Question for EMTS or future Emts

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calcium boy

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Apr 29, 2002
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Is it a big deal if you miss an Emt class, especially the first day?

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depends on the instructor and/or class.
some are really strict about attendance, some aren't.
talk to the instructor.
I would say that the first day is major. There was 1-2 people who were wait listed for the EMT class I took and they took the spot of people who didn't show up the first day.
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when i took my emt class, if you missed a day, you had to find another class somewhere in the state to make it up, because there were a certain number of required quality hours -- it's all very regulated by the state (and nationally if you want that certification). that was at least the situation in nj. class-wise it's not like you're going to have a hard time catching up (i likened my class to 'lifesaving techniques for dummies' for the most part - it's not neuroscience), you just need to check up on the technical side of it.
best of luck.
calcium boy said:
Is it a big deal if you miss an Emt class, especially the first day?

why don't you ask them
Yeah, it might be. You might lose your spot, and you will have to make up the hours. The first two days for me were CPR training, which you definitely need.
I always thought it was extremely poor taste to miss the ANY classes before the first exam no matter what the class is on - whether EMT, astrophysics, or basketweaving. If you had a good (great) excuse for missing it, go talk to your instructor.
As a former EMS-Instructor, I would say it is a big deal to miss class - especially the first one. Did you contact the instructor and expalin your absence? As mentioned above, there are a required number of hours for a EMT-B class and you are expected to attend all of them. Most instructors will ok a miss due to emergencies or illness, but this is not a class you can casually blow off (even if the material is easy).
When I took the course, you could miss a total of 3 classes (out of a course total of 35-40). If you missed more than that, you weren't allowed to take the certification test at the end of the course. You can probably work something out with the instructor if they are reasonable, but if you're going to be missing a lot of classes (i.e. you are a student and plan to miss class over vacation) you should consider taking the course at a later time. For legal reasons, you have to have so many hours to achieve a level of certification, and if you don't, that can't be fudged.