Saturday Night Premeds

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These days during my gap year Saturdays consist of volunteering at a clinic 9-5, then eating dinner at home (I moved back home with my family) and chillin'. I think yesterday I wrote a post for my new blog and attempted to nap at 9pm. I looove Saturday nights because they're my one day of the week I get to sleep in. Sunday is my get shiz done day.

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These days during my gap year Saturdays consist of volunteering at a clinic 9-5, then eating dinner at home (I moved back home with my family) and chillin'. I think yesterday I wrote a post for my new blog and attempted to nap at 9pm. I looove Saturday nights because they're my one day of the week I get to sleep in. Sunday is my get shiz done day.
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I think Saturdays are my off days in my MCAT prep schedule, so I plan on vegetating, watching da netflicks, hanging out/cuddling with the gf and playing a bit of WoW, doing a little weight training and aikido. Obviously not all on every Saturday.
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Actually I usually get schmacked with Netflix, gun for bae at home, or snuggle with biochemistry notes
Usually at that time of week I am playing videogames....I mean....uhhhh....studying the tertiary structure of cAPM-modulated enzymes in an effort to cure cancer. Yeah. That's it.
These days during my gap year Saturdays consist of volunteering at a clinic 9-5, then eating dinner at home (I moved back home with my family) and chillin'. I think yesterday I wrote a post for my new blog and attempted to nap at 9pm. I looove Saturday nights because they're my one day of the week I get to sleep in. Sunday is my get shiz done day.

You and @puglet should be besties because you two are so similar in so many ways. :biglove::biglove:

Usually at that time of week I am playing videogames....I mean....uhhhh....studying the tertiary structure of cAPM-modulated enzymes in an effort to cure cancer. Yeah. That's it.

And you deserve a Nobel Prize in discovering a new molecule (cAPM) powerful enough to fight cancer. :clap::clap:
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And you deserve a Nobel Prize in discovering a new molecule (cAPM) powerful enough to fight cancer. :clap::clap:

:shifty: Yay spelling. :lame:

And BTW, I didn't say cAMP cures cancer....only that some enzyme whose action it modulates might be a contributing factor to the development and/or proliferation of cancerous cells.

Now back to my video games. I mean studying.
Fridays/ Saturdays were grinding with school work and the gym until 8pm or so, then typical college things afterwards. School always number one but needed that weekend relief. God, I miss college.
Saturday nights I'm relaxing and coming up with my plan for total world pug domination. :p

Also spending time with people and pugs who are important to me and occasionally going out.

You and @puglet should be besties because you two are so similar in so many ways. :biglove::biglove:
Thank you! I didn't realize there was another pug enthusiast on the boards!
@ShadyLane Hi! :love::biglove::love::biglove:
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I think Saturdays are my off days in my MCAT prep schedule, so I plan on vegetating, watching da netflicks, hanging out/cuddling with the gf and playing a bit of WoW, doing a little weight training and aikido. Obviously not all on every Saturday.
Damn, I need a gf.
Question just popped into my mind: What do you find yourselves doing on a Saturday night as a premed? Are you gunning and reading the next week's biochemistry notes? Getting schmacked with your frat/sorority counterparts? With the bae? At home? Snuggling with netflix...? :O
It is bad that I don't know what I do on Saturdays?
If I'm not studying at Starbucks, I'm usually at home procrastinating and telling myself I can still get some studying done.......
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Good lord, get out and have fun after a week of class/studying/extracurriculars. At least for me, I'm more productive that way as well. Heck, even in med school my classmates and I go out at least once a week.
Damn, I need a gf.
Definitely meet people, hang out, and see if there's anyone you click with. I'm glad I dated in college. I know quite a few people who missed out on that and regretted putting it so low on their priority list. Finding a good person to date is definitely harder after college. As long as you make sure you're making smart decisions and not missing out on other things, I think dating during college can be great. And who knows, you might find someone special (but that takes smart discernment of what you're looking for and luck).
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Saturday nights I'm relaxing and coming up with my plan for total world pug domination. :p

Also spending time with people and pugs who are important to me and occasionally going out.

Thank you! I didn't realize there was another pug enthusiast on the boards!
@ShadyLane Hi! :love::biglove::love::biglove:

Hi Puglet! :biglove: Yesss we need more pug people here! I sadly don't have a pug so my love for them is a little random, but I will someday. :D Have you seen that kickstarter for "Pug-let," the all-pug production of Hamlet? Your username reminded me.
During my junior year, I had to pack my bags and go study/do next week's hw ahead of time on Saturday nights while the rest of my roommates raged around in their drunk stupor. Not a pleasant feeling. Even I thought I was overreacting until there was this one particular week that I barely crawled out of alive, and the only reason my name didn't come up in the KIA list was because I got some of the work done ahead of time. If I learned anything as a premed, it is to never expect your week to go right. There will always be inexplicable, outrage things out there for the explicit purpose of crapping up your week.

Nowadays I sit around enjoying expensive wine while watching anime on a 20k projector.
homework? no comprendo
Hi Puglet! :biglove: Yesss we need more pug people here! I sadly don't have a pug so my love for them is a little random, but I will someday. :D Have you seen that kickstarter for "Pug-let," the all-pug production of Hamlet? Your username reminded me.
Yes!!! I'm only sad I didn't get to see the production. :( I've been using the terms puggle and puglet to endearingly refer to pugs for a while, but I recently found out that a puggle is what one calls a pug crossed with a beagle so I decided to use puglet lest anyone get confused about where my loyalties lie. :p

I'm also personally pug-less right now since my post-college roommate, whom I've lived with for the past few years, is heavily allergic to dogs. My boyfriend's family has the a grumpily adorable little pug who inspired this obsession and we try to visit when we can. I'm just as obsessed as the rest of their family is so I fit right in. Here's hoping we can adopt a pug of our own in the next couple of years. Dog ownership is a bigger time commitment than our current jobs would allow so that's another reason we've been waiting.
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Hopefully y'all are typically spending them partying. You shouldn't need to study all that much in undergrad.

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Friday night is my night off, spend it with my SO, Disneyland, movies, beach, cuddling, food, night drives :love:
Be jealous, single premeds

Sadly, Saturday nights are almost always homework and studying.

Do you guys take both Friday and Saturday nights off?
This video on repeat
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I always busted my butt real hard during the week so I could enjoy Friday and Saturday. Played catch-up on Sundays when needed.

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Yes!!! I'm only sad I didn't get to see the production. :( I've been using the terms puggle and puglet to endearingly refer to pugs for a while, but I recently found out that a puggle is what one calls a pug crossed with a beagle so I decided to use puglet lest anyone get confused about where my loyalties lie. :p

I'm also personally pug-less right now since my post-college roommate, whom I've lived with for the past few years, is heavily allergic to dogs. My boyfriend's family has the a grumpily adorable little pug who inspired this obsession and we try to visit when we can. I'm just as obsessed as the rest of their family is so I fit right in. Here's hoping we can adopt a pug of our own in the next couple of years. Dog ownership is a bigger time commitment than our current jobs would allow so that's another reason we've been waiting.

I wish they had recorded it to share with the world!

How lucky that you get to visit your boyfriend's family's pug! My boyfriend also loves them, but I don't know when we'd realistically be able to have one, especially since in medical school and residency I'll be out a lot, and my boyfriend works long hours. It's like planning for children :laugh:...which people have during medical school, so I guess we can handle pugs! :highfive:
Back when I worked open to close on weekends at a really busy retail store, I would sit in my room and decompress. Absolutely essential to retaining my sanity in 4 years' worth of 7-day weeks. I don't mind not going out and partying all the time. Everything in moderation!!
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Not saturday night but I'm reviving this thread...currently playing arkham asylum on xbox bout ya'll?
Every other week I pull an overnighter at my friendly local public hospital's ED. In fact, I'm on one right now.
Question just popped into my mind: What do you find yourselves doing on a Saturday night as a premed? Are you gunning and reading the next week's biochemistry notes? Getting schmacked with your frat/sorority counterparts? With the bae? At home? Snuggling with netflix...? :O

Playing FIFA or studying for an upcoming exam :/
Premed: playing board games with the wife and son. Also some drinking.
Med: studying, playing board games with the wife and son, also drinking.
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In college I played basketball, so the majority of my Saturday was spent traveling and playing games or practice... Usually from August until March.

Saturday nights we went out and drank either because we lost (again), or in celebration because we finally won another game. 4 years post-college retirement I go shopping in the Strip District at the farmers' market, lift in my basement, work on my ball handling/shooting skills at LAFit, and then post up Saturday night and binge on college football or Netflix with my fiancé (I'm not allowed to watch basketball with him as I get too angry)

Oh. I also refuse to wear any type of formal pants on Saturday too. #SayNoToPants
Full gunning man. Only way to do it
My Saturdays are spent studying! Tomorrow is the start of finals week o_O
Usually getting hammered with friends/roommates...this weekend though I was covering the 11pm to 7am shift in the county ER, which was chill
Question just popped into my mind: What do you find yourselves doing on a Saturday night as a premed? Are you gunning and reading the next week's biochemistry notes? Getting schmacked with your frat/sorority counterparts? With the bae? At home? Snuggling with netflix...? :O
Netflix and chill...with myself. :oops:
Being the neurotic premed I am, I'd study till around 3am. Then I'd chill with my friends till 4:30/5ish. And then I'd watch Netflix till 6:30.

Yeah Ik; my sleep schedule has been f**ked up since like eleventh grade so I'm kinda used to it now.
Nothing much, watch tv , study, maybe work out ( I normally work out earlier in the day). I may go to a Muslims gathering somewhere ( somebody's house for dinner, the masjid, etc.). I do go out sometimes, but very rarely, IRL I'm kind of shy and have a really small/tight circle of nerd friends that I'm kind of unwilling to expand. ( I realize this is a bit of an issue, I'm working on it.)