Questions on activities?

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2+ Year Member
Feb 1, 2021
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Hey, I just got a couple questions on volunteering activities I have.

I have an opportunity to help students from Ukraine become more proficient in English, through an online voice chat. I've heard many things stating online volunteering doesn't count as much and there's not much of a point. Is this true in this scenario? I feel like being a "tutor" would be great and I would actually love to do something like this.

Also, for activities on an application. How many hours is the "minimum" that is recommended for listing? If I volunteer for 50 hours for this online place, is it worth listing?


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The nonclinical volunteering is supposed to focused on the unserved/underserved in your community. Teaching/tutoring are a separate activity . I realize there is a pandemic but despite the restrictions there is a great need for community volunteering and many opportunities are available if you look. Fifty hours for your stated activity is okay but you need nonclinical volunteering right here in the USA. You need to learn to deal with people very unlike yourself. In medicine many of your patients will be very different from what you are comfortable with so get out of your comfort zone and get to work. Good luck.
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The nonclinical volunteering is supposed to focused on the unserved/underserved in your community. Teaching/tutoring are a separate activity . I realize there is a pandemic but despite the restrictions there is a great need for community volunteering and many opportunities are available if you look. Fifty hours for your stated activity is okay but you need nonclinical volunteering right here in the USA. You need to learn to deal with people very unlike yourself. In medicine many of your patients will be very different from what you are comfortable with so get out of your comfort zone and get to work. Good luck.
Gotcha, so do you suggest taking this offer and also doing something like volunteering at a food pantry as well? Or is this offer not really worth taking up.
Gotcha, so do you suggest taking this offer and also doing something like volunteering at a food pantry as well? Or is this offer not really worth taking up.
If it interests you and you want to do it-do it. Most applicants do several activities as they build their applications.
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