Sports and the MCAT

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Apr 19, 2004
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Why does the MCAT have to be right around the time of:

NBA playoffs
beginning of MLB season
March madness/NCAA final four
anything else?


I think AAMC planned it this way on purpose.. it's tough to study knowing that good games or even shows for that matter are on TV!! I guess the best time of the year would be February for me.. I don't know.

Trying to stay focused.... can't give up the fight

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jtank said:
i think tv is overrated.
:thumbup: agreement. who cares about who wins this game and that game unless you actually play the sport with some seriousness. it makes no difference in anyone's lives who wins or loses. even if you bet and bother to keep up with things, that time and money would have been much better devoted elsewhere. few things on tv are worth watching, one being TRUMP. nobody at the aamc would care two hoots about what sports are going on or whats on tv. at least get distracted by something worthwhile.
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firebird69guy said:
Why does the MCAT have to be right around the time of:

NBA playoffs
beginning of MLB season
March madness/NCAA final four
anything else?


I think AAMC planned it this way on purpose.. it's tough to study knowing that good games or even shows for that matter are on TV!! I guess the best time of the year would be February for me.. I don't know.

Trying to stay focused.... can't give up the fight

When I took the MCAT, I didn't miss a single game of the NBA or NHL playoffs the couple of weeks before.

Then again, my score went up 4 points in August, when I didn't have any playoffs to distract me.
Shredder said:
:thumbup: agreement. who cares about who wins this game and that game unless you actually play the sport with some seriousness. it makes no difference in anyone's lives who wins or loses. even if you bet and bother to keep up with things, that time and money would have been much better devoted elsewhere. few things on tv are worth watching, one being TRUMP. nobody at the aamc would care two hoots about what sports are going on or whats on tv. at least get distracted by something worthwhile.

wow, well thats youre opinion and thats great for you. but you cant say that for everyone. to say that "it makes no difference in anyones lives..." is total crap. you dont have to be an athlete to enjoy a passion for sports. im sorry that you were probably one of those kids that could never dribble a basketball, or got picked last for the team, so got turned off of sports forever. have you ever been to a football or basketball game? people dont show up to those by mistake, so clearly people DO care who wins these games, myself being one of them. the original poster obviously did not actually think the aamc scheduled that way on purpose, so for you to even address that statement the way you did, means you are a fool.

dont tell people they can spend thier time doing more valuable things, becasue no one tells you that when you read organic chem on sat nights.
also, get out and interact with humans more, that may enlighten you.
bsteves4 said:
dont tell people they can spend thier time doing more valuable things, becasue no one tells you that when you read organic chem on sat nights.
also, get out and interact with humans more, that may enlighten you.

so u think if someone doesnt like/watch sports, they must be some anti-social, neurotic person?
i hate sports, but i have other interests.
bsteves4 said:
wow, well thats youre opinion and thats great for you. but you cant say that for everyone. to say that "it makes no difference in anyones lives..." is total crap. you dont have to be an athlete to enjoy a passion for sports. im sorry that you were probably one of those kids that could never dribble a basketball, or got picked last for the team, so got turned off of sports forever. have you ever been to a football or basketball game? people dont show up to those by mistake, so clearly people DO care who wins these games, myself being one of them. the original poster obviously did not actually think the aamc scheduled that way on purpose, so for you to even address that statement the way you did, means you are a fool.

dont tell people they can spend thier time doing more valuable things, becasue no one tells you that when you read organic chem on sat nights.
also, get out and interact with humans more, that may enlighten you.
I was an avid tennis player on my varsity high school team and still play when I can. I keep up with pro tennis activity and watch the grand slams, and then I can try to emulate them and derive inspiration for when I play. The same can't be said for the majority of sports junkies. Just look at the coexistence in America of rampant obesity and sports fanaticism for your proof. The moguls who rule, pay, and market the athletes are the puppetmasters manipulating the masses. Instead of cheering aimlessly for teams, why don't you aspire to buy one so you can really care how it does, Mark Cuban like. It's too bad people let this affect perhaps the most important test they will ever take.
Shredder said:
I was an avid tennis player on my varsity high school team and still play when I can. I keep up with pro tennis activity and watch the grand slams, and then I can try to emulate them and derive inspiration for when I play. The same can't be said for the majority of sports junkies. Just look at the coexistence in America of rampant obesity and sports fanaticism for your proof. The moguls who rule, pay, and market the athletes are the puppetmasters manipulating the masses. Instead of cheering aimlessly for teams, why don't you aspire to buy one so you can really care how it does, Mark Cuban like. It's too bad people let this affect perhaps the most important test they will ever take.

i guess its just your reasoning that doenst make sense to me. you have to be a multimillionare owner to justify routing for a team? Why can't people just watch sports for the pure enjoyment, is that against some rule? Maybe you can correlate sports fanatacism with obesity. I mean sure, I see alot of sports fans that are fat. But then again I see alot of chefs that are fat. And car mechanics. Maybe we should just get rid of all sports on TV as well as mechanics and chefs, that would make the world much thinner. Good idea.

What ever gives you the impression that people cheer "aimlessly" for teams? And its not like you have to use sports as your own inspiration on the field. I mean, I play DI football, and I don't watch football on TV to learn anything, I do it cause I enjoy it. I'm sorry that everything you do has to have some sort of educational value. I guess you avoid the movie theaters too becasue theres no incentive, and no help with the mcat involved.

Back to the original post, all the guy was saying was that after a full day of doing school work, and getting ready to do the mcat stuff, its a little tempting to see a final four game on TV.. I'm not sure that warrented your "televised sports are a your priorities" speech, but whatever. Maybe us sports fans are just going to make horrible doctors some day because we spent 2 hours watching basketball some night in march night instead of reading for the mcat.
man why do you have to be such a jackass...seriously...1st you make a ridiculous thread about people that dont have 14s on subject scores arent worthy of teaching mcat...who are you to judge? you may have perfect marks but it still wont mean anything when you get out in the real world with all the money you have and sit at home bitter and mad at the world..
this past august it was on the first day of the olympics. the night before the exam i gave up on studying, drank some beer and watched the opening ceremonies. at least it gave me some motivation to get back in shape after not working out for 4 months while studying!
The only things I will never miss, maybe even for mcat, would be Jeopardy! and Keeping Up Appearances. I'm also partial to anything with Patrick Dempsey in it. Reality tv sickens me... but that's just my opinion... (whatever that means)
But sports are great. I remember giving up studying for "half-yearly" exams to watch the south african cricket team kick ass.
shredder, moose...

I'm taken aback by your rude comments, but nevertheless respect your stance on sports and TV.

Why you have decided to preach to those of us who enjoy watching sports for lesiure, I don't know..

I guess once "the unworthy" are weeded out, then all that will be left are you pompous asses sitting around discussing how TRUMP is so great. Maybe it's just because he and MARK CUBAN have loads of money.. hmm, maybe THAT's the real reason you want to be doctors.

It might be a good idea to learn about America's sports so you have at least 1 thing in common with the patients you hope to influence for the better.
firebird69guy said:
shredder, moose...

I'm taken aback by your rude comments, but nevertheless respect your stance on sports and TV.

Why you have decided to preach to those of us who enjoy watching sports for lesiure, I don't know..

I guess once "the unworthy" are weeded out, then all that will be left are you pompous asses sitting around discussing how TRUMP is so great. Maybe it's just because he and MARK CUBAN have loads of money.. hmm, maybe THAT's the real reason you want to be doctors.

It might be a good idea to learn about America's sports so you have at least 1 thing in common with the patients you hope to influence for the better.

I'll learn more about sports so I have something in common when you learn about a sense of humor. Some of your patients might have that, too :laugh:

It's a joke, son. Lighten up. I really enjoyed the football season until my alma mater's QB decided to look like an ass on national TV in the Orange Bowl.
Oh, yeah. While this is sort of about the MCAT, it's also somewhat off topic. You'd probably get a less nerdy response if you posted it in the lounge.
My billions of dollars will do much more for patients than your schmoozing about the latest ball game as their lives slowly slip away, but at least you have common ground and that's what medicine is about right. I respect Trump and Cuban because they change the face of the world unlike you who will enter private practice for 250k a year and infinitesimal clout for the rest of your days. You can never dream of owning a team as only a practicing doctor, I was only joshing. Mind you, there are medical tycoons with MDs on the Forbes 400 list, if you know what that is. I guarantee you they're all doing a hell of a lot more for medicine than you ever will. I hate to go off, but your money comment was banal and silly.
Shredder said:
My billions of dollars will do much more for patients than your schmoozing about the latest ball game as their lives slowly slip away, but at least you have common ground and that's what medicine is about right. I respect Trump and Cuban because they change the face of the world unlike you who will enter private practice for 250k a year and infinitesimal clout for the rest of your days. You can never dream of owning a team as only a practicing doctor, I was only joshing. Mind you, there are medical tycoons with MDs on the Forbes 400 list, if you know what that is. I guarantee you they're all doing a hell of a lot more for medicine than you ever will. I hate to go off, but your money comment was banal and silly.

Well I hate to be so blunt, but people like you are the reason that premeds have such a bad rep.
"schmoozing about the latest ball game as their lives slowly slip away"... that is probably the most insensitive thing that I've ever seen or heard in my life.
Wow, you've really convinced me that not only are you cold and mean, but you are an idiot too. There is something to be said about a patient that can actually connect with his doctor. I've seen many patients who trust in thier doctor because they can talk about stuff outside of medicine. you think billions of dollars do greater good, than the "average 250 K" doctor? An attitude like that will not even land you an interview with any med school on earth. right now im ashamed for your parents to raise a kid with such an attitude...
Shredder said:
My billions of dollars will do much more for patients than your schmoozing about the latest ball game as their lives slowly slip away, but at least you have common ground and that's what medicine is about right. I respect Trump and Cuban because they change the face of the world unlike you who will enter private practice for 250k a year and infinitesimal clout for the rest of your days. You can never dream of owning a team as only a practicing doctor, I was only joshing. Mind you, there are medical tycoons with MDs on the Forbes 400 list, if you know what that is. I guarantee you they're all doing a hell of a lot more for medicine than you ever will. I hate to go off, but your money comment was banal and silly.

Watching sports is a great way to relieve stress. During football season, I always make sure that I spend Sunday watching some of the good football games that are on tv.

And I don't know about you, but I would rather have a relaxed doctor treating me rather than one that's in a high stressed, overworked mode.
shantster said:
Watching sports is a great way to relieve stress. During football season, I always make sure that I spend Sunday watching some of the good football games that are on tv.

And I don't know about you, but I would rather have a relaxed doctor treating me rather than one that's in a high stressed, overworked mode.

Right on shantster.. same here.

As for my sense of humor mentioned above, I'd have to argue that it's pretty tough to judge someone's sense of humor based on a few student doctor posts!! That being said, I don't really feel the need to prove how funny I am with my sense of humor. =) If I knew you were joking, it wouldn't have been a big deal.. but kindof hard to tell on posts who is being an ass and who is joking. Just was in a stressed out mood when I read the post, Moose, (as we all have been lately (I wonder why!?)), and might have overreacted a bit.

Shredder said:
I respect Trump and Cuban because they change the face of the world unlike you who will enter private practice for 250k a year and infinitesimal clout for the rest of your days. You can never dream of owning a team as only a practicing doctor, I was only joshing. Mind you, there are medical tycoons with MDs on the Forbes 400 list, if you know what that is. I guarantee you they're all doing a hell of a lot more for medicine than you ever will. I hate to go off, but your money comment was banal and silly.

This is just stupidity. I won't stoop down to the level of this post and try to argue. Especially on the very stereotypical views you seem to have of everybody. It's a waste of my time when I really should be studying. Good luck making it to the Forbes 400 list though, you'll definitely need it.
firebird69guy said:
As for my sense of humor mentioned above, I'd have to argue that it's pretty tough to judge someone's sense of humor based on a few student doctor posts!! That being said, I don't really feel the need to prove how funny I am with my sense of humor. =) If I knew you were joking, it wouldn't have been a big deal.. but kindof hard to tell on posts who is being an ass and who is joking. Just was in a stressed out mood when I read the post, Moose, (as we all have been lately (I wonder why!?)), and might have overreacted a bit.

Oh, I know it's tough to read sense of humor on the forums. I usually default to serious answer with questions, so I look humorless because so many people think it's hilarious to ask stupid questions they don't really want to know the answer to as a joke. C'mon people, have you heard of the lounge? Save the jokes for lounge and ask the serious stuff here!