summer school while studying for the DAT?

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I am in my 3rd year of UG. I am going to be applying in may and taking hte DAT in August. I am an engineering major, so the sciences didn't overlap well with my major and I won't have a degree after 4 years. I actually won't have a degree after my 5th year unless I take some summer school. So, I am currently signed up to take a 3 credit writing class in May and a 3 credit psychology class in June. I am also going to be working 20 hours per week about 1.5 hours from the school I will be attending. I am conscerned that I won't have enough time to get ready for the DAT this summer. If I don't take the summer classes and don't end up getting in this cycle, I will have to apply again next year without a degree.
Should I be trying to take these summer classes while preparing for the DAT?

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gmcsierra said:
I am in my 3rd year of UG. I am going to be applying in may and taking hte DAT in August. I am an engineering major, so the sciences didn't overlap well with my major and I won't have a degree after 4 years. I actually won't have a degree after my 5th year unless I take some summer school. So, I am currently signed up to take a 3 credit writing class in May and a 3 credit psychology class in June. I am also going to be working 20 hours per week about 1.5 hours from the school I will be attending. I am conscerned that I won't have enough time to get ready for the DAT this summer. If I don't take the summer classes and don't end up getting in this cycle, I will have to apply again next year without a degree.
Should I be trying to take these summer classes while preparing for the DAT?

from my personal experience I found out that I couldn't concentrate enough time to studying for the dat, while still taking a summer school class. Part of this was because I was taking a 4 week physiology course at northwestern's medical school and it was extremely difficult. I ended up dropping the course because ultimately the DAT is far more important than one 3 credit course. The DAT is almost like half of your application when the school initially looks at your app. Its completely a personal thing, but you need to place full concentration on studying for your DAT. give yourself at least one full month to study hard for the test. Good luck. if you have any other questions send me a pm.
asherman said:
from my personal experience I found out that I couldn't concentrate enough time to studying for the dat, while still taking a summer school class. Part of this was because I was taking a 4 week physiology course at northwestern's medical school and it was extremely difficult. I ended up dropping the course because ultimately the DAT is far more important than one 3 credit course. The DAT is almost like half of your application when the school initially looks at your app. Its completely a personal thing, but you need to place full concentration on studying for your DAT. give yourself at least one full month to study hard for the test. Good luck. if you have any other questions send me a pm.

This person knows whats up....dont listen to others that say you can take classes and study for the just isnt true, even if its one 3 credit course. I ended up dropping one of the 3 classes I was in to focus on the DAT and needed the time to bring my initial scores up. Focus only on the DAT and nothing else
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Hey, thanks a lot for the advice laced wtih experience. So if I drop these 2 summer courses now, this will for a fact leave me without a degree not only this cycle, but next as well, so that was why I was worried. It is also getting to be a bit of a marathon beings I'm going to have to come back for an 11th semester if I drop these classes. Sometimes I wish I just majored in biology :) .
Maybe now you guys canhelp me out with some logistics. Here is my plan so far. I already said I was going to study May through August and take the test in August. I am goign to have my applicatoin finished soemtime in May. I was thinking that studying for the DAT all day long would maybe not be possible. So here was the plan: I'd study 8-12 am, work 1-5 pm, and study again 6-10 pm on weekdays. I figured then I would put in another 4 hours on Saturday. Do you guys think that work is ok as long as I'm not taking summer school? I'm really needing to do well on the DAT b/c my gpa, while stlil somewhat good, has had a downward trend. I went 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 3.8, 3.4, 2.8. My overall comes out to be somewhere around 3.6-3.7 and the science is roughly 3.5.
Thanks again!
I took Orgo I and Orgo II, both with labs during June and July, and took the DAT in August. I got A's in all lectures and labs and managed to pull off a 21 AA on the DAT. On the other hand, I am just waitlisted for 2 schools and haven't received an acceptance this year...oh wells
Hey there,
I'm taking 12 credits this summer, ...inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, and physics, along with the physics lab...and also preparing for the DAT. I don't have a job or anything to worry about, so its not going to be all that tough. Plus, I'm not sure if you're like me but if I don't have alot to do I procrastinate. It may very well be good that you are doing other things, it may keep you motivated. However the stress isn't what you think YOU can handle and don't let people persuade you otherwise. ;)
This thread caught my eye since I am kind of wondering the same question as I am in a similar situation. :confused:

I am planning to take organic chemistry over the summer as well as study for the DAT. Then, I'll probably take the DAT at the end of August or so, maybe the beginning of September. Is this too late?? :eek: By the way, I have completed all other prereqs, including a bachelor's degree.

I don't know if I want to put off applying to d-school for another year. But, in the meantime, I'd be doing a post-bac or biomed masters. :thumbup: :thumbup:
You know I have busted my A#@$^@ working my way through school just so I wouldn't get into debt. I have managed to get by through school, but there have been times where working has seriously jepardized my academic career. Then one day it hit me that when I get into dental school I'm going to drop into a black hole of debt that I cannot even begin to comprehend ($150,000+). It made me realize that a few well utilized student loans in my undergrad might not be a bad idea when you consider that if my academics suffer too much I may never get into dental school.

When I was preparing for the DAT I took out a $3,000 student loan and took 6 weeks off of my job so I wouldn't have to work for a while. I was amazed at how much easier it was to study when I had an extra 20-30 hours free in my week. I never realized how work was really affecting my ability to concentrate, until I studied without it.

The end result was good for me. The student loan isn't hurting me at all. I wont ever have to make payments until I"m out of dental school (undergrad loans are deferred).

Your GPA and your DAT score are the two largest determining factors for acceptance. And if you do poorly on the DAT you just might not get in. Make whatever decision you feel that you have to, but just remember that this test could determine if you continue toward your dream carreer or if you are forced to look at other options (perhaps med school :eek: )

This post is sounding much more negative than I intended, but the DAT has serious implications to your future. It isn't one of those tests that is impossible to do well on, you just have to put in the right preparation. However if you shortchange your preparation by being distracted by work, and summer school, you may may regret it later.

Long story short:
take the summer class if you HAVE to (ie: it saves you a whole year in school)
quit the job for a few weeks (get a loan if you need the $$$)
take the DAT seriously!

good luck! :thumbup:
I am taking english classes to knock out some pre req's. I wil be able to finish a year earlier. I agree that you should make sure you do well on the DAT. But only you know whether or not you can handle it all. I do have one question though. I am getting Electives out of the way and will be taking like 4 science classes in the fall and 3 next spring. It only recently came up that I could graduate a year early. Do you guys think that if I apply now that schools will frown on the fact that I will have so many classes which need to be completed? Especially since they are science classes?
So, I am currently signed up to take a 3 credit writing class in May and a 3 credit psychology class in June. I am also going to be working 20 hours per week about 1.5 hours from the school I will be attending. I am conscerned that I won't have enough time to get ready for the DAT this summer.

The summer I studied for my DAT, I took summer classes (8 units -- 5 in Accounting, 3 in Nutrition), worked part-time (25-30 hrs), and still went out to enjoy my summer. It took a lot of time management, but I'll admit that these were easy classes. I did however take Kaplan courses, which motivated me to start studying. It was somewhat stressful, but I tend to study more efficiently when I have other things that I need to do. I guess it depends on yourself. Also, 2 weeks before my test, my classes were completed and I took those last couple weeks off from work to study -- which greatly helped. My scores were OK -- considering I didn't have too much time for studying-- they mainly were 19-21 range.

I am getting Electives out of the way and will be taking like 4 science classes in the fall and 3 next spring. It only recently came up that I could graduate a year early. Do you guys think that if I apply now that schools will frown on the fact that I will have so many classes which need to be completed? Especially since they are science classes?

A similar thing happened to me. I was scared too, since a lot of my courses were in progress. But I'm not sure if what kind of classes you still have to take. For example, I already had grades for my orgo, bio, physics, etc. My "In progress classes" were upper division for my bio major that would look good to schools, but were NOT prereqs for D-school. I did apply -- only to one school though (UOP). I was waitlisted for that year (2004), but I'll never know if it was because of my lack of grades or because I applied late (my application was completed in Nov.) -- I eliminated other reasons since my GPA and DAT were competitive for that school. However, everything worked out since I simply had to reapply for the next year (2005) and I was pretty much guaranteed a spot for the next year's class -- I didn't even need another interview. This was great for me, but I can't be certain other D-schools do this too. I was dissappointed at first, but I figured the year off would be a way to reward myself for graduating early. If you can afford to apply, I would do so. You really never know what may happen. :) is highly recommended that u dont take summer school while doing ur dat's but...if thats the only way for u to apply with a degree...i would say definately take the classes in applicant without a degree needs couple more points on the dat and a higher places u under a whole different category in the adcoms me...manage to get the degree
I would not do it. Each thing is sooo important that time must be devoted to each separatly. I say do your summer semester, and study for DAT later, and take it when you're ready. If you take full load in the summer AND study for DAT you'll be burned out and not get the best results from either. My 2c
All the other classes ar upper division. I will have the pre reqs all set by the end of this spring. My 2 summer classes are english classes and those are 5 week courses and will be completed at the end of june so it gives me a good 2 months to study for the DAT. I will probably apply to 3 or 4 schools only just to see if I have a shot with so many classes needing completion. I don't want to spend a lot of money going to interviews and finding out that I am getting waitlisted because they want to see what grades i recieve and that is why I cut the list so short. Think there is a chance? I am going to be taking Comparitive vertabrate anatomy, molecular biology, developmental biology, Biochemistry, and a few others.
I think you should think about what is important now and taking anything other than a course that will help you on the DAT would be a mistake. Especially if you are going to work 20 hrs a week, I would focus on studying for the DAT then take it early if you feel prepared and maybe you will have time to take a summer school class near the end of summer. One bit of advise for studying is to go somewhere w/out distractions that way you will multiply the time you spent studying. If you can organize your work schedule to set hours and have set hours to study and I guaruntee better results.
amartins02 said:
I am taking english classes to knock out some pre req's. I wil be able to finish a year earlier. I agree that you should make sure you do well on the DAT. But only you know whether or not you can handle it all. I do have one question though. I am getting Electives out of the way and will be taking like 4 science classes in the fall and 3 next spring. It only recently came up that I could graduate a year early. Do you guys think that if I apply now that schools will frown on the fact that I will have so many classes which need to be completed? Especially since they are science classes?

Schools dont care when you finish a REQUIRED course as long as it is completed by day one of dental school. I am in biochemistry right now and will complete it in 2 weeks. Without this class I cant go to the school I plan on attending...but again as long as its completed by July its all good. There are a lot of people who are graduating from their UG school and are finishing up some of the upper division pre-reqs (that some schools require) like Anatomy, Physiology, Biochem, etc in their final semester. I know some people who had to finish some pre-reqs like physics (seeing that it wasnt on the DAT they put it off until the end) in their final year of classes, so it doesnt make a difference as long as you complete the classes before July/August before dental school starts. I wouldnt limit your applications based on just coursework, schools can and will see the other classes you have taken and will see your DAT score. Most of the classes you mentioned are recommended but not necessary, hence they are important but not vital. In any case a lot of schools dont send out all of their acceptances on 12/1...usually mid-March to April is when they make final decisions. That gives you one semesters worth of classes to send to the schools (after fall semester). I was/am in the upper division classes (last semester and this semester) and it didnt matter because they only cared about the gen eds, the pre-reqs and the DAT (not to mention LORs). I worried they wouldnt be able to see the grades, but truth is that its not going to hinder whether or not you get accepted especially if after you finish the classes in spring you earn a BS (or already have a BS). The BS is a lot more important than classes in progress.

Personally, I am in an MS program (not going to finish it by time dental school starts) and truthfully I am not sure how many schools looked at my 1st semester grades very seriously.