Should I or shouldnt I....That is the question

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Apr 17, 2005
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Should I list people on my Activites page without their permission. I'm not sure if they're ok with recieving calls from 30+ med schools. You know what i mean. This might irritate them....especially my boss. What do you guys think???

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DrPain said:
Should I list people on my Activites page without their permission. I'm not sure if there ok with recieving calls from 30+ med schools. You know what i mean. This might irritate them....especially my boss. What do you guys think???

No one is going to call them.

(unless your entries look suspicious)
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If med schools were going to call, they would ask for contact info. Besides I dont think adcoms will be hunting down the 10+ contacts for each of their thousands of applicants.
I didn't list any phone numbers (nor did it ask), so who's gonna be calling?