RANT HERE thread

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its actually helped me open my eyes to his real level of commitment...

Eh, I wouldn't say that. My boyfriend of over six years told me he wouldn't be coming with me to Canada when I moved up here for school. I don't think it reflects on his level of commitment to me, just speaks to his extremely practical nature. There are no jobs here for him. I'm busy all day at school and need the time to study. All of our friends and people we consider family live back where he is now. He likes it there. He gets free rent. He got a promotion. We're going to be living there when I'm done, anyway. And so on and so forth.

While I understand frustration about him changing his mind, it kind of sets my teeth on edge when people assume that because their SO wants to stay behind they're selfish or not committed to the relationship. Yes, LD isn't fun, but it's not at all impossible. PM me if you want to talk about it :)

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I worked soooo hard, but I don't know if I'll even get the chance to explain to admissions officers it doesn't represent me at all. I plan on applying to vet school in about 1 year and a half.

This would be a perfect thing to discuss in your explanation section and probably even in your personal statement. If you are having improvement, I think you'll be surprised by how understanding the adcoms can be. People struggle, people have setbacks, **** happens. Use your struggle to show you how've grown and adjusted and such.
Eh, I wouldn't say that. My boyfriend of over six years told me he wouldn't be coming with me to Canada when I moved up here for school. I don't think it reflects on his level of commitment to me, just speaks to his extremely practical nature. There are no jobs here for him. I'm busy all day at school and need the time to study. All of our friends and people we consider family live back where he is now. He likes it there. He gets free rent. He got a promotion. We're going to be living there when I'm done, anyway. And so on and so forth.

While I understand frustration about him changing his mind, it kind of sets my teeth on edge when people assume that because their SO wants to stay behind they're selfish or not committed to the relationship. Yes, LD isn't fun, but it's not at all impossible. PM me if you want to talk about it :)

My boyfriend is similar. We are both pragmatic, education/career-oriented people. He needs to stay where the aerospace jobs are, and none of the schools that I've applied to are in these regions. It's difficult to speculate about the future, but we both have to follow our dreams.
I definitely have my moments of weakness ("pleeeease come with me"), but I also know that I'll be more focused if he isn't around all the time.
Regardless, it's a difficult sacrifice for anyone to make.
You cannot expect me to go to school, get my homework done, volunteer, make the long commute from the middle of nowhere 2-4 times every day (since you BACKED OUT of your commitment to drive certain places), make meals and KEEP THE HOUSE CLEAN when you stay up until 5am playing video games every morning. My room is CLEAN. I just swiffer-ed up giant massive dust bunnies from the rest of the house. My gerbil cages are right next to your computer and you cannot even keep their water bottles filled up. I know I need to be doing my share of the chores, but since my commute has went from 40 minutes to 3 hours some days because of YOU, you would think you would help me out a little bit when it comes to certain chores, two in particular (sweeping and keeping an eye on my pets).

I think I may retreat back into the shell I lived in when I was forced to share an apartment on res with slobs. My room will be kept clean, but I will not give a damn about the rest of the house if the others in the house are not willing to pitch in.
This is ridiculously trivial... But I managed to close a ferret hammock clip under my thumb nail yesterday, causing a (rather overdramatic) amount of bleeding. Now it just hurts when I try to do anything with it. :c stupid finger.
I am so damn cold right now! I'm hoping it's just cold in here and it's not this stupid cold I've been fighting off since Monday.
Last couple of days I should have known something was wrong when I was complaining it was cold, and my wife disagreed. Now I have the cold I should have foreseen coming.
Last couple of days I should have known something was wrong when I was complaining it was cold, and my wife disagreed. Now I have the cold I should have foreseen coming.

my (med school) roommate currently has the flu. i am quite panicked. my inner germaphobe is running around screaming like a little girl. :eek::eek::eek::eek:
To all those with sick roomies...wash, wash, wash those hands!
A few of my classmates got an acceptance email from MSU today and I did not... expecting my 7th rejection :( sad panda.
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A few of my classmates got an acceptance email from MSU today and I did not... expecting my 7th rejection :( sad panda.
Blah don't say that! There's still time for an acceptance, It's not even February yet :) I'm still waiting too :) we'll get our acceptances soon! MSU will be the one for you!
my (med school) roommate currently has the flu. i am quite panicked. my inner germaphobe is running around screaming like a little girl. :eek::eek::eek::eek:
Almost everyone in our lab is sick. I'm practically dousing myself with hand sanitizer and seriously contemplating sanitizing air spray or requesting face masks...too much?!
Keep your chin up Trematode. Your situation sounds awful but know that this is temporary. You won't be stuck with that self-absorbed ingrate (sorry but he's even pissing me off...) for much longer. Whenever I get upset, I just ask myself "Will I care about this in a couple months? a year? 5? 10?" It helps me put stressful experiences/situations into a more approachable perspective.

Remember, "This too shall pass."
Grrr, I had braces when I was 13 or so and when they came off the ortho gave me a permanent retainer. Well over the holidays it broke into several tiny jagged pieces that my boyfriend and I cut with wire cutters because they were poking my tongue and making it bleed. When I finally got to see the ortho again he decided that I needed a 300$ non-permanent retainer and that I need to wear it 24/7 until my teeth are back in the orientation they should be. It HURTS! and I can't take it off. I am also talking with a lisp and my lower lip is sticking out. On the bright side it's only a month and I can't eat with it in so I am snacking less, but I am so oraly fixated on it!
Grrr, I had braces when I was 13 or so and when they came off the ortho gave me a permanent retainer. Well over the holidays it broke into several tiny jagged pieces that my boyfriend and I cut with wire cutters because they were poking my tongue and making it bleed. When I finally got to see the ortho again he decided that I needed a 300$ non-permanent retainer and that I need to wear it 24/7 until my teeth are back in the orientation they should be. It HURTS! and I can't take it off. I am also talking with a lisp and my lower lip is sticking out. On the bright side it's only a month and I can't eat with it in so I am snacking less, but I am so oraly fixated on it!

I have the invisaline or whatever they are called. For top and bottom. My bottom teeth are pretty good by now, so even if I take a break, putting it back in is ok. I completely forgot for about a month though and started wearing them again a few days ago. One of my top front teeth moved and putting the top one on now hurts sooo bad. Invisaline feel much worse for me because they are fitted to every single tooth instead of the ones with the wire, because it's not exactly fitted to all my teeth.
Grrr, I had braces when I was 13 or so and when they came off the ortho gave me a permanent retainer. Well over the holidays it broke into several tiny jagged pieces that my boyfriend and I cut with wire cutters because they were poking my tongue and making it bleed. When I finally got to see the ortho again he decided that I needed a 300$ non-permanent retainer and that I need to wear it 24/7 until my teeth are back in the orientation they should be. It HURTS! and I can't take it off. I am also talking with a lisp and my lower lip is sticking out. On the bright side it's only a month and I can't eat with it in so I am snacking less, but I am so oraly fixated on it!

I have a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth. I hated it at first but now realize that without it, my teeth would probably be really crooked again. Couldn't imagine have one on the top though. I wear my retainer 2-3 times per week to bed.
There's nothing quite as nice as having a woman come in for her dog's appointment 20 minutes early because she has "two other appointments to get to," and have her expect the entire staff to drop everything to see her right then and there.

(At least she had an appointment. Nothing beats the woman last month who just showed up with her dog, walked in an exam room, and closed the door behind her without saying a word to anyone... No appointment. No heads up phone call. Nothing.)

Grrrrrrrrrrr (people:bang:)
Keep your chin up Trematode. Your situation sounds awful but know that this is temporary. You won't be stuck with that self-absorbed ingrate (sorry but he's even pissing me off...) for much longer. Whenever I get upset, I just ask myself "Will I care about this in a couple months? a year? 5? 10?" It helps me put stressful experiences/situations into a more approachable perspective.

Remember, "This too shall pass."

Good point. :D.
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Just took anti anxiety meds and might be having an adverse reaction- I feel like I am going to pass out and my coherency is dwindling. And I'm all alone in my apartment.:scared:
Just took anti anxiety meds and might be having an adverse reaction- I feel like I am going to pass out and my coherency is dwindling. And I'm all alone in my apartment.:scared:

eek! :eek: you should call someone you know and have them take you to the ER or call 911!!!!
I have a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth. I hated it at first but now realize that without it, my teeth would probably be really crooked again. Couldn't imagine have one on the top though. I wear my retainer 2-3 times per week to bed.

I wear my retainers to bed every other night without fail. 3 1/2 years in the braces means I'm gonna do what I need to do to keep them good!
I wear my retainers to bed every other night without fail. 3 1/2 years in the braces means I'm gonna do what I need to do to keep them good!

Yeah I spent like 4 out of my 5 years in undergrad with braces, so I wear my retainer every night. It's just part of the routine now.
You know the students that seem to get by doing no work because they seem to get others to just do it for them... yeah those kind of people make me upset.
You know the students that seem to get by doing no work because they seem to get others to just do it for them... yeah those kind of people make me upset.

My classmate/roommate in 2nd year was one of them. She is in Pharmacy school because of the "good grades" she got from cheating off of everyone. Funny, she got a 64 in organic chemistry because I could not help her with it.
I took an antibiotic last night as I was hoping into bed, completely ignoring the bottle's warning: Take with copious amounts of water, do not lie down for 1 hour after taking.

I thought i was all tough. Pssh. Antibiotic warnings. I know antibiotics. I'm a tough kid. I never take my pills with water. pssh.

I woke up in the middle of the night with my chest hurting. Pretty certain that my doxy got lodged in my esophagus and gave me a little ulcer/irritation/inflammation in the night. now it hurts to eat or drink anything. :( sad gella

lesson learned.
I took an antibiotic last night as I was hoping into bed, completely ignoring the bottle's warning: Take with copious amounts of water, do not lie down for 1 hour after taking.

I thought i was all tough. Pssh. Antibiotic warnings. I know antibiotics. I'm a tough kid. I never take my pills with water. pssh.

I woke up in the middle of the night with my chest hurting. Pretty certain that my doxy got lodged in my esophagus and gave me a little ulcer/irritation/inflammation in the night. now it hurts to eat or drink anything. :( sad gella

lesson learned.

The same thing happened to a friend of mine... lesson learned? :D
I would imagine that it would be very, very hard to cheat on the NAVLE. If you think that is incorrect, it's something we should address.
I was responding to the "no one" part. If you really want to cheat, you can find a way. False ID for someone with knowledge/experience. I am sure it has happened, i imagine very very infrequently.
We have a roomba, and I love it because I hate to vacuum. We also have a cat with IBD, who doesn't always "make it" to the litterbox.

Put them together and...

My living room looked like a cat poop crime scene, and i spent the better part of an hour dismantling and cleaning the roomba. Awesome way to spend a Saturday morning!
We have a roomba, and I love it because I hate to vacuum. We also have a cat with IBD, who doesn't always "make it" to the litterbox.

Put them together and...

My living room looked like a cat poop crime scene, and i spent the better part of an hour dismantling and cleaning the roomba. Awesome way to spend a Saturday morning!

:laugh::laugh: I don't mean to laugh at your unfortunate circumstances, but "cat poop crime scene" just made me giggle out loud :D
I woke up in the middle of the night with my chest hurting. Pretty certain that my doxy got lodged in my esophagus and gave me a little ulcer/irritation/inflammation in the night. now it hurts to eat or drink anything. :( sad gella

lesson learned.

Hey, at least now you'll ALWAYS remember to give strong warning owners to give doxy with food to their pets. And thanks, now I'll remember too. I'd only remembered the "don't give to kittens and puppies so they can keep their pearly white teeth" part.
Yesterday, I crouched down to file something in a lower filing cabinet and heard that dreaded sound. (the riiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.) Right in the crotch. And how I loved those pants! I sat at my desk until the coast was clear to sprint to the bathroom--seriously considered calling a trusted coworker to come spot me.

I've never been so glad that I work someplace in which it's legit to change into scrubs... but when you do it in the middle of the day, everyone wants to know what happened. And it was awkward when my (very good-looking) boss asked me "Why are you in scrubs? did we have a surgery I don't know about?!"
My baby horse is coming home tomorrow and I just went and fell down my steps and sprained my foot. It started swelling immediately and hurts like a mother. :mad: grrr......
Yesterday, I crouched down to file something in a lower filing cabinet and heard that dreaded sound. (the riiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.) Right in the crotch. And how I loved those pants! I sat at my desk until the coast was clear to sprint to the bathroom--seriously considered calling a trusted coworker to come spot me.

I've never been so glad that I work someplace in which it's legit to change into scrubs... but when you do it in the middle of the day, everyone wants to know what happened. And it was awkward when my (very good-looking) boss asked me "Why are you in scrubs? did we have a surgery I don't know about?!"

When I was new at a clinic I squatted down to pick up a fat beagle to radiogragh and had my scrub pants rip. I continued to radiograph and when it was over one of the other girls got some clear tape to fix my pants. The good news was, I was wearing cute panties so the young semi-attractive doctor got to look at those before I was patched up, the bad news was, I didn't have time to go home and change before going to my organic chemistry class.
Someone has thought way too much about that plan ;)
:laugh::laugh: Cheaterrcheaterpumpkineaters!! :hungover: (I'm remembering an undergrad Spanish class I took. my teacher called me to her desk. I was immediately terrified and shuffled forward. She told me that the kid behind me kept trying to cheat off me and I should hand in my exam and head out:laugh:)

My baby horse is coming home tomorrow and I just went and fell down my steps and sprained my foot. It started swelling immediately and hurts like a mother. :mad: grrr......
Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!:( Ice immediately & follow up with heat. Elevate elevateeeeee (sprains are EVIL!) Massage if you can without too much excruciating pain!

I've never been so glad that I work someplace in which it's legit to change into scrubs... but when you do it in the middle of the day, everyone wants to know what happened. And it was awkward when my (very good-looking) boss asked me "Why are you in scrubs? did we have a surgery I don't know about?!"
I often consider that I'm entering this profession so I can wear scrubs for the most part & have it be perfectly acceptable.;) Sorry to hear about that awkward moment though :(
I often consider that I'm entering this profession so I can wear scrubs for the most part & have it be perfectly acceptable.;) Sorry to hear about that awkward moment though :(

I do like that part about the job. Scrubs are the most comfortable clothes I have and I love wearing them. Even though I don't have an excuse for it yet. Hahahaha
I was working on a remote field project a couple of winters ago and the girls and I found these racy romance novels hiding in the book shelf. So we read them and loved them!

About a month ago I went to the market and this little old lady had some free give away romance novels.... I couldn't resist. So I took 3!

Well.... unhappy with the first 2, I just finished the last one and I'm so annoyed at how horrible, non-racy and somewhat offensive they were! :thumbdown:

In the last book, the stupid girl whom I have no respect for, tormented herself for ages about her love interest [he loves me? he loves me NOT!... he loves me?.... NO HE DOESN'T! :( ...uuuugh SHUT UP already and kiss the bastard!]. So when they finally profess their love to each other she realizes the woman whom she thought was his mistress was just his "chum" because they went to uni together...:

"Though, if they'd been at university together, Odina could, she allowed, be a bit like one of his male chums to him"
-Unexpected Engagement, Jessica Steele (Mills&Boon)


.... excuuuuse ME, b*tch!! I'm no man chum, but I AM a BSc GIRL who is NOT manly! ugh!

And the book was published in like 1996.... sooo very accepted and normal for women to do academic things.

I hate that stupid girl in the book, I hope their stupid marriage ends up in divorce! And also that she gets a sun burn because she moved to Chile from England. (This would have to be in Part 2, which I would have to write)

that is all.
that is all.

Heh. Just as odd trivia... .I used to work in the news biz. One day - don't remember how - I discovered that our dark room guy was dark-room guy by day, but romance novel author by night. I forget his pseudonym (which was obviously female), but it was one of the better known names in the industry.

Cracked me up.
When I was new at a clinic I squatted down to pick up a fat beagle to radiogragh and had my scrub pants rip. I continued to radiograph and when it was over one of the other girls got some clear tape to fix my pants. The good news was, I was wearing cute panties so the young semi-attractive doctor got to look at those before I was patched up, the bad news was, I didn't have time to go home and change before going to my organic chemistry class.

Yesterday, I crouched down to file something in a lower filing cabinet and heard that dreaded sound. (the riiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.) Right in the crotch. And how I loved those pants! I sat at my desk until the coast was clear to sprint to the bathroom--seriously considered calling a trusted coworker to come spot me.

I've never been so glad that I work someplace in which it's legit to change into scrubs... but when you do it in the middle of the day, everyone wants to know what happened. And it was awkward when my (very good-looking) boss asked me "Why are you in scrubs? did we have a surgery I don't know about?!"

These stories, along with urine and other bodily fluids, are why I always keep an extra pair of scrubs at work. Learned that lesson when another tech tore her pants very loudly and publicly restraining a LARGE dog and, after everyone had a good laugh, just went and changed.