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Not to be a tool, but isn't this sub-forum redundant with the path forum? ;)

Unless there's anything else someone would like to add...

In answer to your post xanthines, the purpose of this forum was to leave the current forum as more for those who are applying to these MD-PhD Programs and wanting to know more about the initial steps. This new sub-forum was created in response to a large need by the current MD-PhD students to have a resource available in moving on to the next steps in their careers which was to identify and comment on residency programs who were more amenable to md-phds and their needs / wants in a residency program.
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Agreed freddy.

I'm an MSTP student currently applying to Pathology programs now. As I go interview at some of these places, I should have more to say from the pathology front...and after I match, I'll especially be able to say what I want and will be happy to share what I know.
AndyMilonakis said:
Agreed freddy.

I'm an MSTP student currently applying to Pathology programs now. As I go interview at some of these places, I should have more to say from the pathology front...and after I match, I'll especially be able to say what I want and will be happy to share what I know.

Hey AndyMilonakis:

What are the top tier Pathology residency programs? Where can I find the rankings?

huseyin said:
Hey AndyMilonakis:

What are the top tier Pathology residency programs? Where can I find the rankings?

Hi huseyin,

The rankings, as far as I know, don't exist. This has been a topic of discussion a few times in the Pathology forum. Different people have different feelings as to what the top tier programs are. Part of this stems from the fact that different people applied to and interviewed at different places in the past. Judging from the posts in the pathology forum, it seems that most are very happy with where they ended up. Hence, all of this is subjective.

It also depends on whether you're more interested in developing in to a researcher and academic pathologist versus a pathology in the community private practice. I personally favor the former over the latter so my perception of top tier schools may be different from other folks. Given that, if I were to venture a guess and conjure up a list (albeit an incomplete one) of top tier schools, the list would consist of Brigham and Women's hospital, Hopkins, WashU, Stanford, UCSF, MGH, Michigan, Chicago, UPenn, etc.

Go figure, these were all places where I applied to...see, this is all subjective. :)
AndyMilonakis said:
Given that, if I were to venture a guess and conjure up a list (albeit an incomplete one) of top tier schools, the list would consist of Brigham and Women's hospital, Hopkins, WashU, Stanford, UCSF, MGH, Michigan, Chicago, UPenn, etc.

Heh, this list of schools is also known as the usual suspects.

I find it funny sometimes when people ask for the top schools in X. It seems that more often than not you can simply cut and paste Andy's list. These schools pretty much run the table in excellence across nearly all specialities.
Gfunk6 said:
Heh, this list of schools is also known as the usual suspects.

I find it funny sometimes when people ask for the top schools in X. It seems that more often than not you can simply cut and paste Andy's list. These schools pretty much run the table in excellence across nearly all specialities.

Hehe...touche Gfunk6. It seems that especially when you're talking about programs that train academic physicians, this "usual suspects" list seems to apply almost universally. Don't know if this is the same for programs that consistently pump out physicians who practice out in the community.
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Logos' said:
Yes I see a need for this forum. I posted the following over in the path forum and did not get much feedback (except for Andy).

I echo your sentiment Logos'. It's funny that the thread you mention ended up just being a conversation between me and you :).

The issue regarding the path forum is that the majority of the veterans (PGY-1's and up) who post in that forum are either not sure where they stand regarding academics vs. community practice or mainly plan to do mainly clinical and community stuff. I certainly respect that and because of this, I suspected there wouldn't be too many responses on that particular thread.

On the other hand, people like Logos', myself, and many of you fellow mudphuds are more interested in a research career. Perhaps, we would be more interested in a short-track kind of residency coupled with a postdoc/research fellowship option. Plainly put, some of us don't wanna devote much focus on the clinical side and some clinicians will balk at us and as us, "Then why are you doing a residency." But that's another issue and has been covered in other threads.

Given that, I will reiterate that I also strongly feel that this forum is needed; not that it would supercede the path forum or other clinically oriented forums in any way but instead serve to complement them (especially important for us mudphud types).

Also, I do have the gut feelings that there is a general conception of what the rough rankings may be. The reasons why they don't become so readily posted on the path forum may be because pathology is multi-dimensional and different criteria can be used to come up with different lists. On that note, path top-tier lists, on general criteria alone, can't be simplified to a "Top 5", "Top 10", or "Top 20." Also, people may shy away from being too opinionated because we certainly don't want to offend anyone who don't go to the so-called top tier institutions.

However, if one is looking at academics/research and the fostering of future physician-SCIENTISTS as the major criterion, I am almost certain that there is a "Top 25". Hell, I'd be willing to venture that there is a clear Top 10 and a clear #1 and #2! And this IS an important issue because I believe that track record is of some importance especially if you're going into academics.

Logos' said:
In the end many of us over in path will probably post our rank list and maybe there will be some consensus among the mudphuds in our group, but I doubt it.

Yeah, people will have to wait until March though :). When all is said and done, I will not hesitate to post my rank list. As for now, this is hard since I have interviews scheduled but haven't gone to any yet. I do have a clear impression of what my top 5 list; however, there will surely be some shuffling around within that list as the interview season progresses.