Rant of a single pre-med

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lol so funny yet informative and enlightening

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yeah just keep Hope. I don't know if you are a Christian , but I think God wants me to trust and hope that he will give me a husband . Stay positive and optimistic about the situation.

I am not really young ( I was born in the 80s) , and so yeah its kind of a tough situation for me because I think about the fact of the years of schooling that God willing I 'll go through ( I am still an undergrad) and the biological clock and just yeah ..basically you are not alone.

I have to admit my glasses, and some inside things might be part of the reason I'm not in a relationship yet...

plus if I dressed up more and stuff.but to be honest I think I really need to sort some inner issues I have before I get in a relationship though if one were to come my way I might open to it. if they are Christian, and meet other conditions....

Not to be a dick but uhhh...lol
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Not to be a dick but uhhh...lol

My thoughts exactly lol. What has a higher priority between starving/homeless kids across the world or a premed finding a husband? It's all about who wants it more! (a la Skip Bayless)
You want to make fun of the troll OP, then go ahead. But, don't make fun of someone who is making a valid effort to be sincere.

Again, I'm not a troll. I have finally decided to stop actively searching for a female companion and just take life as it comes. Right now, I will devote myself to the pursuit of matriculating at an allopathic medical school in the continental USA. Disregard females, acquire MD, acquire wife. Toodaloo bit****
Again, I'm not a troll. I have finally decided to stop actively searching for a female companion and just take life as it comes. Right now, I will devote myself to the pursuit of matriculating at an allopathic medical school in the continental USA. Disregard females, acquire MD, acquire wife. Toodaloo bit****

Why the continental US? You dont wanna go to University of Hawaii? That would do wonders for your girl problems, lol
Again, I'm not a troll. I have finally decided to stop actively searching for a female companion and just take life as it comes. Right now, I will devote myself to the pursuit of matriculating at an allopathic medical school in the continental USA. Disregard females, acquire MD, acquire wife. Toodaloo bit****

First time I read that, I thought I saw a different word that starts with M (which would've fit the context just as appropriately). :laugh:
Well, no. (1) It's pretty expensive once you take into account driving there, paying for parking, tickets, food, etc. First dates should be cheap and simple, in my opinion. (2) I'm stuck with you for three hours, and I can't really leave at my convenience if the date sucks. (3) It's probably hot and sunny. Am I sweating? Is the wind messing my hair up? Did I bring sunblock, and if so, when/where can I put it on? Will I smell like sunblock after that? Or maybe it's a night game so now I'm cold and cranky. (4) You splurge for nice seats. But now the date is even more expensive and I'd feel bad leaving you, that is if we drove separately. Or, we have crappy lawn seats and now I'm itchy and cranky. I think you get the picture.

But you are correct in saying that there is no cookie cutter method when it comes to relationships. Hence why dating websites/books and especially pre-med forums are bad sources of relationship advice.

You've been GIVING advice on a premed forum... is your advice bad?:D
For the record, she went out of her way to smile, contorting in different gymnast like positions to catch my attention, flipped her red hair around like a peacock, and then continued to stare at me shamelessly while talking about random unimportant things. If this isnt interest, what is?

I'm surprised she wasn't interested in a hairy Persian prince :thumbup:
Don't get me wrong, I thought it was the bee's knees in junior high. Combining that with McDogfood just wouldn't do it for me at 22 though.

You'll come back around on the lazer tag. It's better when you're older. I'll agree on the McD's, though. Mongolian BBQ is a fun alternative to fast food for about the same price-healthier, you can get exactly what you like, plenty of time to talk and the whole process is pretty interesting if you haven't experienced it often/at all.
Long story short, this lack of female intimacy has really started to take a toll on my self esteem and my growth as an individual. Should I suck it up and just accept that I am doomed to be forever alone? Is the situation more or less the same in medical school? Will I never find someone I can share my life with until I have an MD after my name? I feel so pathetic right now. My motivation to study for the MCAT is dwindling by the second. Anyone else out there suffering from this dilemma? I can't blame people for not being open minded when it comes to dating, as everyone is entitled to their own preferences. But jesus, when you put a single, virile male in a classroom full of beautiful women, no matter what the ethnicity, hormones will compel him to act. And more importantly, in my case at least, regret. I feel so down right now.

OP, this guy can solve all of your problems: http://www.askmen.com/dating/doclove/
Dude. stop being a p*ssy. Women like confident men. Women go after the badass that doesn't require attention/ignores them. Start a workout regimen. Get buff before you start med school. Kick a couple of asses. Problem solved.