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Jan 11, 2005
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can anyone please give me information about scramble i have a company proffesionaly scrambling for me but i would like more info please share


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"A company scrambling for you"? Well, since you didn't ask I won't provide my opinion on these companies which charge exhorbitant prices for something you can do yourself for free (save costs for phone calls and FAXes).

The scramble works as follows: (from with notes from me in bold)

March 14, 2005
Matched and unmatched information on applicants posted to the Web site at 12:00 noon eastern time. This means that at the specified time and date you can log onto the NRMP web site and see whether or not you matched. Note if you DID match, the information provided at this time does not tell you WHERE or into WHAT speciality (if you ranked more than one) you matched.

Obviously you need a good internet connection to access this information as the site will be jammed and a DSL/Cable line will be a bonus in getting through quickly.You must have your NRMP access code and password to enter the site for this information and you can log in from home, school, library, work, etc. Anywhere with a good connection. Don't forget to account for international date/time changes.

March 15, 2005
Filled and unfilled results for individual programs posted to the Web site at 11:30 am eastern time. The next day after obtaining information on whether or not you matched, you can obtain information on which residency programs went unfilled (presumably if you went unmatched you are immediately more interested in these than those that DID fill. So at 11:30 EST you will know which programs might possibly have empty positions. Print this list out if you are able and ascertain which programs you might be interested in.

Locations of all unfilled positions are released at 12:00 noon eastern time. Unmatched applicants may begin contacting unfilled programs at 12:00 noon eastern time. At 12:00 noon EST, or only 1/2 hour after the information about which programs are unfilled was posted, you now have information on which of these programs have unfilled POSITIONS. The SCRAMBLE HAS BEGUN!!

The information that follows can also be found at: (so information is geared toward ECFMG candidates).

You will be most successful if you have everything done toward ECFMG certification but do not specifically need to be certified to participate in the match or scramble (although some programs may prefer it).

Now you may begin contacting programs with unfilled positions in an effort to obtain a spot. Hopefully you can do so over the phone and avoid an in-person interview. Although you can start with any program you like, my recommendation is that you first contact programs where you interviewed AND could possibly be happy AND have open position(s) (ie, if these conditions are met). Your chances are better at a place that was interested enough to interview you and has some idea of who you are. Let them know that they already have your application, and ask them to take another look at it. You cannot re-transmit your application through ERAS/ECFMG.
If none of the unfilled programs are places you interviewed at, then you can contact the programs in any order you desire.

Programs will differ as to whether they wish you to FAX them information or have you submit it through ERAS (as you did during the regular match) for the Scramble. Ideally, you will have contacted a few programs in advance to find out whether you should apply, and how each program wants to receive your application. Since it will be difficult to reach the program directors and receive the answers you need during the Scramble, ECFMG suggests the following method:

Add up to 30 programs to the list of programs to which you have applied and try to follow up with these programs by phone, if you can. If a program prefers to receive your application by fax, you can still fax your application to them. Remember you will know the day BEFORE the Scramble whether or not you matched so can contact programs then, if not before (ie, if you suspect you will not match).

When the scramble begins, you can apply to a maximum of 30 programs additional during the two-day scramble through ERAS. There is no charge for applying to programs during the scramble. However, to release your application, you must complete the payment process, even if the amount due is zero. Any programs to which you apply after 12:00 noon, Eastern Time in the United States, on Thursday, March 17, 2005 will be charged at the regular rate.

On Thursday, March 17, 2005, at 1:00 PM, the results of the Match will be announced. Programs may still have open positions, but most are filled during the two days leading up to this announcement (the official Scramble). Anything later than this date is referred to as Post-Scramble/Match.

During the two Scramble days, ECFMG will login to the ERAS PostOffice several times each day to retrieve your document assignments and program lists. We will process those lists and transmit your documents shortly thereafter. During the 48 hours of the Scramble, there is no time for manual processing. Your file must be ready for automatic processing by our system before the Scramble begins. That means:

At least one week before the Scramble, you must apply to at least one program (if you have already applied during the regular match you do not need to apply to any additional programs; you will already have a file at ECFMG for the match). If you are planning to apply during the post-Match Scramble only, you must still apply to at least one program about one week before the Scramble.

You must also make sure that all of your documents have been received and assigned, so that we can attach and transmit them before the Scramble.
If you are sending us new or replacement LoRs, we must have them one week prior to the Scramble, so that we have time to attach them. If you have a new, additional LoR, assign it to one of your original programs. This gives us time to attach it before the Scramble. During the Scramble we will not have time to do it. If you are sending us a replacement LoR from the same writer, attach a note to it that reads, "This replaces the previous LoR." Otherwise, we might mistake it for another copy of the one we have already scanned and discard it without scanning.

After that, your ECFMG file is ready for the Scramble. Thus ECFMG effectively serves as your "Dean's Office" as in a US school, forwarding your documents to the programs you desire.

If you are scrambling for a residency position and the programs prefers receiving information from YOU via FAX, you must:

a: have a phone with a good connection and the ability to call long distance (ie, programs will not be taking collect calls)
b: access to a FAX machine, again which allows you to send information long distance or even out of the country if you aren't in the US for the scramble.
c. have GOOD copies of your entire NRMP application - this includes transcripts, letters of rec (to be sent either from the letter writer, your school, or ECFMG; do not send them personally as this will invalidate any statements that you have waived your right to see the letters, personal statement, USMLE scores.
d. be prepared to either accept an invitation to interview or a position ON THE SPOT. They generally will not allow you time to decide.

Do not be suprised if program offices do not answer their phones or emails on the Scramble days. As an example, my program got HUNDREDS of FAXes, emails and phone calls a few years back when we had an open position. There is no way the administrative staff can answer the phones and actually get some work done. Therefore, if you know you haven't or won't match, then have your information together and if you've contacted programs prior to the Scarmble and they prefer a FAX rather than ERAS, then just send the stuff to them. Do not underestimate just showing up at a program if you are in the vicinity during the Scarmble.

Hope this helps. There is tons of information available on-line at the NRMP, ERAS and ECFMG sites for the Scramble.
Is it by a chance ?
Is the scramble description information they provide close to reality?

Has anyone worked with them and can share their experience?

Krishanmurthy said:
can anyone please give me information about scramble i have a company proffesionaly scrambling for me but i would like more info please share

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Krishanmurthy said:
can anyone please give me information about scramble i have a company proffesionaly scrambling for me but i would like more info please share


would it be possible to share with us the name of the professional service? ([email protected])
Kimberli Cox said:
"A company scrambling for you"? Well, since you didn't ask I won't provide my opinion on these companies which charge exhorbitant prices for something you can do yourself for free (save costs for phone calls and FAXes).

The scramble works as follows: (from with notes from me in bold)

March 14, 2005
Matched and unmatched information on applicants posted to the Web site at 12:00 noon eastern time. This means that at the specified time and date you can log onto the NRMP web site and see whether or not you matched. Note if you DID match, the information provided at this time does not tell you WHERE or into WHAT speciality (if you ranked more than one) you matched.

Obviously you need a good internet connection to access this information as the site will be jammed and a DSL/Cable line will be a bonus in getting through quickly.You must have your NRMP access code and password to enter the site for this information and you can log in from home, school, library, work, etc. Anywhere with a good connection. Don't forget to account for international date/time changes.

March 15, 2005
Filled and unfilled results for individual programs posted to the Web site at 11:30 am eastern time. The next day after obtaining information on whether or not you matched, you can obtain information on which residency programs went unfilled (presumably if you went unmatched you are immediately more interested in these than those that DID fill. So at 11:30 EST you will know which programs might possibly have empty positions. Print this list out if you are able and ascertain which programs you might be interested in.

Locations of all unfilled positions are released at 12:00 noon eastern time. Unmatched applicants may begin contacting unfilled programs at 12:00 noon eastern time. At 12:00 noon EST, or only 1/2 hour after the information about which programs are unfilled was posted, you now have information on which of these programs have unfilled POSITIONS. The SCRAMBLE HAS BEGUN!!

The information that follows can also be found at: (so information is geared toward ECFMG candidates).

You will be most successful if you have everything done toward ECFMG certification but do not specifically need to be certified to participate in the match or scramble (although some programs may prefer it).

Now you may begin contacting programs with unfilled positions in an effort to obtain a spot. Hopefully you can do so over the phone and avoid an in-person interview. Although you can start with any program you like, my recommendation is that you first contact programs where you interviewed AND could possibly be happy AND have open position(s) (ie, if these conditions are met). Your chances are better at a place that was interested enough to interview you and has some idea of who you are. Let them know that they already have your application, and ask them to take another look at it. You cannot re-transmit your application through ERAS/ECFMG.
If none of the unfilled programs are places you interviewed at, then you can contact the programs in any order you desire.

Programs will differ as to whether they wish you to FAX them information or have you submit it through ERAS (as you did during the regular match) for the Scramble. Ideally, you will have contacted a few programs in advance to find out whether you should apply, and how each program wants to receive your application. Since it will be difficult to reach the program directors and receive the answers you need during the Scramble, ECFMG suggests the following method:

Add up to 30 programs to the list of programs to which you have applied and try to follow up with these programs by phone, if you can. If a program prefers to receive your application by fax, you can still fax your application to them. Remember you will know the day BEFORE the Scramble whether or not you matched so can contact programs then, if not before (ie, if you suspect you will not match).

When the scramble begins, you can apply to a maximum of 30 programs additional during the two-day scramble through ERAS. There is no charge for applying to programs during the scramble. However, to release your application, you must complete the payment process, even if the amount due is zero. Any programs to which you apply after 12:00 noon, Eastern Time in the United States, on Thursday, March 17, 2005 will be charged at the regular rate.

On Thursday, March 17, 2005, at 1:00 PM, the results of the Match will be announced. Programs may still have open positions, but most are filled during the two days leading up to this announcement (the official Scramble). Anything later than this date is referred to as Post-Scramble/Match.

During the two Scramble days, ECFMG will login to the ERAS PostOffice several times each day to retrieve your document assignments and program lists. We will process those lists and transmit your documents shortly thereafter. During the 48 hours of the Scramble, there is no time for manual processing. Your file must be ready for automatic processing by our system before the Scramble begins. That means:

At least one week before the Scramble, you must apply to at least one program (if you have already applied during the regular match you do not need to apply to any additional programs; you will already have a file at ECFMG for the match). If you are planning to apply during the post-Match Scramble only, you must still apply to at least one program about one week before the Scramble.

You must also make sure that all of your documents have been received and assigned, so that we can attach and transmit them before the Scramble.
If you are sending us new or replacement LoRs, we must have them one week prior to the Scramble, so that we have time to attach them. If you have a new, additional LoR, assign it to one of your original programs. This gives us time to attach it before the Scramble. During the Scramble we will not have time to do it. If you are sending us a replacement LoR from the same writer, attach a note to it that reads, "This replaces the previous LoR." Otherwise, we might mistake it for another copy of the one we have already scanned and discard it without scanning.

After that, your ECFMG file is ready for the Scramble. Thus ECFMG effectively serves as your "Dean's Office" as in a US school, forwarding your documents to the programs you desire.

If you are scrambling for a residency position and the programs prefers receiving information from YOU via FAX, you must:

a: have a phone with a good connection and the ability to call long distance (ie, programs will not be taking collect calls)
b: access to a FAX machine, again which allows you to send information long distance or even out of the country if you aren't in the US for the scramble.
c. have GOOD copies of your entire NRMP application - this includes transcripts, letters of rec (to be sent either from the letter writer, your school, or ECFMG; do not send them personally as this will invalidate any statements that you have waived your right to see the letters, personal statement, USMLE scores.
d. be prepared to either accept an invitation to interview or a position ON THE SPOT. They generally will not allow you time to decide.

Do not be suprised if program offices do not answer their phones or emails on the Scramble days. As an example, my program got HUNDREDS of FAXes, emails and phone calls a few years back when we had an open position. There is no way the administrative staff can answer the phones and actually get some work done. Therefore, if you know you haven't or won't match, then have your information together and if you've contacted programs prior to the Scarmble and they prefer a FAX rather than ERAS, then just send the stuff to them. Do not underestimate just showing up at a program if you are in the vicinity during the Scarmble.

Hope this helps. There is tons of information available on-line at the NRMP, ERAS and ECFMG sites for the Scramble.
Dear Kimberli Cox,

Thanks very much for your information. I have a few questions:
1. Considering the fact that PD phones are busy during scramble time: how can we find out if they prefer ERAS or fax? If we don't find out this information in time would it be okay to do both ERAS and fax?

2. You said we may want to apply to up to 30 programs; additional to those applied for match through ERAS. Where do we get the names? Do you mean we wait for the list of unfilled and then apply through ERAS?

3. LoR: for programs requiring fax transmission: can we fax the LoR ourselves; how else could we provide the LoR to programs during that busy time?

kahere said:
Dear Kimberli Cox,

Thanks very much for your information. I have a few questions:
1. Considering the fact that PD phones are busy during scramble time: how can we find out if they prefer ERAS or fax? If we don't find out this information in time would it be okay to do both ERAS and fax?

2. You said we may want to apply to up to 30 programs; additional to those applied for match through ERAS. Where do we get the names? Do you mean we wait for the list of unfilled and then apply through ERAS?

3. LoR: for programs requiring fax transmission: can we fax the LoR ourselves; how else could we provide the LoR to programs during that busy time?


In reply to your queries...

1. This information needs to be found out by contacting programs before the scramble. As you note, most of the programs have phones that are busy or simply don't answer them during the scramble, making it very difficult to speak to someone directly during that time. I don't suppose it will hurt to do both if you don't have the information before.

2. Yes, I meant you will receive the list of unfilled programs and apply to those programs during the scramble, up to 30.

3. You can send the LOR yourself, but it would be better received from ERAS or directly from your school. IMHO most programs will utilize ERAS rather than direct FAX, thus making this point moot.