuses the Germans used to plead ignorance to the holocaust. I suggest you get together with Chrish and go join the kkk. See how you do there.
No such thing as perfect legislation but it at least attempts to address insurance companies refusing service for preexisting illnesses and getting folks health coverage. Also increases providers on Indian reservation. It is actually groundbreaking. It's sad to see as a Dr you don't support everyone getting health insurance. You can call it a false premise but where's the alternatives? Clinton tried but failed to get universal health care. What's your alternative?
I would be for universal healthcare... but illegal aliens should not qualify, and hospitals should not have an "open door" policy for illegals and the homeless.

You also do realize that universal healthcare means healthcare providers get paid crap right? Just compare HCP salaries in for these types of countries in Europe and Asia to the U.S. So if universal healthcare passed, insurance companies were abolished and the gov't controlled the delivery of care then there will be literally no reason for anyone to do healthcare. 8 years of medical school and residency just to make <$100k as a physician?

Of course, regardless of how the healthcare system is reformed pharmacists will be screwed either way...
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I would be for universal healthcare... but illegal aliens should not qualify, and hospitals should not have an "open door" policy for illegals and the homeless.

You also do realize that universal healthcare means healthcare providers get paid crap right? Just compare HCP salaries in for these types of countries in Europe and Asia to the U.S. So if universal healthcare passed, insurance companies were abolished and the gov't controlled the delivery of care then there will be literally no reason for anyone to do healthcare. 8 years of medical school and residency just to make <$100k as a physician?

Of course, regardless of how the healthcare system is reformed pharmacists will be screwed either way...

It needs to be tweaked no benefits for non citizens, better care for vets, no Medicaid for convicts but it is a necessity why should Americans go without. Other industries ie power, water are heavily regulated
Can't straddle the fence. Either you condemn white supremacy or you support it which makes you a racist. You excuse of trumps behavior sounds like the same excuses the Germans used to plead ignorance to the holocaust. I suggest you get together with Chrish and go join the kkk. See how you do there.
You clearly didn't watch the part where Trump denounced the KKK, Neo-Nazis, David Duke, and white supremacists 10 different times. "Oh Trump's been denouncing this for 4 years but didn't denounce it now. GOTCHA! He must be a racist! And all his supporters by extension are racists." But such is how warped liberal thinking is. How about you take a look in the mirror and denounce your own racist candidate?

"If you don't vote for me then you ain't black" - Joe Biden

"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids" - Joe Biden

"Unlike the African American community with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community" - Joe Biden

The hypocrisy is unreal.
You clearly didn't watch the part where Trump denounced the KKK, Neo-Nazis, David Duke, and white supremacists 10 different times. "Oh Trump's been denouncing this for 4 years but didn't denounce it now. GOTCHA! He must be a racist! And all his supporters by extension are racists." But such is how warped liberal thinking is. How about you take a look in the mirror and denounce your own racist candidate?

"If you don't vote for me then you ain't black" - Joe Biden

"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids" - Joe Biden

"Unlike the African American community with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community" - Joe Biden

The hypocrisy is unreal.

Right. Trump makes frank statements then walks them back all the time. Not just on racism. His statements about the military, getting help from foreign powers with the election (with George Stephanopoulos), it's goes on. Then he plays himself a victim. That's hilarious in and of itself as Trump claimed himself during impeachment he has unlimited power..
Right. Trump makes frank statements then walks them back all the time. Not just on racism. His statements about the military, getting help from foreign powers with the election (with George Stephanopoulos), it's goes on. Then he plays himself a victim. That's hilarious in and of itself as Trump claimed himself during impeachment he has unlimited power..
You're just speaking in generalizations now with no evidence. I just debunked your "racist" claims. Hillary Clinton was just caught authorizing a disinformation campaign in 2016 to link Trump to Russia but the MSM is covering her **#}^ because that's how corrupt the deep state is so we'll see what happens in the next few months because she needs to be locked up. To Trump's point, there was never a "peaceful transition of power" when he was elected president because it was hoax after hoax after hoax - this time it's even worse because who knows who Biden's puppeteers are?
You're just speaking in generalizations now with no evidence. I just debunked your "racist" claims. Hillary Clinton was just caught authorizing a disinformation campaign in 2016 to link Trump to Russia but the MSM is covering her **#}^ because that's how corrupt the deep state is so we'll see what happens in the next few months because she needs to be locked up. To Trump's point, there was never a "peaceful transition of power" when he was elected president because it was hoax after hoax after hoax - this time it's even worse because who knows who Biden's puppeteers are?

I'm willing to bet Biden is covered from neck to toe with rivastigmine patches just to keep him coherent.
I'm willing to bet Biden is covered from neck to toe with rivastigmine patches just to keep him coherent.
He was definitely drugged up during the debate. Every time he spoke he looked directly in the camera and his pupils were clearly dilated - his eye color is usually blue but all you see is black -- an obvious side effect of taking stimulants...
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You're just speaking in generalizations now with no evidence. I just debunked your "racist" claims. Hillary Clinton was just caught authorizing a disinformation campaign in 2016 to link Trump to Russia but the MSM is covering her **#}^ because that's how corrupt the deep state is so we'll see what happens in the next few months because she needs to be locked up. To Trump's point, there was never a "peaceful transition of power" when he was elected president because it was hoax after hoax after hoax - this time it's even worse because who knows who Biden's puppeteers are?

You are flat insane. You recommend bleach injections and hydroxychloroquine too?
I'm pretty sure it's the two party system (and not any one individual or group) that is the reason government in the U.S. never accomplishes anything. Ever since kindergarten I've always been taught that 1 + (-1)= 0
You are flat insane. You recommend bleach injections and hydroxychloroquine too?
Every time your baseless accusations get debunked you move on to another baseless accusation. How about you look up the primary sources instead of getting your news from headlines on your Facebook news feed? Here, this is the last one I'll do for your brainwashed liberal mind. Watch this video and tell me if Trump recommended anyone to inject bleach into themselves...
Every time your baseless accusations get debunked you move on to another baseless accusation. How about you look up the primary sources instead of getting your news from headlines on your Facebook news feed? Here, this is the last one I'll do for your brainwashed liberal mind. Watch this video and tell me if Trump recommended anyone to inject bleach into themselves...

Be careful Hillary Clinton and the deep state are watching this forum. In the morning the far left will follow you to work. Immediately call Karl Rove for help.
For those that keep saying Trump did a horrible job with Covid:

USA: 642 deaths per million population
Uk: 621 deaths let million population

When are you going to stop blaming Trump and start blaming Americans themselves? We've known about this for months now. If you allow yourself to get this virus, that's on you not Trump.

Anyways so did the UK do a horrible job too?
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What are you using to make that claim? I seem to recall very low unemployment and a huge economic recovery during his presidency. What exactly didn't improve?

So by your standards Trump did better since unemployment continued to go down.

Why don't I give more specific questions. Why haven't the Democrats gotten rid of loop holes in the tax code? Also why hasn't the highest tax bracket been over 50% since 1986?
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For those that keep saying Trump did a horrible job with Covid:

USA: 642 deaths per million population
Uk: 621 deaths let million population

When are you going to stop blaming Trump and start blaming Americans themselves? We've known about this for months now. If you allow yourself to get this virus, that's on you not Trump.

Anyways so did the UK do a horrible job too?

Confirmed deaths (absolute)Daily increase (# deaths)¹Population (in millions)Deaths per million

UK¹ 42,0537166.49632.48










Puerto Rico66173.2206.88




New Zealand2504.895.12

We are the envy of the world.....
For those that keep saying Trump did a horrible job with Covid:

USA: 642 deaths per million population
Uk: 621 deaths let million population

When are you going to stop blaming Trump and start blaming Americans themselves? We've known about this for months now. If you allow yourself to get this virus, that's on you not Trump.

Anyways so did the UK do a horrible job too?

Never stop blaming Trump for his mismanagement of the government.

All you trump supporters looks like he has it now!
For those that keep saying Trump did a horrible job with Covid:

USA: 642 deaths per million population
Uk: 621 deaths let million population

When are you going to stop blaming Trump and start blaming Americans themselves? We've known about this for months now. If you allow yourself to get this virus, that's on you not Trump.

Anyways so did the UK do a horrible job too?

Welp, this part already didn't age well...
They say Trump may have got the virus from aids, but let’s think about it, they were all tested positive around the same time. More likely is that they got virus from those campaign rallies that have thousands of people in close space, and ignore social distancing guideline and no masks. Go figure.
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OK, if we're talking about other users joining the KKK and speculating about what might happen if multiple people die, I think we've passed the point of rational debate. Thread closed.
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