Pharmacy Rescore MPJE if scored 74, but it was actually 75?

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Feb 21, 2002
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Anyone did a mpje rescore in ny if got a 74 and actually got the 75? How does it work?
It really depends on the state, but if your exam was a complete multiple choice (and usually, they are), then it probably would be denied 100% of the time as the regrade does not get at all into the actual questions. I only advise regrades in the handful of states that require written answers. NY is not one of those states though, and I'd just focus on my federal studies more.

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Thanks. But how do they rescore without looking at the questions? There were a lot of select all that apply and none of the exam asked about federal it was all strictly ny state law. Is it somehow possible like 1 point is ridiculous
Yes, but the questions go through fairly strict validation before they get entered into the MPJE for the state. The unfortunate point in your case though also is the greatest question writer (may his soul find peace and rest) was the overseeing NABP examiner for the exam you sat for. What happens is that the keys are compared and signed off. For a complete multiple choice exam, it's a trivial matter and you just basically paid money for nothing. For written answers, a regrade may be in order (like the compounding exam that NY used to do).

Again, focus federal, and learn the exceptions in NY. Failing by a point does happen, but remember that the exam is calibrated such that it does happen.
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